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Your Personality?

You are most likely a type 1 or 6.

Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w6 or 6w5.

It is not clear from these test results which Enneagram type and wing you are.

... hahaha. I think five actually suits me the most though.
I usually get five or four on the enneagram! :o On that link I got 4w5 and 5w4 results. I guess it's quite accurate! but I feel like I get different results every time sooo I don't really pay much attention to it.
Well, according to this enneagram test thing, I'm a 6w5-The Loyalist, with a self-preservation instinct.
i edited that a bit

I took that test, and I am the same there, Mai, a 6w5 with the SP instinct.

Then, I looked at the Chakra Test and learned that 3/7 of my chakras are open, at 0%. The other 4 are under-active, varying between -25% and -50%.

Then, in my sig too, I have that personality profile. It turns out I am an INTJ- The Strategist.

These tests seem to have pinned me out, so, I'll hide away once again.
It says I'm a 3. My wings are balanced, and the next three types closest all tie at 6.3, and they are 9, 6, and 5.
According to the TCoD "What Pokemon are You?" quiz, I am a: Ice/Fire-Type Togetic, Spinda and Banette hybrid. According to people who kind of hate me, I have a unique yet irritating and annoying sense of humor. =P
According to the personality tests on this site, I am an electric togetic. I took the "What Pokemon are you?" quiz FOUR TIMES and got Togetic every time (I gave different answers every time.). So, uh, I'm an impulsive, nice, impulsive, and generally awesome person according to all the sources I have.
I also keep ending up with Togetic even though it's not entirely accurate haha.

as for type -
Grass-types are calm, rational, shy and down-to-earth. They're smart and creative, but modest and withdrawn, not liking to show off their abilities.

this is extremely true haha
I answer with different answers and end up getting different Pokemon! =P
Also, I kinda lost the "What Type are You?" quiz, I randomly found it in the featured section. Whilst looking for it, I found a "TAN KITTEH"! =P
Hey guys, I came across these yesterday

they're called scopes and they're pretty neat

It asks for your location and time of birth but I don't think you have to get terribly specific with it, just a town and general morning/noon/night thing.


The personality is framed inside a restless, busy curiosity.
You want to communicate with the world.

versatile, engaging, quick witted, clever, acutely perceptive, high spirited, well informed, likable, interesting, adaptable

flighty, cynical, disorganized, dissatisfied, changeable, inconsistent, fear of isolation
You are of the earth and firmly set on the physical plane, whether basking in the garden of earthly delights or out conquering the world. Here is both the sensualist and purposeful achiever. You live your life through the immediacy of the five senses. There is a love of all things beautiful so the desire for pleasure and acquisition is strong.
As much as green is the color of springtime and continual renewal, you are not comfortable with change. Rather, you have great reserves of strength in order to acquire or preserve what you value. An ingrained determination counteracts a lazy or passive streak. Diligent and persistent, you plod along usually in a traditional or conservative way until you reach your goal.
consistent, dependable, patient, sensitive, sensible, warm, loving, artistic, physically capable
overindulgent, jealous, possessive, stubborn, superficial, resentful, greedy, inflexible, entitled​
Gentle Heart

Emotionally vulnerable and quite tender, light blue softens and elevates the personality.
A repulsion to ugliness and hardship can lead to inactivity and indecisiveness. Yet a love of beauty and harmony can lift the spirits to the heights and sometimes the heart takes wing.
musical and artistic talent, diplomacy, charm, grace, sensitivity, affectionate, intelligence
paralysis, self indulgence, dependence, frivolity, changeable, indiscriminate, lack of substance​
It might actually save space to just share these by taking a screenshot of your result but I felt like trying to be fancy


People with the same

Rama V, King of Siam
Thai royalty
George Bruce
British physician


The personality is set amidst the backdrop of excelling.
You want to make an impact on the world and project yourself with intense energy and primal power.

adventurous, pioneering, competitive, confident, strong leadership qualities, straight forward, contagious enthusiasm, warm, generous

attention getting, need for recognition, quick tempered, impulsive, rash behavior, selfish, accident prone


