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Open Arkra Guardians

"Not... yet..." Dent munched the waffles on his plate "Ahhh... I love waffles, especially with strawberry jam..." He almost burped, but he kept it back. Typhoon chuckled as he took a big bite of a waffle Dent had left. Sandstorm stole a waffle from the plate, so did Tele and Fist. Soon, there were nothing left.

"What now?" Dent said and looked at Alan.
"I'm done," replied Mila, licking the last bits of syrup and pancake from her lips. "Now is the part where we review the plan, use the bathroom, and head on out."
"Well, after everyone's finished, yes." Alan replied to Mila.

Arkra continued to look down at her plate, still nudging her toast with her fork. She heard a voice. Somebody was talking to her...

She looked up at Summer, dark eyes grave and mumbled: "Yes, I'm Arkra. And you...?"
(Dangit I didn't even see this started)

Eric finished his last waffle. "Good, use the bathroom. I'm gonna need that."
Fiara sighed with delight. She took a waffle, some scrambled eggs, and plenty of fruit, plus plenty of meat, which she gave to Dykria and Fennot. She ate most of the rest of it, then let the rest of her pokemon out. Charcill has some fruit, and the rest of them were each given a waffle.
"What now?" Dent repeated as he transformed... into a Ditto! "Ditto!" He laughed. "Hah! Now I can turn into pink Pokémon!" He started to shrink, whiskers gre out of his chin and a coin appeared on his head, his fingers merged and made paws, and a tail grew out of his butt. "Miaa! I'm a pink Meowth! Fear me!" He showed his light pink clawes and snapped at his Typhlosion. "Hey, don't do that!" Typhoon said as he dodged Dent's fangs. "Wanna fight?" Dent mewed. "You bet!"

Typhoon sent a small ember at Dent, and he, as a Ditto, transformed into a pink Typhlosion. "Then you'll see who's who!" Dent shot back a bigger ember at Typhoon, which hit him on his arm. "You never learn, Dent" Typhoon started. "Typhosions fur are non-flammable! You can't beat me in my own element!" Dent slapped his head with his right paw. "Damn. I always forget that. Oh well. Swift will take you down, as it never misses!" Stars from Dents mouth hit Typhoon in his stomach. "That tickled!" Typhoon chuckled. "I'll give you a Quick Attack then, since you was so nice to give me stars." He quickly sped up, jumped at the wall, then hit Dent on his head. "Yowch..."
"Now, now..." Alan chuckled at Dent and his Typhlosion. He was clearly amused. "No rough housing!"

Arkra stared at her hand vaguely for a minute, as if debating something inside of her mind. She took it and shook it, then looked down at her full plate of food again. "So... so why are you going on this...?"
Dent scratched the back of his ear. "Sorry, we're just bo - oof!" Typhoon had heabutted his stomach and Dent was sent flying and eventually hit the wall. "HEY! Didn't you hear? We were not supposed to fight anymore!" "Sorry, I just... Err... okay, sorry." Typhoon looked a bit worried. "Are you okay, Dent?" "I'm fine..." Dent transformed to human again, and rubbed his back. "It hurt a little, but I'm fine." Typhoon smiled. "That's good."
"See, this is why I said no rough housing!" Alan waggled his finger in a fake disapproving way at Dent.

"Now, since most of you seem to be ready..." He stared around the room, smiling. "I think you should all get to know each other before you leave, especially since you are going to be traveling together for quite some while. So I would like each and every one of you to stand up and introduce yourselves to the group. Arkra, would you please...?"

"Hmm?" She looked up from her plate, her conversation with Summer was interupted. Oh no... she had to stand up in front of those people... and say her name. Arkra began to panic, her heart was beating frantically. She had horrible fright of speaking in front of people.

The girl slowly stood up. She looked as nervous as she felt, clutching her hands tightly and trying to avoid the group's seemingly avid gaze. "I'm Arkra." She said simply, then she sat down as quickly as she could and looked down at her plate, vanishing out of sight.
Dent nodded at Arkra, then stood up. "I'm Dent." He transformed into a Charizard. "And I can transform into any Pokémon on earth! Err... in this world, since flying pokémon are'nt on earth, like Rayquaza and Deoxys..." He said in a rough voice and scratched the back of his ear... horn. "And this is my partner and pokémon, Typhoon." He dragged up Typhoon with his claws. "Err... Hi..." Typhoon sat down again, and Dent transformed to human and sat next to him. "Who's next?
Kailani listened in on what was going on in the breakfast room, and when the others began to introduce himself, he silently walked in and took the only empty seat left.

