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Open When the Worlds Need Us

There were two crashes, some unintentional swearing, and general unhappiness.

"Never. Doing. That. Again," X stated, gritting his teeth and sitting up, rubbing his head.

"Agreed," muttered Zero as he pull twigs out of his hair.
Moonwing was sucked through something -- she couldn't tell what because her eyes were closed -- but after the sensation was over, it felt a lot different. She opened her eyes and noticed that they were on a fort-type thing. A wave of nostalgia struck her as it reminded her of Palaish Isle back at home... but there was no time to be reminiscing now. The others were discussing finding the cogs, and splitting up. The dragon was about to volunteer to go underwater when two others immediately did so. With a swish of her tail, the diamagon ace thought, well, that's taken.

She raised her hand to say something, and then explained, "I'm extremely agile and good at sneaking, so if there's somewhere that has a lot of obstacles, I could look through there." Her wings flapped for a moment and then folded; she hadn't gotten a chance to fly recently, and she was getting a little energetic from it. But now wasn't the time to give away everyone's position; she would do it later when they had free time. If they had free time, she reminded herself.
"I could go through a base to look, that sounds fine. Or another place. Just not underwater." Clara said, looking at her tail flame for a quick second and then looking around, seeing as most had decided where to go.

Shame that the trainer is going underwater. It would be nice to talk and arrange a battle with him. His pokemon might be nice too. Perhaps I could approach him some other time.
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Lucidia somehow was teleported. It was an odd sensation, really - like being taken apart but still feeling all your limbs. Or maybe she was just being sensitive. Either way, her monsters and she reappeared aboveground and fell the next couple of feet to hard... either dirt or sand. Lightning and Blackstar didn't have a problem sinking slowly, though.

Dorchet rose back to his chicken feet and ruffled his feathers, shaking dust into the air. Lucidia was able to stand up easily, although she hadn't expected the short fall. Now for where to go ...

"I could go over some rough terrain, I guess ... or through a place with... uh, standard stuff?" she pondered, confused at whether she was able to cross a very wide range of unusual terrain.

She looked to her left and once again spotted the incarnus. She decided to ignore it for now, since apparently she wasn't being hostile, but eventually the scout might have to team up with her.

"Oh, and since I forgot to introduce myself," she said to nobody in particular, "I'm Lucidia. That big rooster over there is Dorchet the fowl fighter -" she motioned with one hand towards the red-and-white chicken -"The bright yellow ghost-thing is Lightning the hellspawn -" she also gestured at Lightning -"and last but not least, Blackstar the solaris." Again, she moved her hand towards the deep blue star-monster. "They do all the fighting for me ... and they prefer to do so without weapons, which can get confusing sometimes."

As if to show off, Blackstar's satellite breathed out a small puff of fire before continuing its orbit. The flame quickly dissipated as if to explode and vanished in a puff of smoke.
Gohan didn't get an answer from the girl before he was struck by a lightning bolt that sent him screaming through space. He ended up a few feet above the ground, but teleported to where the others were before his feet hit. "I can fly around, or, if preferred, teleport around." He suggested.
"Okay. Here we go." Zero plucked two balls off his belt, one was blue with black markings (Net Ball), and the other was a lighter blue with white splotches (Dive Ball). He threw them to the ground and out of the first ball came a strange, fuzzy creature with a duck bill that looked like it was wearing a sombrero (Ludicolo). Out of the other ball came a smooth, rounded, aquatic creature that looked like an overgrown tadpole with fat arms and legs; it's unique purple coloring gleaned as if metallic (Shiny Quagsire).

"Ludicolo. Quagsire. It's time for a swim. We're going to go on a search underwater; if you see a cog or some other out-of-place machine part down there, point it out. Okay?" Both Pokemon nodded in understanding. "Alright then." Zero reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what looked like the mouthpiece of a scuba system, but with a small tank sticking out of the right side. This little device worked like gills on a fish, it takes water in through the tank, then extracts the oxygen, allowing the user to breathe.
Zero strapped this to his head and placed it in front of his mouth. Finally, he took off his jacket and the shirt underneath and laid them on ground.

Ready, he went to the edge of the bridge and dove into the water, Ludicolo and Quagsire following. They swam to the bottom, and started scouring the area for anything interesting.
Bonecrusher, without another word, shifted to his vehicle form and drove toward the outside of one of the bases. Ravage, deciding that the time for talks was over, began to run in the opposite direction, not even bothering to look at any of the area surrounding one of the forts.

It was because of this that Ravage did not notice the tiny black spider hanging from the top of the entrance to the very fort that Ravage ran into. Once the mechanical cat had entered the fort, the spider entered a tiny crevice, where it would be hidden from view from anyone else.

In any case, once Ravage entered the fort, he noted that most of it had tinges of blue on the walls and floors. Ravage decided that this would be a decent enough place to begin exploring, and began his search.
Cecill heard three more splashes, presumably the trainer, and then he turned and headed up. Upon surfacing, he reached onto the shore and grabbed his armor boots. He let the boots sink, then dived down and stuck his feet into them. Now it wouldn't be so hard staying close to the bottom with the boots weighing him down. He began walking again, searching for more cogs
KOS-MOS's eyes crept along the floor of the pool of water as she walked underneath the surface. However, none of the rusty pieces of detritus down there appeared to be anything like the cogs they were looking for. 4 other shapes were swimming through the water, others searching for the cogs. KOS-MOS decided that there was enough coverage of the water and jumped up into one of the tunnels, walking down it until she reached a room lined with red computers.