Your approach to life is methodical and efficient. Being discriminating and reserved, you are one to quietly get the job done. An ingrain sense of duty or service is the usual motivation. There is an exacting, practical nature, one which focuses so intently on detail, often the bigger picture is missing. The personality is dignified and understated; a calm resolve is evident.
You are a bit of a perfectionist with a critical nature, liking everything to be just right. There is a tendency towards worry and yet, in contrast, there is also a sensual surrender and a natural, pleasant earthiness.
Sometimes a powerful sex drives comes into conflict with a naturally fastidious nature. Yet you are graced with integrity, common sense and an eye for detail.

diligence, modesty, discrimination, loyalty, industrious, helpful, integrity

nitpicking, narrow minded, critical, standoffish, overly concerned with social standing

Steadfast Heart

Emotionally steady and maternal, Green softens and secures the personality with consistency, stability and duration.
The self is anchored in a definitive value system. Often traditional, usually involving the love of beauty, earthbound pleasures and acquisition. Other times there is strong physical ability and coordination.

sensual, artistic, love of luxury, determined, physical ability, staying power

obstinate, too conventional, rigid, overcautious, stubborn, possessive,

Yay! More personality tests! =P
I strongly disagree with my colorscope apart from one thing. Also, I don't know how to make those hide tag thingys and copy the images over, so, I'll just type the thing I agree with.
Adventurous Heart (circle in the middle, orange)
An expansive, good natured element is at the center of the personality.

Restless, fun loving and warm, Orange enlivens the self and is very expressive.

+ independent, idealistic, optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful, lucky
- careless, restless, disappointed, impatient, discouraged
Sorry about the long post people! =P
*looks at the "people with the same coloroscope" thing*
Congratulations, Pathos! ^w^ I can see the artistic talent and intelligence thingies!

I don't know how to do this...





People with the same
Max Baer
American boxer

U. Thant
Burmese diplomat

The personality is surrounded by a sensitivity to beauty.

Sees the world as a place to balance and be in harmony with.

+charming, sociable, artistic, gentle, fair and diplomatic, gracious
–vacillation, indecision, need for perfection, self indulgent, unreasonable justification

Dark Blue implies the eternal, infinite beyond and so this is the personality of the brilliant thinker and unconventional personality. Truth seeker, innovator and humanitarian, the individual or ordinary little things can be overlooked. You belong to the future and the bigger picture.

There is a natural inquisitive nature, a progressive or radial stance and the tendency towards just causes. Unpredictable and erratic yet fiercely loyal and stubborn, you make a very good, if sometimes annoying, friend. Independent, eccentric, innovative and positive, you attract a variety of interesting people. You have the ability to be apart of any group or stand alone.

+visionary, idealistic, progressive, determined, intellectual, eloquent, leadership, humanitarian
–emotional detachment, unpredictable, stubborn, impatient, erratic, aloof

Determined Heart
Diligent and reserved, Brown will add a serious component to the personality.

Somewhat uncomfortable with feelings, there is, by contrast, a sensual nature. An aspiring and capable element is at the center of the personality.

+dependable, steady, determined, responsible
–rigid, overly conventional, dogmatic, worry, withdrawn, need for dominance and acquisition


People with the same
Lyndon B. Johnson
American President
Rene Louis Marie Bon
French ballet master


Pride and cheerfulness frame the personality.
You see the world as your own personal stage.

flamboyance, optimism, warmth, playfulness, generosity, enthusiasm

overbearing, superficial, pompous, self involved


Your approach to life is methodical and efficient. Being discriminating and reserved, you are one to quietly get the job done. An ingrain sense of duty or service is the usual motivation. There is an exacting, practical nature, one which focuses so intently on detail, often the bigger picture is missing. The personality is dignified and understated; a calm resolve is evident.
You are a bit of a perfectionist with a critical nature, liking everything to be just right. There is a tendency towards worry and yet, in contrast, there is also a sensual surrender and a natural, pleasant earthiness.
Sometimes a powerful sex drives comes into conflict with a naturally fastidious nature. Yet you are graced with integrity, common sense and an eye for detail.

diligence, modesty, discrimination, loyalty, industrious, helpful, integrity

nitpicking, narrow minded, critical, standoffish, overly concerned with social standing

Helpful Heart

Emotionally reserved and understated, Dark Green’s withdrawal and detachment is compensated with a giving nature.
The self is anchored in servitude and integrity.
Fastidious and diligent, there is a steady resourceful, dutiful element at the center of the personality.

organized, methodical, earthbound, clear headed

critical, fussy, too self contained, ambitious
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