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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I have a surname too! The holiday was less fun and more just a breath of fresh air. It was really great just to get away from home for a short while. Plus, because we were staying with people we knew, there was internet connection meaning that I could still talk to people here and on #tcod.

    We never get lessons in basic communication over here at our equivalent of high school. Maybe at university but, I didn't look for, let alone apply for a course which does it in the instance that it exists.

    Dogs are great when they're energetic and floppy. Labradors are the best. Being annoyed for pettings isn't the worst thing which happens with old age in dogs, though.
    *Face turns red. Spits at you, as my mouth is still free*

    *Attempts to warn you that once you Thrillerdancelock, you can't stop, but is tossed into the air and doesn't know what to do*
    You're right about that. Most characters are a part of the author. And yeah, side characters are fun for me when I do them right, although sometimes they play more of a major role than originally intended. Then, there are some that just don't have a personality.

    Usually, I base them off people I know (loosely) and then give them their own characteristics as well. How do you characterize?
    That's very clever. Five sentences really isn't that hard. We should try this. Ya know, granted we have a subject that's worth at least 5 sentences. Like right now.
    Yeah; every main character shares at least something in common with me, which helps with characterization a lot.

    I do the same things with villains as well. Many of them have understandable motives and questionable actions. Although some of my side characters become hopelessly flat.
    It started with PMD2, when I recruited one and taught it Solarbeam.
    Then it ended up beating everything, and I fell in love with it.
    I was on holiday at a family friend's house.

    My cat isn't anti-social in that way. She's just not... social. She's not one to be petted often.

    Ominous is my middle name.

    Speech classes? Like languages? Or just basic communication?
    Now that I think about it, I don't think I have. I did have one who acted cocky but was really the opposite on the inside. You're right though; it would be a nice change of pace. So do you find it difficult to characterize someone who is different from you? I've improved over time but I'm not great at it.
    *Attempts to give the finger, but it is prevented from Thrillerdancelock. Moonwalk sequence start.*

    *Is forced to Thrillerdance with the TRASH CAN. WHAT?*
    What is this world coming to? Our four-to-five-paragraph VM's are too long, one word's too short; where can we compromise? D:
    Never done it before, although your characters sound a lot like me haha
    In writing my main character is often the nervous type, like me as well. It depends. I do a variety.

    *Is out of rubber gloves, shoves the steel brick in the trash's mouth. THRILLERDANCELOCK.*
    Apparently, you. I've been so unmotivated to type up these long VM's lately. XD
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