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Your Oldest Pokemon

The oldest Pokemon I currently own is a Linoone. It was originally a Zigzagoon on my friend's Ruby file from a long time ago, and it mysteriously appeared in the PC on my Emerald towards the beginning of the game (I think some forgotten trading was involved). It is currently level 70 and still in my Emerald.
If I had to guess, my Pikachu from Yellow would be my oldest, or my second guess would be my Meganium from Crystal, which still works. (If my Sapphire hadn't broken from what I think was water damage, it would have been my Sceptile. D:) My first Pokémon was a Pikachu by the name of SPARKEY (I was five when I named it), but since I used to restart my games a lot, I'm not exactly sure what my oldest Pokémon is.
my pikachu from yellow <3

i kept almost posting but i was ashamed to admit my oldest pokemon was my torterra from pearl :x thank god for spoon's post
Sadly, I don't have many old pokemon left... most of my older games have been sold or traded in times of desperation. In my Sapphire Version, though, I had an awesome Blaziken that was my companion for years... but then i traded my Sapphire Version to my cousin. Nice goin', moron. At this point, my oldest pokemon is probably my Nidoking in Yellow Version.
... A very, very old Rapidash from '04, FireRed. She somehow survived throught that, Emerald, and now SoulSilver. She's never lost me a battle, and she was on the same save as my Chrizard who had 8 kids. :D
Six years in terms of MY pokemon is like a dinosaur. She's also my longest-lived, considering I caught her right before my undefeated Gengar who just recently was reset into oblivion. ;_; RIP Gengar the great...
My first pokemon was a Typhlosion, who I raised to Lv. 91 with no rare candies over about 2 years. :P I restarted the game because I couldn't get to Pewter City.
And my newest pokemon is Azrael the shiny Absol, caught tonight, who I'd been hunting for for 7 years to the day! (this was the day I actually realized the existance of shinies and that Absol was epic as a shiny.)
Ramble ramble ramble...
Blaziken, Lvl 100, nicknamed Torchie..5 (I was young and thought you had to use a letter from each section, ABC, abc and 123...fail)

It's the only Pokémon I naturally raised to 100 without a single rare candy, ever. And I have seven of them. The origional one is still in Emerald, duh, but the clones are on D, Plat and HG, one on each game is a battler and the other is a HM Slave (Such a waste of potentual...) but yea, second oldest is Lombre, third is Swablu and fourth is Groudon, then 5th is Rayquaza

Go me
Elki the Swamplurk or whatever it was called.
Had him since Sapphire came out, he's been through so much, from Sapphire to Emerald, from Emerald to Diamond, from Diamond to Platnium.
Now he's going to be in Soulsilver when I get it.
Lv.100 Blaziken. My second level 100 ever (excluding ones with rare candies in RBY). It was my first Pokemon in my Sapphire game, which I still have the file for though he's now in Diamond. His name was BLAZIKEN, for a long time, then like 3 yrs ago idk I changed it to Hephaestus. Had him since '03, and I've never cloned him so if I lose my Diamond game he's gone. I love him <3
My "oldest" Pokémon have been in a steady procession of game-file maulings, bot intentional and on accident. Right now, perhaps the oldest Pokémon I know of is a... wait for it... Swampert. He's in my Platinum, which is right now sitting across the city on an almost-stranger's bedside table. >C I miss my Juan!
All the pokemon on my firered version that my friend gave me, which i'm going to play right now (or as soon as i steal it from my dad, anyways... he tends to not let me play after 9:00...)
My Jirachi key chain (At least the first one I ever discovered)... In video games, probably my Mew. No, really. No hacks. When I first got LG and my first game system, it was the mew event at Toys R Us in September 06'... Yep, I traded my starter almost as soon as I got it XD My second would be Starfire, my Jirachi who still resides in my pearl :) My friend gave me one for my birthday, because it's my favorite Pokemon and the first one I ever knew about. (Yes, even before Pikachu)
Probably my starter on Ruby that Vixie gave me >: or my Pikachu from Yellow lol. I lost all of my games I had at the time all at once when I misplaced my bag of games a few years ago- all the GBA ones, all the GBC ones. I think only Yellow was spared, because it was in that... that thingy you put on N64 controllers at the time instead of in the bag with the others. Not too sure where it is right now but probably in the same place.
My Charizard from one of my blue versions, I remember I was so happy cause I was like only nine and had a lvl 100 charizard. My second might be my Quilava (I didn't like the fully evolved form) named SPIKE.
Probably Jimmy the infernape, as my sisters now own ruby and sapphire and have started again.
My Venusaur, from leafgreen. It survived a chain of trades across many different games to its final home on platinum.
Well, if I didn't give away an old copy of Leafgreen for some stupid reason, an old Charizard, but, since I kept deleting and remaking games up until pearl, an old Infernape.
In my possession now!? I have restarted all my games so many times I am not sure such a pokemon exists anymore. My oldest pokemon period is my Pigeot Windy,, first pokemon I had ever caught in my yellow, my first game. He's passed on now a few years ago with my Silver game(traded him over) along with several other of my prized pokemon(Some of which also traded over from the same Yellow file).
My oldest pokemon ever would have to be a venasaur in my copy of Red. But the oldest one I currently possess would be a Riolu

Backstory on this:My friend traded me his event Riolu (the one from Ranger) at a school party. it is the only pokemon I still possess from my first DS pokemon game, Diamond, and is currently a level 90 Lucario.
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