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ASB Data Collection Thread

3231 6 Hadro

-- Active

[Ninja] Torchic (M)
Ability: Blaze
EXP: 0

[Ray] Seviper (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
EXP: 0

[Twisted Spoon] Abra (M)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 0

[Flash] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate
EXP: 0

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

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2888 0 Pwnemon

-- Active

[Asphyxia] Gastly (M)
Ability: Levitate
Body Mod: Suffocating Gas
Description: You don't think it's named Asphyxia for nothing, do you? This Gastly was born and raised in the Lavender Pokemon tower. However, one time it wandered outside and found itself stuck in Mr. Fuji's chimney. When Mr. Fuji came home, he lit a fire. The Gastly almost suffocated, but at the last minute it managed to squeeze free and save himself. He was covered in black dust and soot, making him sickeningly gray. He found that this was very useful in battle and so decided to work on his natural ability to suffocate animals.
Effects: Whenever an attack requiring physical contact is used there is a 10% chance that the user will suffocate and cough and the attack will fail because they have to get inside the gas cloud to reach his blobish body. Doesn't have any effect in water or other arenas not open to air. Doesn't work on steel Pokemon as they all seem to have no real sign of internal organs or the Porygon family since they don't have organs.

[RAWR] Aerodactyl (F)
Ability: Pressure

[Molestation] Diglett (F)
Ability: Arena Trap

Litwick (M)
Ability: Flame Body




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2795 6 Phantom

-- Active

[Kadan] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze
EXP: 0

[My Dark Soul] Gastly (M)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 1

[Blitz] Electrike (F)
Ability: Static
EXP: 1

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

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2532 157 Wargle

-- Active

[Xero] Aerodactyl (M)
Ability: Pressure
Item: Expert Belt

[Cainus] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone

[Diamondback] Seviper (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
Item: Poison Barb

[Ferno] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze

[Sleezy] Slakoth (M)
Ability: Truant

[Cybin] Shroomish (F)
Ability: Poison Heal
Item: Toxic Orb
EXP: 2

[Kazza] Abra (M)
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Lucky Egg

[Stamford] Bronzor (X)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 2
Move Mod: Gravitational Tear
Description: It is fabled that shedinja contain the endless void itself in their backs; although at least somewhat disproven by science, there's definitely something in there. The clefairy family has a long-standing obsession with the moon. And bronzor have appeared in the art of dozens of unrelated cultures. How is this all connected? Aliens, obviously.

Or at least that was the logic of a group of star-addled human cultists who tried to breed the perfect poképortal, in order to view the "heart of the universe". Although the group doubtlessly failed, they left in their wake a series of unown, bronzor, shedinja, and clefable (among others) that were never really normal after the fact. Many of the young creatures, after being repurposed by the League, exhibited strange abilities such as antigravity or, in some cases, instinctive knowledge of astronomical forces. Stamford, for example, can create black holes with its mind.

After a number of catastrophic accidents that were thankfully contained by League Alakazam, Stamford rapidly learned how to control itself (being a psychic, after all) and was issued to a new owner, under intense reconnaissance. However, despite the League's worst fears, nothing went wrong, even though they tentatively allowed the ability's use in sanctioned battles. The attack Wargle developed is really nowhere near as dangerous as the early meltdowns were; Stamford simply focuses very very hard, shrinking a rock or similar object into a minuscule point. In a split second, the point invisibly and silently expands into a relatively tiny black hole. Although the hole is contained by its powerful psychic abilities, Stamford allows the invisible hole in space to suck away the metaphysical elemental energies of his opponent. The process is intensely painful, the energy's rapid departure causing skin abrasions, but it ends quickly.
Type: Psychic
Stat: Physical
Damage: 7%
Accuracy: 100%
Target: Single Opponent
Energy: 10%
Effects: Stamford focuses intensely on a single point in space, psychically compacting an object into a shielded, nearly-invisible black hole that absorbs the surrounding light. The attack rips the main elemental energy from the target, draining 7% energy from the opponent into the void. Furthermore, as the energy is rent from the body it causes physical damage as well.
Usage Gap: Four Rounds

[Gremlin] Rotom (X)
Ability: Levitate
Item: Leftovers

[Acionyx] Skelitten (M)
Ability: Pressure
Item: Dusk Stone

-- Boxed

[Endurspegla] Bronzor (X)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 1

[Nero] Baltoy (X)
Ability: Levitate
Move Mod: Kamikazé
Description: Nero is not your average Baltoy. He always tries to be better than other members of his species. He tries to be the leader of the team and tries to lead effectively. He's also somewhat wrong in the head. (he's one Diglett short of a Dugtrio) He often tries risky stunts that can, and most likely will, kill him, because this is how he thinks a team should be led; by trying risky stunts.

That is how he thought of this crazy move. First, his Psychic powers to lift his opponent low into the air, a few feet just above the ground, preventing them from using contact/physical moves. Then he braces himself to charge at the foe. On the next action, he uses a Psychic wave to lift himself above his opponent, spinning himself like a top, and drives himself and the target into the ground using his head's spike as a drill.. He also mildly hurts himself on this attack. This attack takes more energy if the foe weighs over 100kgs.

