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  • Like, I have the capability of feeling a ton of emotions at once, so I'm always always depressed in some form. Even when manic, it was almost always a mixed episode. It curves my depression as well so that I can actually feel things other than it lol.

    I knoooooooooooow, and I haaaaate it because of that. I mean, I'm still super underweight, but stilllllll!
    Lol, I'm on lithium, which is like the go to drug for bipolar-ness. But like I said my case is a little different, so it actually helps me in ways that it wasn't designed for.

    I'm using Xanax for anxiety. It's okay, but a really common side effect is gaining weight. TBH I just might stop taking it and try something else.
    Hmm, not quite, all it does really is balance out my emotions, so my depression isn't as severe as it used to be. I mean, I still get depressed a lot (my bipolarism is a bit unusual) but I don't get extreme episodes like I used to. In a way I guess it does, though my head and thoughts are much more clear than they were lol.

    Anxiety stuff just makes me less anxious, not much to say about it hahaha. And heart stuff is to make sure I don't drop from a heart attack lol.
    Hah, I'm on like five things at once at the moment for bipolar, anxiety and heart stuff, but it really does help. THe side effects kind of suck, but eh it's worth it.
    I feel a bit better, though I'm on new medication now lol so it may take a while for me to feel it's effects.

    But yeah, I do feel a bit better :)
    Aww, I'm sorry.

    I'm okay. It feels like someone dropped a rock in my chest still, but I'm otherwise okay.
    Have you been carefully measuring your milk? Too little, and your autopsy will read like a Chinese toy paint factory's ingredient checklist; too much, and your bones will be more brittle than a freshman's self esteem.
    Thanks! I never imagined even talking about it online, to be honest, but TCOD has a real LGBT+ friendly atmosphere and it's pretty great.
    It's obvious. Children can't even moderate the amount of lead that they guzzle down their gaping maws! If they can't handle sweet, sweet Pb, they can't handle Kresto.
    Hmm, okay. Try to take it a little easier, it's not good on the heart :/

    I don't know about that; I sort of lost someone.

    Oh, I do? *yay*
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