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What Games Are You Playing?

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy. Or more specifically, trying to build stats on a New Game + playthrough to actually be able to deal with the final boss. Far superior in every aspect to XIII-2 (except how cool the final boss is), but XIII-2 still weighs the FF series down massively.
I'm playing through Mass Effect 2 and really enjoying it. Ideally, I'd have liked to play the first one beforehand, but I can't buy a physical copy of it for the PS3 and downloading it takes up waaaayy too much memory. (seriously, what the hell, the amount of memory it needs is ridiculous)

The story and characterization are really great, and the species and world lore are well thought out. I would have liked to see a bit more aliens that aren't overly humanoid, but I can look past it thanks to the likeable characters and such. Mordin and Garrus are cool, and I'm aiming to start a relationship with Jack, because she's intriguing yet also kind of terrifying.
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Watching several dozen installments of a Dark Souls LP has inspired me to give it a third shot, and I think I'm actually sorta getting into it at last. Definitely something I can see myself playing for the long run, even though I do suck at it quite atrociously.

I'm also in the midst of a Dark monotype run of Pokémon X, made all the more difficult by the fact that I'm trying to nickname everything. I am not good at giving non-terrible nicknames.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy. Or more specifically, trying to build stats on a New Game + playthrough to actually be able to deal with the final boss. Far superior in every aspect to XIII-2 (except how cool the final boss is), but XIII-2 still weighs the FF series down massively.

Might be a bit late replying to this but whatever. I've never played XIII-2 but I really, really hated XIII. If XIII-2 weighs down the series then I kind of worry about the entirety of XIII's related games.

I've been playing The Sims 3, because I am a cool cat like that. (I actually just miss all of my university friends and had to make virtual copies :'( </3)
I've been playing Sid Meier's Civilization V a lot with friends! Maybe a little too much. I'm looking forward to the Pokémon TCG game coming out on 3DS Virtual Console!
Tomodachi Life for the past month. It's full potential isn't realized IMO but I've still had plenty of fun with the weird character combinations you can get out of it.
Tomodachi Life for the past month. It's full potential isn't realized IMO but I've still had plenty of fun with the weird character combinations you can get out of it.

Yeah, me too.

It's clearly aimed more at kids what with how easy the games are, but I do wish there was more you can do with it.

I'm still enjoying it though. So far characters in my game include:
Me, Captain Picard, Princess Daisy, Cynthia, the 11th Doctor, Dr. Zoidberg, Azusa from K-ON, Recette from Recettear, Arnold!Terminator, Emi from Katawa Shoujo, Mr. Bean, and Dara Ó Briain.

The first couple to marry were Captain Picard and Azusa. I entered in Azusa's "real" birthday of 1992 so it thinks she's 21, so it definitely isn't weird at all that she's with a ~60 year old. (It didn't let me enter his birthday as 2305 though :( )
Eternal Sonata! AKA "that one ps3 game with Chopin and a bunch of characters named after musical terms."

goodness gracious is it pretty though
Eternal Sonata is more like "that one ps3 game that nobody really played because everyone thought it was the exact same thing as the 360 version and didn't realize it had two new characters, a new dungeon and the ability to get two certain characters back"

i've been on DW8XL again lately, prepping myself for the Empires expansion whenever it comes out in the US, and my friend finally got Extreme VS Full Boost, so i'm playing that with him online quite a bit~
So, for a month now, I've been playing Fire Emblem : Awakening! I hadn't played any Fire Emblem game before, but I heard the reviews that this one had been getting and finally decided to get it and try it for myself. I ended up loving the game more than almost any other one that I'd ever played. I got so caught up in the characters, the music, and the story. It was an amazing first playthrough. Right now I'm starting a new file and upping the difficulty to hard, and I'm planning to optimize everything to get good children characters. Maybe I'll do a lunatic run in the future, but lunatic+ scares me a bit.

This run, I'm playing as the default male character (I customized first run) because I'm still super hyped about monday's ssb4 announcement. :D
after recently replaying Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love on PS2, i found myself going and playing of the other Sakura Wars games, currently playing the Dreamcast version of ST3
Been playing my second playthrough of Fire Emblem Awakening because my first one was Normal Casual, now I'm playing Hard Classic. Sure is a step up. Also I'm playing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of Starry Skies again because I loved that game back when me and my friend got it when it first came out :D
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