Type: Psychic
Accuracy: 90%
Target: One Foe
Base Power: 10%
Energy: 10%/15% if foe is over 100kgs.
2 Action needed to preform.
Effect: Nero lifts a foe slightly above the arena, and prevents them from using contact/physical moves for the duration of the move. He begins to spin rapidly and moves backwards, preparing to attack. On the next action, Nero propels himself into the air, and down into his target, using the spike on his head as a drill and forces them into the ground. Nero takes 1/3 of damage delivered as recoil.
Usage Gap: 3 rounds

[Thaumaturge] Enculli (F)
Ability: Mold Breaker

Ability: Intimidate

[Nite Owl II] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia

[El Toro Loco] Tauros (M)
Ability: Intimidate

[Mr. Wonderful] Spiritomb (M)
Ability: Pressure

[Phoebe] Feebas (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Happiness: 1
Body Mod: Hails From the Frigid Northlands
Description: Phoebe was born and raised in a very chilly and barren part of Asber, in a small lake that just barely managed to stay unfrozen for some of the year. Thus, her particular school of Feebas became very resistant to cold, and in a few generations, a few of them, like Phoebe, embraced fully their latent Ice-type abilities.
Effects: Phoebe is considered a Water/Ice type. Furthermore, in overly warm and tropical environments, or during Sunny Day, she loses 2% energy per action to keep herself from overheating. Phoebe is immune to Freezing but is dealt double-damage from a Burn.

[Garia] Ralts (F)
Ability: Synchronize

Rufflet (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Wispus] Litwick (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Caimanly] Sandile (M)
Ability: Intimidate

Cubchoo (M)
Ability: Snow Cloak

-- Inventory

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3217 0 I liek Squirtles


[Mr. Turtle] Squirtle (M)
Ability: Torrent

[Fido] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Cuckoo] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia

[Roosevelt] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Quick Feet

[Wolfy] Poochyena
Ability: Quick Feet

[Marty] Blitzle (M)
Ability: Lightningrod




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2831 2 Whirlpool

-- Active

[Shelly] Shellos (F)
Ability: Sticky Hold
EXP: 2
Body Mod: Of the Sea
Description: Shellos and Gastrodon are naturally suited to the mud and the beach, where the earth and water meet; Pastoria and Sunyshore's seashores are home to many of the slugs. Shelly, though, has always felt more comfortable in the fluid, changing ocean altogether than the solid ground. Even as a child, she had played with Mantyke, Finneon, and even the occasional Vaporeon that swam by, instead of with Buizel and other Shellos.
As she got older, she almost lived in the sea, and many of the Pokémon were friendly; they taught her techniques unknown to Shellos. Of course, she had to keep up with them, and eventually, after much practice, she learned how to be as smooth as them in the water. Shelly has lost much of her familiarity with the land now, however.
Effects: Shelly gains the ability Swift Swim, but starts off at -1 Speed when she is on land. She also gains the following move alterations:
+ Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Waterfall, Acid Armor, Hydro Pump
- Mud Bomb, Earth Power, Fissure, Mud Sport, Mud Slap

[Crush] Zangoose (M)
Ability: Immunity
EXP: 2

[Thin Air] Gastly (M)
Ability: Levitate

[Fluffy] Minccino (F)
Ability: Skill Link

[Whirr] Klink (X)
Ability: Plus

[Hydra] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle

[Flare] Larvesta (F)
Ability: Flame Body

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

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3117 23 Kirby-Chan

-- Active

[Hana] Oddish (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Exp: 0

[Simon] Ralts (M)
Ability: Synchronize
Exp: 0

[Dusty] Duskull (M)
Ability: Levitate
Exp: 0


-- Inventory
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1624 54 Superbird


[Firestrike] Torchic (M)
Ability: Blaze

[Gorouna] Geodude (F)
Ability: Sturdy
EXP: 2

[Dokon] Croagunk (M)
Ability: Anticipation
EXP: 2

[Neitelo] Natu (F)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 0

[Koiquen] Gyarados (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 0

[Ferroseed] Ferroseed (F)
Ability: Iron Barbs




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2891 14 Terezi Pyrope

-- Active

[Aureus] Ninetales (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Expert Belt
EXP: 2

[Leo] Kirlia (M)
Ability: Trace
Item: Dawn Stone
EXP: 3

[Alex] Riolu (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Envy] Misdreavus (F)
Ability: Levitate