Good to see that these people get to know each other, he thought, but I'll amke sure they don't learn anything about me.
"I'm Mila," Mila added on. "Mila apparantly means miracle. I'm psychic." She picked up her plate and made it zoom around the room.
"My name is Corison," he said. "The Ralts is Soel, and this is Valor." He pointed to his Eevee. Corison began to float in the air. "This is fun," he said. "I can fly and I'm strong." He hovered over his chair.
"Hello Mila, Corison! My name is Josh! I can manipulate time and teleport!" Said Josh cheerfuly "Watch this!" Said josh disappearing into thin air.

Josh reappeared on the table by accident

"Oops didn't mean to do that!" Said Josh stepping off the table and back into his chair.
"I can also do that!" Dent transformed into an Alakazam. "Look at this!" He picked up the plate he had and levitated it, then moved it around the room. "Gah! I'm losing control!" The plate went banging into the walls and floor. "I can't control it!" The plate zoomed towards him and was about to hit his face, so he closed his eyes.

With the pain not coming, he opened his eyes, and in front of him stood a Typhlosion with it's hand up in the air, holding the plate just inches from his face. "Phew, that was too close." Dent breathed out. "What's up, Typhoon?" Typhoon had began making weird noices and faces, and then he started to laugh. Really hard. "What's so funny? I don't see what's so funny? That plate was going to destroy my face! What's so funny??" "It's, hahaahaaa, the look, hahaha haaahaaaaa!" Typhoon laughed even harder. "What look, what??" Dent said impatiently. "On your, haaahaaahahaa *snicker* FACE! Oh, you should've seen it, it was like this:" Typhoon made a weird, funny face. "Huh?" Dent just said, still as an Alakazam. "Haahaaahaaaaahahahahahaaaa!" Typhoon continued to laugh. "Now that's just..." Dent began to snicker, it became higher until it was a chuckle then he was laughing too! Typhoon and Dent were rolling on the floor, laughing!

"It, haha, was so, hahahaha, funny!" The Typhlosion dropped the plate, and hold onto his own tummy.
"Oh, um," said Mila, suddenly realizing she should introduce her Pokemon. "The Espeon is Jewel," Jewel flicked her forked tail in case someone didn't know what an Espeon was, "the Vaporeon is Tsunami," as Tsunami watched the Typhlosion and Alakazam with mild interest, "the Jolteon is Watt," his fur crackled with electricity, "and the Umbreon-"
"I am perfectly well capable of introducing myself, thank you," he snapped, and then said, "I am New Moon," as if though nothing had happened, except for that his rings were glowing faintly.
"Uh... Right," said Mila. "That's New Moon, and he's very picky about having the 'new' in front of 'moon' and throws tantrums whenever he's just called 'Moon.'"
New Moon flicked his fur. "I do not 'throw tantrums,'" he complained, "I get angry and attack."
Arkra smirked a little as she watched Dent and Typhoon, they seemed mildly amusing.

Arivivie looked at her trainer meekly. "Oh Arkra... aren't you going to introduce the others to them? By the way, I'm Arivivie." The Mightyena said, looking at them. "You know, Noah's probably getting really frustrated from being couped in there for so long..."

The girl jumped in exclamation. "Oh no! I forgot to let them out...! Noah's going to be so mad..." She looked at his Pokeball with dread, but released a green reptilian creature and a butterfly with large colourful wings in a flash of crimson light.

"So you finally decide to let me out..." The Grovyle looked at Arkra with a rather piercing glare.

"Be easy on her..." Said the Beautifly. "She's had a lot on her mind..."

"This is Noah." Arivivie pointed at the Grovyle with her tail. "And this is Viale." This time, she pointed at the Beautifly.

"Hmph... so are these the weaklings who are supposed to protect you? Pathetic." Noah glared at them disapprovingly.

Arkra was glad she was still invisible, for she had flushed in embarassment. "Oh Noah... please... just be quiet..."
Serkan stood up, adjusted his sunglasses, and introduced himself, "I'm Serkan. I can do this,", and he levitated a napkin, then added, "And this.", and then he set the napkin on fire, then continued, pointing to the Torkoal at his feet, "This is Puff. He can be a bit shy."
"Hello...", Puff said to everyone softly.
"And that's Amrit. He doesn't talk much.", he continued as he pointed to the Medicham against the wall. He then pulled out a safari ball, and opened it, a bit reluctantly, "This is Konrad.", he pointed to the Rhydon that emerged.
"Where the hell are we?! Why haven't you let me out of that thing in ages?! And who are these people anyway?", Konrad questioned.
"Well, we're in some sort of building, I don't know what it is either. You're big and slow. And these fine people are here to protect that girl, who is believed to be humanity's savior.", Serkan answered. Konrad simply grumbled.
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