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Misreadings and stuff

Misheard "Thanks, Uncle" as "Thanks, Applejack"
When signing up for something, I read "birth month"(not sure why they would need that, I guess for demographic) as "birth planet".

Made me wonder just what kind of site that was.
When signing up for something, I read "birth month"(not sure why they would need that, I guess for demographic) as "birth planet".

Made me wonder just what kind of site that was.
That could have been for demographic too.

Out of each 7 members, 6 are from Planet Earth, and 1 thinks they're really funny!
I mistyped "the King" (which must be capitalised in my NaNo) as "yjr Long" while I wasn't looking. What amazes me is that I managed to change King into a completely different legitimate word. A fail so fail it isn't even epic.
I mistyped "the King" (which must be capitalised in my NaNo) as "yjr Long" while I wasn't looking. What amazes me is that I managed to change King into a completely different legitimate word. A fail so fail it isn't even epic.

Yjr long?
Maybe that should be the king's name.
Heard someone say that "Michael Jackson is Dead" and thought they said something dirtier.
"Silent fear of what goes bump in the night" as "Silent fear of whales". AND THE PSYCHOLOGIST SAID MY READING AGE WAS 13.
"brb shower" as "brb boner". the sad thing is that i was the one who wrote that

"eat pancakes" (as in "all you can eat pancakes") as "fat pancakes"
In a ragecomic: "help derp(as in a placeholder name) with homework" as "herp derp with homework".

I was pretty confused at first.

Yeah I read the first sentence as the second sentence just now too.

Mistypings: For a while, whenever I would try and type something that included "poke" I would just continue to the logical conclusion and type "pokemon". As in "soft spokemon" instead of "soft spoken"

Also after spending a weekend memorizing the periodic table of elements, I was trying to type "California" and instead I typed "Californium"
Chihuahua (the Mexican city, not the kind of dog. On a map of America) as Cthulhu. Also, a piece of some Greek text as Ph'nglui.
Seems that my mind is referencing things from books I have never read, but that might not be that weird...
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