[Knives] Charmander (F)
Ability: Blaze

[Skye] Rotom (X)
Ability: Levitate

[Beep] Porygon (X)
Ability: Trace
Item: Up-Grade

[Tavros] Emolga (M)
Ability: Motor Drive

[Terezi] Oshawott (F)
Ability: Torrent

[Nepeta] Zorua (F)
Ability: Illusion

-- Boxed

[Sparky] Magikarp (M)
Ability: Swift Swim

[Paperweight] Geodude (M)
Ability: Rock Head

[Underscore] Murkrow (M)
Ability: Super Luck

[Fud] Meowth (M)
Ability: Technician

[Pinwheel] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Flash Fire

[Flower] Spinarak (F)
Ability: Swarm

[Asterisk] Duskull (F)
Ability: Levitate

[Silver] Drifloon (M)
Ability: Aftermath

[Gold] Zigzagoon (M)
Ability: Gluttony

[Lyra] Togepi (F)
Ability: Serene Grace
EXP: 1
Happiness: 1

[Shadow] Shuppet (F)
Ability: Insomnia
EXP: 1

-- Inventory

1 Lucky Egg
1 Dubious Disc
1 Exp. Share
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1980 14 Eon Spirit

-- Active

[Spatz] Pichu (M)
Ability: Static
Item: Light Ball

[Zelx] Zangoose (F)
Ability: Immunity
EXP: 2

[Onikami] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Run Away
Item: Muscle Band
EXP: 1

[Xaciz] Shinx (M)
Ability: Intimidate

[Lori] Starly (F)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Avery] Tailow (Male)
Ability: Guts
Body Mod: Tireless Flight
Description: Due to his father being a Crobat, Avery is capable of sustaining flight with extrordinary ease, and is abe to remain aloft longer than normally capable (sub-par wih Fearow). Due to this, Avery is capable of using moves in the air that involve movemet or usage of his wings with less required energy, and is substanially faster (like he needs to be...). However when due to being unused to being on the ground, he uses more energy to move (walk, run, attack w/movement etc.) and moves quite slowly.
Aloft: When in the air Avy is faster, and uses less energy to use physical moves and moves that require flapping.
+1 Speed
-2% Energy (Applies to physical (Quick Attack, Steel Wing, etc.) and wing flapping attacks (Gust, etc.)

Grounded: When grounded Avery is significantly slower and requires more energy to use physical moves and moves that require flapping (primarily if Gravity is effect, arena traits, thrown to the ground, etc.) and must take an entire action to return to flight.
-2 Speed
+ 3% Energy (Applies to physical moves (Quick Attack, etc.))

[Hytanix] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle

-- Boxed

-- Inventory
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62 2168 Kratos Aurion

-- Active

[Nazdrovie] Charmander (F)
Ability: Blaze

[Norway] Rattata (F)
Ability: Guts
Item: Lucky Egg

[Emil Castagnier] Eevee (M)
Ability: Adaptability
Item: Thunderstone

[Yggdrasill] Dragonair (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
Item: Lucky Egg

[Sanjakubo] Seedot (M)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: Fist Plate

[Moloch] Cranidos (M)
Ability: Mold Breaker

[Juliet] Croagunk (F)
Ability: Anticipation
Item: Lucky Egg

[Herculaneum] Wyrmal (M)
Ability: Magma Armor
Item: Exp. Share

[Sheol] Skelitten (F)
Ability: Pressure
Item: Dusk Stone

[Ghost in the Machine] Porygon (X)
Ability: Download
Item: Enigma Berry
EXP: 2

-- Boxed

[Adonis] Arbok (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
EXP: 3

[Thorn] Nidorino (M)
Ability: Poison Point
Item: Moon Stone
EXP: 2

[Schrödinger] Meowth (F)
Ability: Technician

[Don Quixote] Arcanine (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 1

[Gregor] Abra (M)
Ability: Synchronize

[Shizuka] Rhydon (F)
Ability: Rock Head

[Liana] Tangela (F)
Ability: Leaf Guard

[The Baroness von Münchhausen] Kangaskhan (F)
Ability: Scrappy
Move Mod: Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Description: Baby kangaskhan are sweet, adorable and pretty helpless to boot; wouldn't it just break your heart to see one coming to harm? That is exactly what Munchy is banking on as she calmly reaches into her pouch, takes out her daughter, tickles her a little, smiles at her, gives her a big hug... a very, very tight big hug around the neck. Munchy shakes and throttles her baby viciously and indeed comes very close to killing the poor little thing. Or, at least, she appears to; the baby is actually unharmed and she simply thrashes and squeals and plays along. The opponent, however, is completely convinced that Munchy is out to murder her daughter and cannot reconcile this in their mind. Kangaskhan are supposed to be fiercely protective of their offspring, and this one is trying to kill hers! And besides, who could stand to see such a cute and helpless little baby so mercilessly attacked? The opponent is thoroughly baffled by this development and in effect becomes confused. Satisfied with the mental damage she has caused, Munchy drops her daughter on the ground and continues the battle as if nothing has happened while the baby plays dead for effect; the opponent spends its next action checking to see whether she is okay. Since the baby appears to be dead, the enraged opponent promises to punish Munchy for her heinous act and can think of nothing other than beating her into a pulp for the next five actions.

