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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Yeah, I guess. And agreed on the Kingdra. ;_;
    Oh, yeah, I did. I saved before the fight. I lost quite afew times, so I kept on turning it off and training. It was pretty hard...

    Ah, I see. You should try using Dragon-Types more often; there actually quite fun to use, and most Dragon-Type Pokemon have awesome designs~ Same with Dark~

    Oh, God, I adore Scizor. He's number 2 in my Top 10 Fave Pokemon List. <3

    It sounds stupid, it looks stupid, it is stupid; consider yourself a lucky person for never trying it. It almost ruined the whle game of SoulSilver for me, since I love the Game Corner and was utterly dissapointed in Voltorb Flip.

    Hmm, thanks for the advice, so I know what to keep~ And I have atleast one of each TM - My friend who had used Action Replay would trade me a Pokemon (a non-ARed Pokemon, of course. I wouldn't let him give me ARed Pokemon) and it would hold a TM. We've traded quite afew times, so...

    I guess so. I mean, still - Just because the main character has a certain Pokemon doesn't mean that it has to be a mascot, right? I mean, if you've played the Sonic series and watched the cartoon, a main character, Cream has a pet Chao and that said Chao isn't really hyped over. But I'm sort of glad he didn't get a Squirtle - I really like Squirtle, and I would hate for it to be that Pokemon that is "overrated" and hated, you know?
    Since Slytherin are ahead of Gryffindor by 1 points, I'll make sure you won't win by taking away 10 points from Gryffindor. Now get on with making the Swelling Solution or I'll take 50.
    Me too! Whenever my mom makes it, I'll eat like half of it by myself if not more. Which is why it's probably good that she only does that on Thanksgiving. :P
    It's for a non-pokemon fic that I've been working on for a couple of years now. It's sort of an adventure novel where a group of kids and dragons fight against an army of animals which Steven has under his control. It's sort of scifi and fantasy as well.

    And yes, good point about Steve's motivation. I was thinking that he was sort of an unlucky person to begin with - in terms of athletics, relationships, and the like - and this led him to believe he was not good at anything. Something like that, anyway.

    So about Mourmedy's personality - what are her good, bad, and in the middle sort of traits?
    I know. I mean, I love Dragon-Types, but dang, Lance. I already had to deal with Clair...
    My No.1 favorite Type has to be Dragon, but I love Dark, Electric, Fire, Water, Steel, and Bug, aswell~

    I do, actually. I restart when I get one coin. But, if you end up flipping over a Voltorb you lose all your coins that you obtained in that round and you need to start over. IT. SUCKS.

    Hmm, I'm not sure what I should teach Unlucky...It already has Fly, Dark Pulse and Night Slash, (though I'm planning or re-doing her whole moveset) so I'm not sure, exactly~

    Agreed. And, agreed again. So many water-based Pokemon, items, and TMs/HMs. Dear lord, make a Water-Type Pokemon the mascot instead of Electric-Type if water's so popular...
    That sounds good. My villians aren't quite that well characterized yet but I have some decent protagonists. Let's see...I have a character who is generally on good terms with everyone and seems like a really nice kid (and he is), but he has such bad anxiety that he's afraid to venture more than a few miles from his house. And his friend seems like the exact opposite, a daredevil etc., but on the inside he is the nervous type as well.

    I have an antagonist, Steven (not the most evil sounding name haha) who feels bitter about life in general and takes it out on people and the world. I'm still working on his good traits though.
    My God, I agree. I'm like ':DDDDD' with the Elite 4, but wuth Lance, I'm like "FU-". It was maily his Salamence that pained me. I mean, my God, that thing was so annoying with all those biting moves, ugh. After I got past the Salamence, it was abit easier, but not by much. o3o And yeah, everyone has a flyer, so why not, right~

    Yeah, I know... OH GOD THE GAME CORNER ONES. FU- Yeah, I hate them, too. Voltorb Flip is extremely hard - All I really do is flip one card over, get a coin, then restart. Takes forever...

    Haha, really? I could somewhat see the path, but I'm very impatient when it comes to certain things, so I just slapped that Defog HM on Unlucky and never took it off. :x Poor Honchkrow...

    Agreed wholeheartedly. W. O. R. T. H. L. E. S. S. I hate them to no extent.
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