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When you eat an apple, do you leave the core?

When you eat an apple, do you leave the core?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 25.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Ticky (technically clicky but)

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
I usually give it to my boyfriend if he's around, otherwise I'll chuck it.

He eats anything he's like a fucking horse I swear.
Eww, apples. D: *flees thread*

(though if I did eat apples, I would leave the core. I mean, I'll take any excuse I can get to eat as little of it as possible.)
I usually waste part of the apple because I'm paranoid about not eating the core. I leave approx. an inch thick layer of apple around the core. I just don't like cores I suppose.
I don't technically eat the core, but usually there's nothing but that tough bit left, and it's usually collapsing. Sometimes I eat some of this as well anyway, mostly by accident.
I don't like the way the core feels. The bits that are around the seeds, I mean. When there's pieces of that in an apple pie I always spit them out.
Eh. Since the pips kind of taste like washing-up liquid, not usually. But if it's the last apple or something I usually will, since I'm addicted to apples and will try and eat as much of them as possible in the most efficient way I can. XD
I usually get sick of eating my apple long before I have to make this decision.
Um... I thought you weren't supposed to eat it? I usually don't even get to the core because apples start to taste boring after a while - especially once you get near the core because then it gets all mushy and crunchy at the same time. o_O I've never eaten a core, or known anyone who has... xD
Apple seeds actually have a cyanide compound in them. [link] But it's not a large enough amount to be dangerous if you eat a couple of seeds. And I feel like I'm just restating the article, so you can read the rest of it if you're interested.

Well, I spit the seeds out and eat the core, so it's fine, I suppose.

I sometimes eat the core. It's crunchy and good in some apples, but it tastes nasty in some others. It really depends on whether I felt like eating it though.
I never eat the core. Apple seeds are toxic and contain a substance called Amygdalin that can turn into hydrogen cyanide in the stomach. This won't pose a huge problem if you swallow them whole, but eating enough of the crushed or chewed seeds can make you seriously ill or even kill you. The seeds of many members in the same family are toxic too, such as cherries, peaches, plums, pears, etc.
I never eat the core. Apple seeds are toxic and contain a substance called Amygdalin that can turn into hydrogen cyanide in the stomach. This won't pose a huge problem if you swallow them whole, but eating enough of the crushed or chewed seeds can make you seriously ill or even kill you. The seeds of many members in the same family are toxic too, such as cherries, peaches, plums, pears, etc.
Yeah but that's like if you eat a kilo of apple seeds. In a row.
I remember I used to chew the seeds, because the taste inside was...well, I liked them back then. I haven't swallowed them, though....except once or twice but hey I'm still here >:(
ontopic Yes, but I spit out the stem part and don't mind the tough part much at all.
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