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Where did you get your Username from?

On the old vBulletin forum, there was this thing where people changed their own names.

One of the names Furret had was ... . I thought that was neat and stole it for myself.

My old name, LynxRunner, come out of thinking of a random animal and a random activity. GoldYoshi came from my email (I had no idea what to make my email).
I like food utensils, and the sound of their names o.o; Somehow, I thought I'd be a good username, and it stuck.
Involuntary Twitch came on a whim one day at MHR. There was a namechange feature that everyone was spamming on, and I was sitting before it one day and I was just like, OHSNAP Involuntary Twitch would be like an awesome name because it has like 6 syllables which automatically commands respect. I then became IT at PMF, too, and shortly thereafter I joined here and it was my name.

My other name, Zephyr, was what I used at my first ever forum (MHF) when I was 10 or 11 or so, because I was the only person I knew that could actually spell it. This proved to be true when everyone started calling me "Zepher" and I was all like lolfail. At Pokecommunity (which was the first really really big forum I joined, although MHF was pretty large too), since the name Zephyr was already taken I just tacked my favorite Pokemon, Plusle, onto the end of it. It remains that to this day.

I've had a few other names fleetingly-- MirrorImage (in which I went undercover and RPed with my IRL friends on Nutrinopets and THEY NEVER KNEW HAHA), Praseodymium (my join-name for MHR and a couple other fleeting attempts which failed; it's just a reserve name) and Pookah (which is my name on the Amber forums. Not that it matters really, since the admins change each other's names all the time. =P)

k thats my lifestory
I was obsessed with Warriors (still am :x) back when I made the name Leafpool before the crash, and Leafpool was my favorite cat, so it just seemed like a logical conclusion. :P

There was also the fact that my favorite Pokémon at the time was Leafeon, so "mixing" the two would just leave... Leafpool. Hmm. It's become more about the cat than the Pokémon recently, though (the brown cat you see in my avatar is Leafpool from a Russian Warriors cover).

That and it also reflects how I've become less of a n00b and an idiot, since the two names I used at the time I was a n00b were ZigZag and Crystalline Pikachu, both of which aren't that respect-worthy, but I like to think Leafpool is. :/
Usually go by Phoenixsong, which I first came up with when re-registering at TPM back in 2003. Dragons are my favorite mythical creatures and I was going to go with "Dragonsong", but I figured that it didn't flow very nicely and so just went with "Phoenixsong" off the top of my head. And the rest, as they say, no one cares about.

Current name is from the ToS character. I want to change it back or to something else, but I've gotten used to it :/ I'm so old and set in my ways, blah. *waves cane*
Oh this is an easy one.

Zora (first name, also the name of a certain race in the LoZ games that happens to be my favorite one for various reasons)
+ of
+ Termina (World in Zelda that was awesome from what I played of MM)

I also go by AntipathicZora (that's what I register as at most places now, actually), which came about because one of my vocabulary words was "Antipathy", which means dislike for something or somebody, and I thought it was a cool word and used it. So yeah.
Dragonclaw - Pokemon attack that was first thing I thought of when joining something else. I then used it here and somewhere else.
In third grade, I did a research report and made a sculpture of a great egret, a bird that lives in wetlands near the coast. Then, I noticed that great egret used the letters g, r, e, and t twice and I could type it with one hand.
My username was the name of my old Pokesona. But I have a different one now, and I'm thinking of changing my username at one point...

My favorite ones that I've used here, though, were Tangled Feet (Kept it for a while) and Umbreon25, my first.
Furret = self-explanatory
Furretsu = Furret + desu, combined because Verne was lazy
Retsu = shortened Furretsu because Verne was even more lazy
Its a discreet thing that you need to work out for yourself, and no, it is not rude
I was doodling Linoones one day, then I realized that they are awesome. So I thought, "why not name myself Linoone?"

And I did. But I thought that it was kinda boring to just be Linoone, so I tacked a "Crazy" in front of it.

Linoones are awesome.
Quagsires are cool, and for some reason I thought they would be even cooler if they were coloured gold.

and no caps or spaces because they suck.
On the old forums, I was completely unoriginal and just selected my three favorite Pokemon at the time. When the forums crashed and when I signed-up again, I just thought that everyone would remember me better if I used my old username. However, I now think that I should get it changed to UmberLioness or NightDaemon or DemonFlower.

UmberLioness= My favorite Pokemon now, Umbreon, and my favorite animal, a lion, combined. It's also my Neopets username.

NightDaemon= It turns out my name is a form of Lilith, which in Arabic means 'of the night' or 'night demon'.

DemonFlower= My name is also a form of Lilian, which in Latin means 'lily flower'. I just combined the Arabic and Latin meanings of my name.
ライチュウ;184729 said:
ライチュウ is the Japanese for Raichu. Not many people know it without having to look it up and I like being unique so... yeah.
I hate to break it to you, but Japanese names are not unique.
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