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Arylett Charnoa

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  • *Watches with horror*

    *Pokes to see if you are really dead, and not just being a malicious fake in attempt to get me framed*
    I know. But the thing is, the Elite 4 get's tougher after the first time. I mean, by just afew levels, but I had alot of trouble with them the second time I challenged them. :x But still, GameFreak should of put the flying thing in there. Everybody has a flying Pokemon, right?

    And I just collected up my TMs and tried to get money to buy more, but I'm constantly buying Pokeballs, soo...

    Which reminds me - I need to take Defog off my Honchkrow, Unlucky. I feel bad for her having to have Defog. But, that was early on in the game. And Flash = Worst TM/HM ever, in my opinion. Utterly worthless.
    *Roars through the Steeleangryface, then throws a piano at you*

    *Is barely nicked, but starts smoking and craahes into a tree*
    Agreed. Having an HM Slave is just, like you said. Waste of space. But, sometimes we just need to have one, sadly. And thinking about it, since the game saves and goes to the credits at the end after you beat Red and already have gone to the top of the mountain, don't you think you should be able to, oh, I don't know, Fly atop again? I mean, you beat the Elite 4 once more, and then he'll be there, so I think you shouldn't have to go through more of a struggle to get up there again. And I agree: and HM is always there. You can use it again and again. Why shouldn't we be able to delete them? Maybe that'll change in the 5th Gen,; I heard they were going to make TMs like HMs; you can use them over and over again. Anyways...

    Rock Climb has never been useful in my book. It's just an annoyance when we could easily climb up a flight of stairs.
    That's cool. I can see how it would be difficult to have more than one main character. I've done it, but it always gets confusing. So what are some of your favorite characters you've made?

    I know. It really does suck. I honestly think that no one really uses Rock Climb on their team. Some people might, I mean It's a somewhat decent move, but God, it sucks that you have to delete a move or remake your team entirely just to get up to Red.

    GameFreak, stairs would've been fine, thank-you very much.
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