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  • YYYYYYYYEAH, I know... Even if it was, I doubt I could hold a grudge. The man is awesome. Either you play as a woman and fall in love with him, or you play as a man, and he is the bro of all bros.

    And meanwhile Zevran's over there, just flirting with anyone he damn well pleases.
    I DID NOTHING WRONG. IT WAS ALL THE POSITIVE YELLOW HEART THINGIES. He gave me a big thing about duty. He was a king. I wasn't a noble. Therefore the nobility would frown upon marriage. And he didn't want to have a child with double taint, apparently, BUT IT'S TOO LATE BECAUSE WE HAD ALREADY SEXED IT UP IN CAMP. But, whatever. I killed the Mother and the Harvester and a bunch of other stuff and didn't need him. His loss. T___T
    True, Anders was not as funny as he once was. But at least he came back.

    Okay, so I got really pissed because my mage was a female human (I was never fond of the elves or dwarves, either) and Alistari broke it off at the end and then I had to convince him to sex up Morrigan and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and it really sucked because that was totally unexpected for me. I was unhappy. Wynne was right, I was wrong, and it didn't feel good.
    Yeah, Carver needs to quit with the bitching and just do something on his own, since it matters so much to him. On the plus side, Anders is back. Though without Ser Pounce-a-lot. Tis a sad story.

    I also played through Origins as a mage. So far as I understand, typical Warden Hero is a Cousland. But I can't help myself, really. I like fire.
    Yeah, II is giving me some trouble. Nothing wrong with the game itself, I suppose, just that I'm quite conflicted over whether I want Bethany around or if I want to play as a mage. I'm rather fond of both of those things. Still, I like the gameplay mechanics in II a lot more. So I can forgive it for not being Origins.

    Inquisition has had my attention for some time. I'm upset at how little I can learn about the game at this stage. I WANT CONTENT. NAO. T_____T

    AND I SAW THEM CHAPTERS. They were wonderful.

    And I shall look up that fic. From the title, it sounds like it just may be sodding brilliant.
    Oh, hm. I thought I'd given myself a year to the day to work on that, but I guess since I set the announcement to expire yesterday I should probably say something now. I don't think I'll get it put together before I go to bed tonight, but it should be up tomorrow.
    I think it's pretty much dead, if only because I let it die. I've had a lot to do lately.

    If they're dead, no harm then.
    Random battle cries or other growls, roars, etc. with no particular verbal meaning don't get translated, and some of Eevee doesn't get translated near the beginning when he's essentially still speaking baby-talk. Everything else should be translated.
    A good chunk of the first chapter went into explaining people learn Pokémon speech at school now.
    Well, I'm taking 9 credits of summer classes, working 15 hours a week as a research assistant, and currently moving houses. So, meh, kind of busy. But on the up side, Poly will be visiting in just a few days and staying for a couple weeks.
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