At the end of the five actions the baby gets up, perfectly fine, and toddles off to the safety of the sidelines. The opponent sees that it has been fooled and calms down (presumably; I don't know, I'd still be pretty mad if I saw someone had pulled the wool over my eyes like that); it won't be fooled by the same trick again for the rest of the battle.
Type: Normal
Stat: Other
Power: N/A
Energy: 7%
Accuracy: 90%
Target: One Foe
Duration: Six actions
Effects: Opponent forfeits their next action to check on the baby and then is considered confused and taunted for the next five actions
Usage Gap: Once per battle

[Zikahi] Scyther (M)
Ability: Technician

[Aldonza] Jynx (F)
Ability: Oblivious
EXP: 3

[Ranik] Pinsir (M)
Ability: Mold Breaker

[Con Rit] Gyarados (M)
Ability: Intimidate

[Genis Sage] Eevee (M)
Ability: Adaptability
Move Mod: Mana Master
Description: Genis has never been particularly keen on evolving; nonetheless, however, he admires the awesome power that his potential evolutions can wield and desires to have a little of that power himself. To that end he has spent long hours meditating and attempting to unlock the volatile elemental energy deep within. He has succeeded - to a degree, that is. He is still just an eevee, and as such does not have the level of control over this energy that he desires; all the same, though, he now has the ability to utilize a great deal of elemental power that is normally reserved for his evolutions.

Genis takes an action to do some self-searching and draw upon the power of one of his possible evolutions; he has no idea which one it is until after the fact, however. From the next action onward Genis can use the most powerful elemental attack possessed by that evolution and is able to do so until the end of the battle. The evolution he draws upon and thus the attack Genis gains is chosen randomly; however, because eevee are so sensitive to the environment around them it is possible that the battlefield can influence which attack he gets. The ref can decide how much and to what extent Mana Master is affected by the environment, although all of the attacks do have at least a small chance of coming up regardless. (So, for example, on a battlefield with a light rain hydro pump might have a 10% higher chance of occurring than the other attacks; on a battle during a downpour at sea, however, hydro pump might have a 40% higher chance of occurring. Or however you work it out.) If he wishes to use Mana Master again he must first dispel the elemental energy of the previous attack; he hasn't yet figured out what might happen if he tries to draw upon the power of two elements at the same time... The attack gained by subsequent uses of Mana Master is still randomized but cannot be the same move twice in a row.

The possible attacks gained are as follows: Vaporeon - Hydro Pump; Jolteon - Thunder; Flareon - Overheat; Espeon - Psychic; Umbreon - Dark Pulse; Leafeon - Solarbeam; Glaceon - Blizzard.
Type: Normal
Stat: Other
Power: N/A
Energy: 7%
Accuracy: 95%
Target: Self
Duration: 1 action to use Mana Master, gained move used as normal
Effects: Chooses one of the Eeveelutions and grants Genis the most powerful type-matched attack that Eeveelution learns; Eeveelution chosen at random and at discretion of ref. The move behaves as it normally would with its usual power, accuracy, effects, etc.. Can be used again to overwrite the previous move with a new one (not the same twice) also chosen at random.
Usage Gap: Mana Master no sooner than every nine actions, gained move used as normal

[Raine Sage] Eevee (F)
Ability: Adaptability
Item: Exp. Share

[Tenebrae] Eevee (M)
Ability: Adaptability
Item: Soothe Bell
Happiness: 2

[Aqua] Vaporeon (F)
Ability: Water Absorb
EXP: 2
Happiness: 2

[Fang] Aerodactyl (M)
Ability: Rock Head
Move Mod: Head Smash

[Vicious Death Monster] Feraligatr (F)
Ability: Torrent

[Nephilim] Cleffa (F)
Ability: Magic Guard

[Colette Brunel] Pichu (F)
Ability: Static
Item: Thunderstone

[Siradhan] Natu (M)
Ability: Synchronize

[Vincent II] Misdreavus (F)
Ability: Levitate
Item: Dusk Stone

[Folie à Deux] Girafarig (F)
Ability: Early Bird
Item: Wise Glasses

[Die Hand die Verletzt] Shuckle (F)
Ability: Gluttony
Item: Leftovers

[Kratos Aurion] Houndoom (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
EXP: 3

[Magritte] Smeargle (M)
Ability: Technician
Move Mod: Ceci N'est Pas Une Queulorior
Description: Why is it, Magritte wondered idly as he practiced the various moves he had sketched, that a charmeleon needs a fire sac to produce a flamethrower, or that a rhydon needs its impressive weight and strength to start an earthquake, but he could form the same devastating attacks with nothing more than a few strokes and a slight adjustment to the color of his paint? Where do they come from, and is everything that those charmeleon and rhydon claim to go through necessary in the first place? Clearly something about the whole process is not as it seems if he can emulate such feats of strength and biology with paint. The next question he had to ask himself as an artist, then, was whether or not it would be possible to paint an attack that looks like one thing but behaves like another, that is one thing but could potentially be perceived as something else. Would it really be that much of a stretch to take the energy he can practically conjure out of thin air anyway and change its appearance? Besides, what is art if it can't be thrown in the face of rationality and the status quo? Boring and predictable, that's what. And Magritte does not like boring or predictable.