"The engineers?", Caeda repeated at Sniper, "What do they look like?"
((Sorry for my absence. I'll take my group now.))

"Hudda!" Pyro exclaimed and he slauted Sniper and walked out of the BLU Base and began walking to his own base. "REnet oow cemun?" ((Aren't you coming?)) He began to walk across the bridge... and for once wasn't being shot at... and was about to go in the door when the RED Heavy came out.

"TINY PYRO!!! YOU IS BACK!!! You have many friend with you?" he asked picking up Pyro and putting him-inadverently- in a bear hug.

"HUD!!" Pyro exclaimed. "DA HUD A DA HUDHUD DA!"

"What you say tiny pyro? I hurt you? You need see Medic? MEEEDIC!!"

((Anyone who knows TF2 who wants to NPC Play RED Medic is welcome. I am NPC Playing RED Heavy))
"I'll go search any tiny areas throughout this world," without another world Srctus dropped into the shadows and glided off into the blue base.

He managed to search through many of the gaps in the place before he came across a strange object, it was blue tinged and ran off when he came close. 'What the... Eh, probably just one of the strange creatures in this world," He continued his search.
Gohan started randomly teleporting throughout the area. He teleported through all levels of the BLU base, unsuccessful.
((I will take up that task))

"WHAT?! What limb needs ze chopping?!", a reply was shouted out from the bowels of the RED base.
A tall, bespectacled man wearing a lab coat and sporting big rubber gloves and a bloody bonesaw the size of his arm emerged.
"I vas in ze middle of- Vait...", the medic said upon noticing his surroundings, "Vhy is it so... quiet? Did ve vin? I didn't think ve vere supposed to vin!"
He then noticed Caeda just standing there, and jumped out of the way of a large truck driving into the RED base.
"Vhat vas zat?!", he screamed, "And who is this fraulein?"

"Umm...", Caeda stammered a bit, mostly in fear of the saw-wielding man, "I'm... Caeda. Of Talys. We're... looking for something in that building you came from..."

"Who let zese people in here?!", Medic questioned of his teammates.
Clara watched as everyone left to search, thoroughly confused at where to go.

"Anyone? Who's group is open? I don't really know where to go..." Clara trailed off, watching confusedly and wondering if anyone had an idea of what was happening.
Probably. You're just zoned out all the time.

"Oh, be quiet, voice." The charmeleon muttered.
Cecill, had he been able to, would have grunted in annoyance as yet another "Cog" turned out to be rust. He turned as he heard a splash. He saw a silhouette disappear into a tunnel just above the surface and sighed. That left just him and the trainer and his dancing sombrero duck...thing. Aw for the love of god, where are them stupid cogs?? He took three more steps, then crouched down to examine a small hole in the ground. He looked up. The bridge was directly above him. Good He swam up to the surface and crawled out, quickly throwing on his armor gloves. He put the Aqualung into his snout and dived back in, back to the hole. Then, he began to dig.
The diamagon ace realized no one was telling her what to do -- exactly what she was used to. She looked around, noticing that the majority of them were heading off either somewhere random or the RED base or whatever it was. So she would head off to the "BLU" whatever, and see if she could find anything there. First, she could skirt the outside, probably.

Moonwing looked over to the monster scout. "I'm going to investigate that blue place," she told Lucidia, and then hopped off the fort wall, spreading her wings to glide down. She did flap them a couple of times just to exercise them, but not enough for her to get lift. She was quickly on the ground, and the cerulean-colored dragon made her way towards the other wall on two powerful legs. She was surprisingly fast, even for a dragon as nimble as she. She was shortly to the other wall, hiding where no one could see her. For a moment, she stopped there, thinking of what she should do.
Lucidia turned around as other people began leaving, and then focused in an actual direction when the incarnus told her that she was going to look somewhere else. Lucidia nodded, thinking that a wave would be too informal, and watched the majestic dragon glide down to the ground. The scout kind of wished she could do that, too, but she didn't have a gargoyle or a hades condor that was big enough to carry her places. She would prefer the former, though, since the condor looked rather goofy sometimes.

With that last thought she rotated towards the somewhat small voice that belonged to a fire lizard that reminded Lucidia somewhat of a frogface.

"I don't know where I'm going either, but you can come with me if you want," she offered. "I think I'll just explore around the outside of the fort so I don't make those weird scouts mad."
Clara nodded at Lucidia. "Okay. That sounds fine."

Thank you.

"Let's go." Clara headed off, slowly in case Lucidia wanted to do something else. I wonder if I'll really find anything?
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Zero and his Pokemon searched but no avail. "Dammit. When you're searching for a rusty cog in a place like this, it's really frustrating." He heard a splash and saw that the alien guy had jumped back into the water, this time in full armor; he began to dig away at the floor.

"Digging? Never thought of that. Quagsire, do you're thing" Quagsire complied, and he went down to the floor and started rapidly swiping at the ground, digging a hole.
"Medic, Tiny Pyro bring tiny friends to look in base." the large Soviet explained to the Medic.

"Hud!" Pyro said nodding his head, and the rubber glove bounced with it, "Hudda Hudda Hudda Hudda Hudda Mphahudda." he explained to the German.

((All of Pyro's teamates understand Pyrolese, language of Pyros.))
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