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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I had the animals to play with, also. I wasn't on the internet the whole time either. My family took the 2 mile walk to the nearby town for fun, twice. Also, I was able to talk to the farmers who I'd been on work experience with, as their farm was down the road from where we'd been staying.

    I've given presentations to my classes before. Sometimes in a lesson they'll make us to powerpoint presentations on different topics and present them to the class. Beyond that, a "speech class" hasn't really existed beyond modern languages in my school.

    Dogs are amazing. It's a shame you have destructively playful dogs. :(
    Let's see... 1 more points from Gryffindor... and of course extra Potions homework on how to cure poisons with simple antidotes, bezoars are not allowed, to be handed in tomorrow afternoon.
    *Can't see due to lack of a face. Buys a face called "Steele face, extra angry" and puts it on, throwing the packaging at you*

    O_O *Is currently stuck, but then flaps arms, revealing that I now can fly*
    Nah, not really. The thread's dead on all three of the forums I've posted it on. It didn't really have the popularity I expected. Plus, I'm lacking the motivation to work on the new sprites anyway. No big deal.
    That's pretty cool. Sometimes I plan out personalities, but they end up being completely different than what I expected. A lot of times when I am not writing, I think of my characters and how they would speak and react to different things.

    And yeah, it is pretty fun when side characters take a life of their own. So when you RP, does each person write a different part of the story?
    Thank-you very much. ^^ You are, aswell.

    Can't wait to hear about it! And I understand. I was in agony getting through Mt.Silver the first time, just so I could battle one trainer, even though he's the final boss. But Youtube really helped with that. The only thing I was really dissapointed about was the fect that I had to use Rock Climb, so I had to redo my team and fit in a Snorlax. :/
    No no no, please don't apologize. I fully understand. :3

    Ah, I see. That's very good, by what you've told me, you should be ready. When you get back into the mood, you should try the battle soon afterwards, and remember to tell me about it~! c:
    Hello, Arylett. Long time no talk. How've you been doing? And have you got up to Pokemon Trainer Red yet?
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