When Magritte uses an attack, he can choose to alter all visual attributes of the attack so that it looks like any other attack he currently has access to. For example, if he uses flame wheel, he can choose to modify the flame wheel's appearance and execution so that it looks identical to thunder. Alternatively, he can attempt to approximate some other, non-attack form, such as a flock of white doves or maybe a tobacco pipe hurtling through the air. The modified attack only looks different, however, and still behaves exactly as it would had he not changed its appearance--a flame wheel that looks like a thunder will still be a base 60 physical fire-type attack that has a 30% chance of burning its opponent, not a base 120 special electric-type attack with a 30% chance of causing paralysis. The obvious exception to this is that the attack will change its range from indirect to contact and vice versa if the modified execution requires it (so a flame wheel that looks like a thunder is not a contact move, but a thunder that looks like a flame wheel is). If the "false" attack is self-targeting, its range counts as indirect. The "false" attack will spread or contract its range as convincingly as possible so that it mimics the range of the original attack.

In addition to being a nifty trick in general, the modified attack Magritte uses is devilishly convincing. No matter how hard the opponent watches as Magritte prepares to act, it just can't understand how that thunder is actually a flame wheel because it is a thunder. It's blindingly bright like a thunder, it comes screaming down out of the sky like a thunder and there is absolutely no wheel of flames in sight--what on earth do you mean "this is not a thunder"? Therefore, the opponent will not be able to reconcile any commands telling it to act based on the original, modified attack--"counter if Magritte uses flame wheel" means nothing if the flame wheel is clearly thunder (isn't it? halp D:) and so the opponent will react as though Magritte was in fact ordered to use thunder and thunder alone. Only when the attack is completed will the opponent realize that the move it saw is not at all what it seemed. This means that any lingering effects of the attack will behave as normal and will be perceived as normal by the opponent--a fire spin might look like a blizzard when Magritte first uses it, but once the initial illusion fades the opponent will be well aware that it is surrounded by a tornado of fire.
Type: Normal
Stat: Other
Power: N/A
Energy: 3%
Accuracy: 100%
Target: Self
Duration: 1 action
Effects: Used in conjunction with another attack. Magritte alters the appearance and execution of the attack so that it appears visually identical to any other attack he currently has access to, or so that it looks like any other illusion he can think to conjure. The damage, damage category, type, accuracy and effects of the attack remain the same as the original attack; the direct/indirect classification of the attack will change to match the false attack. For all intents and purposes it is impossible for the opponent to tell that the attack is not what it looks like until it is too late, and so it will act on its commands as though Magritte is using the "false" attack regardless of what its trainer says. If the original attack lasts for more than one action it will take on its standard appearance and effects after the initial illusion.
Usage Gap: 15 actions

Knows Tail Whip, Doubleslap, Iron Tail, Protect, Sketch x16

[Car Insurance] Grovyle (F)
Ability: Overgrow
EXP: 2

[Zelos Wilder] Blaziken (M)
Ability: Blaze
Item: Expert Belt
EXP: 3

[Lloyd Irving] Mightyena (M)
Ability: Intimidate
EXP: 1

[Trinidad] Lotad (M)
Ability: Rain Dish
Item: Water Stone

[Eleven] Whismur (F)
Ability: Soundproof

[Sheena Fujibayashi] Azurill (F)
Ability: Huge Power

[Captain Manly] Skitty (M)
Ability: Normalize
Item: Moon Stone

[Force Majeure] Aron (M)
Ability: Rock Head

[Teetotaler] Spinda (F)
Ability: Tangled Feet
Body Mod: Ninety-Nine Bottles
Description: Spinda are known for being perpetually tipsy. You could argue that it's not their fault--in the arid mountains around Fallarbor town, fermented berry juice is often about as good as you're going to get when it comes to finding something to drink. Whether or not you buy that excuse, the fact is that public drunkenness is a more or less constant state for many a spinda. Teetotaler's parents were of a progressive bent, though, intent on seeing their species recognized as something a bit more dignified than a bunch of genial drunkards. They wanted better than that for their daughter, who they swore would grow up to make something of herself and not give in to the vice that plagued so many of her fellow spinda. Hence the name.

Alas, for it was not to be. Some random trainer up and captured mommy and daddy, and though the spinda managed to lure the human away from their daughter and prevent her from being captured as well, this only meant that the little spinda got dumped on her aunt and uncle, a pair of spinda with considerably less high-falutin' notions than her parents. As such, she grew up into more or less a normal, and hence frequently intoxicated, spinda. She has no idea what her name means, but it's fun to say, so that's okay.

Teetotaler's trainer found out about her fondness for alcohol upon capturing the spinda, and though she's had marginal success in getting the pokémon to quit the habit, she hasn't had so much luck getting her to stop singing her favorite song. Loudly. And making everyone else join in with her, by force, if necessary.
Effects: Teetotaler always starts battles just the slightest bit inebriated, giving her +1 to special defense and evasion but lowering her special attack and accuracy by -1. These boosts/detriments are treated as normal in every way and so can be transferred to other pokémon or altered freely.

Teetotaler is also always singing "Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall." And she expects you to join in, too. For as long as Teetotaler is on the field, both trainers must, somewhere in their command post, include one verse from the song. (That's "X bottles of beer on the wall/X bottles of beer/take one down, pass it around/X - 1 bottles of beer on the wall" for the unfamiliar.) The count starts at ninety-nine, of course, and decrements by one with each player's post. If a player fails to include this in their post, Teetotaler will freak out and attack their pokémon at the end of the round, dealing 5% typeless damage. The punishment is the same if the poster sings about the incorrect number of bottles of beer. If Teetotaler's own trainer should forget to sing, Teetotaler becomes confused or, if already confused, her confusion worsens.

If ever the battle should wind down to there being "no more bottles of beer on the wall," Teetotaler will panic, lashing out madly at her opponents until she collapses from exhaustion, resulting in a situation identical to what would occur if she used the attack "explosion."

[Presea Combatir] Zangoose (F)
Ability: Immunity

[Siovhan] Kecleon (F)
Ability: Color Change

[Scarlet Fever] Salamence (F)
Ability: Intimidate

[Laurasia] Grotle (F)
Ability: Overgrow
EXP: 3

[Blood on Fire] Chimchar (M)
Ability: Blaze

[Tyro Volante] Staravia (M)
Ability: Intimidate
EXP: 2

[Thunderforce] Luxray (M)
Ability: Intimidate
EXP: 6
Move Mod: Counter

[Divine Right] Vespiquen (F)
Ability: Pressure

[Zef Barra] Floatzel (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 3

[Marta Lualdi] Buneary (F)
Ability: Klutz

[Yakuza] Honchkrow (M)
Ability: Super Luck
EXP: 1

[Sadon] Garchomp (M)
Ability: Sand Veil

[Regal Bryant] Lucario (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Kiboko] Hippowdon (M)
Ability: Sand Stream
EXP: 4
Move Mod: Samiel
Description: Kiboko can already summon sandstorms naturally, and the harsh winds and stinging grit can be extremely painful. Normally, the whirling cloud of sand he brings into battle with him obliterates any raining or hailing clouds and obscures the sunlight. By concentrating on raising the temperature of the immediate area and maintaining his sandstorm at the same time, however, Kiboko is able to turn his usual sand stream into something far more powerful and fierce: a deadly samiel.

Kiboko forces the sun to shine as brightly as it can, causing a sharp spike in the area's temperature. He then directs the hot, sandy wind straight at the target, battering the unfortunate pokémon down with dry, sandy winds as hot as 54 degrees Celsius/129 degrees Fahrenheit. The gale force winds can easily knock lighter pokémon down flat; the intense blast of heat is enough to cause burns and even heat stroke (in effect, poison) in pokémon that are not fire-types. And, of course, the burns are only exacerbated by the constant grating of sand.

The effort that goes into keeping the sun shining and a sandstorm raging is too much to maintain for long periods of time, and so the sun's heat dies back down to its normal intensity at the end of the action. The sandstorm resumes its random swirling, goes back to its original strength and continues for the rest of its usual duration (i.e., ends after five turns if sandstorm was used, canceled out by other weather moves, etc.). Samiel will not work if sunny day/drought and/or sandstorm/sand stream are banned in the current battle. If the battle rules allow multiple weather conditions to exist at once, sunny day is already in effect and it was not started by Kiboko, samiel will not cause the existing sun condition to end and instead allow it to continue its normal duration as with sandstorm.
Type: Fire
Stat: Special
Power: 10%
Energy: 9%
Accuracy: 90%
Target: One Foe
Duration: 1 action
Effects: Sandstorm or sand stream must be in effect and sunny day must be permitted. 40% chance of causing a severe burn and 20% chance of causing moderate poison (poison and burn chances do not occur for fire-types). Can knock down opponents under 120 lbs
Usage Gap: 15 actions

[Richter Abend] Weavile (M)
Ability: Pressure
EXP: 1

[Antares] Gliscor (M)
Ability: Sand Veil
EXP: 1

[Qasvin] Phione (X)
Ability: Hydration
Item: Damp Rock

[Rastignac] Snivy (M)
Ability: Contrary

[Muramasa] Tepig (M)
Ability: Blaze

[Masamune] Oshawott (M)
Ability: Torrent

[Skinwalker] Zorua (M)
Ability: Illusion

[Sagaris] Axew (F)
Ability: Mold Breaker

[Bandit Keith] Rufflet (M)
Ability: Sheer Force

[Zmey Gorynych] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle

[Räsvelg] Osgrave (M)
Ability: Torrent
EXP: 7

[Indomitable] Rasqueon (F)
Ability: Anger Point
Item: Reaper Cloth

[Jackravage] Terrabbit (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
EXP: 2

[Lachrymosa] Myrid (F)
Ability: Water Absorb

[Kosciuszko] Dragomelet (M)
Ability: Solid Rock

-- Inventory

1 Leaf Stone
1 Muscle Band
1 Wide Lens
1 Life Orb
1 Razor Fang
1 Choice Band
1 Choice Specs
1 Choice Scarf
1 Shell Bell
2 Shuca Berry
2 Yache Berry
1 Apicot Berry
1 Ganlon Berry
1 Leppa Berry
1 Liechi Berry
1 Petaya Berry
1 Salac Berry
2 Exp. Share
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A few questions, then:

How is the listing of smeargle's moves handled? I just didn't list them on mine; would they go under move mods or something?

Why isn't there a "stat" or "category" field for sig moves?

And are there any accommodations in the new system for custom sprites, e.g. my red salamence?
117 3 Arylett Dawnsborough

-- Active

[Novale] Growlithe (M)
Ability: Intimidate

[Paine] Treecko (F)
Ability: Overgrow

[Auralasia] Poochyena (F)
Ability: Quick Feet

[Blitzhupe] Mareep (M)
Ability: Static

[Pidgey] Flarrai (F)
Ability: Keen Eye

[Alterra] Zigzagoon (F)
Ability: Pickup

[Valight] Dratini (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
EXP: 1

[Naz] Zorua (F)
Ability: Illusion

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

1 Fire Stone
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29 1790 Grate Aural Sects

-- Active

[Envy] Ditto (X)
Ability: Limber
EXP: 0

Body Mod: Supermassive True Form

Description: Envy's not like the other ditto. Oh, sure, it can transform along with the best of them, creating an almost-perfect copy of another pokémon with all of their moves and special powers available to it, but still, there are some things that are just odd. Like the much-deeper-than-normal footprints it tends to make when running, or the deep craters from when a jigglypuff falls. It avoids taking the form of flyers and swimmers, and it is far from fond of fragile ground and rickety bridges.

See, Envy wasn't always a ditto. Not until it was consumed by self-hatred and a burning desire to look like something else, and gave up everything it had in exchange for the ability to transform. It had a different default form, once, a true form that was too ugly for it to assume, but more importantly to everyone but itself, it was huge. Heavy. And, while Envy is secretly too ashamed to show anyone what it truly looks like (especially when it can look cute and pink like it normally does), its inability to completely violate the Law of Conservation of Mass (there is no such thing as conservation of energy in the pokémon world) means it can't just shed the excess when it transforms.

Effects: No matter what pokémon or form Envy assumes, its weight is always treated as 1000 kg. Besides the usual effects of being so heavy, the extra weight allows Envy to throw extra power behind its attacks, as well as resist being moved by an opponent's physical attacks. Therefore, all physical contact moves Envy performs will be boosted by +2, and it has an inherent defence boost of +2.

Unfortunately, while Envy can usually avoid plunging through the ground when standing on tiny legs, most pokémon bodies are most definitely not made to carry around 1000 kg of mass, even with every internal modification Envy can manage. Envy moves very much like it is always under the effects of gravity; it cannot fly or levitate under nearly any circumstances, and moves requiring jumping or otherwise leaving the ground cost 1.5x energy. Furthermore, due to its slow reflexes and graceless movements, attacks used against it have an accuracy boost of +2, and every action requiring physical movement costs an additional 1% energy.

[Gluttony] Gulpin (M)
Ability: Sticky Hold
EXP: 0

Move Mod: Hunger Strike

Description: Gluttony has an insatiable hunger for pokémon flesh. Well, actually, his hunger is nonspecific, but he definitely prefers it, and his stomach can handle anything regardless of the matter involved or size. Some speculate his mouth is a portal to a different dimension, which is why he can always eat more and never satisfy his hunger - nothing ever gets to his stomach.

Whenever he sees an opponent, his first question is always a plaintive "Can I eat it?" His trainer being his trainer, the answer tends to be a firm "Yes." Of course, permission doesn't always equal ability, since his intended meals pretty much universally have an annoying and frustrating tendency of resisting. They fight back or get out of his way, and he just ends up with a bunch of air ramming painfully into his throat. The only way to stop this nonsense is to beat the opponent down until resistance is impossible.

When the time finally comes to use the move, Gluttony opens his mouth wide and releases what seems to be a reverse-blast of air; he can suck in anything regardless of mass, drawing it into his mouth where any pokémon seem to turn into energy as though being recalled. Oddly, though, if for example a tree is caught at the edge of a blast, only part of it will be cut out. Anyone with the misfortune of staring into Gluttony's mouth as he does this would swear they see a writhing black mass with a single red eye in the centre, but that's just ridiculous. Most beings who might confirm this tend to have been eaten.

Sadly, Gluttony is forced to undergo a procedure that will extract the pokémon from whatever hell-dimension lies within him after the battle, even if he wins. But it's alright, really; the real pleasure is in the eating.

Type: Dark
Energy: 0.5x the target's remaining health, rounded down
Accuracy: 100% if the target has 1% or less health / 90% if the target has 5% or less health / 50% if the target has 10% or less health / 10% otherwise
Target: Single
Effects: Gluttony eats a pokémon, causing it to faint. He gains health equal to the amount the target had remaining when eaten, adds their ability to his own, and gains access to one of the victim's moves, as randomly selected by the referee. Multiple uses replace his new ability, but increase his movepool rather than replacing his new move.

In order to eat a pokémon, Gluttony must first have it weakened. The primary method, of course, is reducing health, but status conditions also help. For every status condition, the pokémon can be treated as having a bit less health than it currently does for the purposes of calculating accuracy for this move.
Sleep, moderate-and-up paralysis, severe-and-up confusion, severe poison, and severe freezing each effectively decrease the target's health by 2%.
Burns, freezing, moderate confusion, poisoning, and mild paralysis each effectively decrease the target's health by 1%.
If the target has 10% or less energy, every point less than 10% effectively decreases the target's health by 1%.

If the move rolls a "miss", Gluttony suffers a 5% recoil damage.

Usage Gap: 12 actions

[Lodestone] Metang (X)
Ability: Clear Body
Item: EXP Share
EXP: 1

[Wrath] Natu (M)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 0
Body Mod: Ultimate Eye

Description: Ever since he was just a chick, Wrath was trained to fight and to serve his trainer loyally, under the watchful eye of a gold-beaked xatu. He learned how to react to moves and take advantage of openings, and he learned ruthlessness and cold-blooded murder. So, while he would later be made to drink the vitreous fluid mixed with the blood of an ancient xatu to rise above and beyond the other natu, all of his reflexes and abilities are his own.

As pokémon are wont to do, Wrath was chosen to receive the "gift" of the ancient xatu by defeating all of the other natu in a tournament. He then underwent the painful process of having his body ripped apart and his eye rotting out to accommodate the growth of a new eye, one with a unique marking and unusual pupil. With this eye, he found, he could naturally see into the future, and while he didn't see nearly as far as the legendary xatu allegedly did, he could easily turn this to his advantage.

Effects: With one eye, Wrath can see mere seconds into the future at all times, which allows him to see the effects of actions an opponent has already started to take. But this means he can react that much quicker, whether the opponent is trying to dodge his attacks or strike him themselves. Effectively, Wrath is treated as though his evasion and accuracy are one level higher than normal by default. Evasion and accuracy treat this as the zero-point, so evasion can range from -5 to +7 and accuracy can range from -5 to +1.

However, its eyes are quite sensitive. Should Wrath be struck by an accuracy-dropping move that specifically targets the eyes (flash, mirror shot, mud shot, mud-slap, muddy water, octazooka, sand-attack) and successfully drops Wrath's accuracy, Wrath takes an additional 1% damage after all other modifiers have been applied.

[Greed] Piplup (M)
Ability: Torrent
EXP: 0

[Dante] Porygon (X)
Ability: Trace
Item: Up-Grade
EXP: 0

[Pride] Sableye (M)
Ability: Keen Eye
EXP: 0

Body Mod: Casting Shadows

Description: Before he was captured by the ASB League, Pride was a lonely cave-dweller who did little else but search for food and occasionally attack rocks when bored. However, he had vague memories of friends - perhaps he'd had a family, or perhaps he had once been trained - and he, unlike most wild sableye, needed a companion to avoid possible despair. There was no one around and he wouldn't search for someone for foolish reasons like friendship, or otherwise depending on anyone else, because he was better than that. Instead, he began to interact with his only constant companion - the darkness.

When he was finally brought out of the darkness, he found the light uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But he realised that he always carried a little bit of darkness with him, which others called his shadow. When he was informed of the names of the some of the attacks he knew (shadowballshadowclawshadowsneak), he realised his shadow had power, and when he looked at the shape of the darkness, his shape, he decided it must be its own creature. Because it was his shadow, according to everyone, it must have been a creature that obeyed him, much like Pride obeyed his trainer.

It took time to coax the shadow to revealing its true self, by moving as Pride wanted it to without only obeying the light. The shadow always came from him, but it could stretch across the ground and up the walls. However, his control was crude, and the shape of any part of the shadow he dragged from the main mass was always triangular. He was not satisfied and tried to create hands, in the image of his own, which was easier when he thought of the fingers as more triangles and the arms as a thin, stretched-out triangle that ended in hands.

But Pride knew that it must have eyes and a mouth, because all creatures did (or else they were just weird, and not worth considering), and he insisted that the shadow open its eyes or accept the food he shared with it. It took a long time, and generous offering of his dark and ghost energy, but one day a part of the shadow split, revealing an eye. As Pride stared into the eye, warmth welled up within him as his beliefs were confirmed. But creatures had more than one eye, or at least Pride did, so he ordered it to open its other eye. But the shadow did more: one eye after another opened in the shadow, some small while others were larger than Pride himself, until he demanded that it stop, because it was awesome but just weird. Creatures also had mouths, with teeth, but the shadow had already revealed that it had many more eyes than most. Pride knew that it must have multiple mouths it could open, and ordered it to do so. Like the eye, an area of no shadow opened up, but the hole had jagged edges he knew must be teeth.

Still it was not enough. In his cave, the darkness had always been almost tangible, and all of the other pokémon he met were three-dimensional and had mass. He would not admit that he was lonely and wanted friends, even to himself, so he instead decided his shadow must rise above the ground and truly exist. This took the longest of all, and he hurled shadow balls at the shadow when it wouldn't obey, to both prove that it should be possible and to vent his frustration. Then, a lump of shadow was thrown back at him, and he knew it meant the shadow must have fully materialised for at least a moment. He practised, first creating more lumps of shadow and then stretching them. The solidified shadow looked much like the shadow had on the ground, with the triangles becoming blades and the long, thin arms becoming tendrils. The most satisfying moment was when he could stand alongside a complete creature, with its own mouths and arms and eyes and spikes, and for the first time he truly indulged in the sin after which he was named.

Effects: Pride can use his shadow to perform physical contact moves without actually physically making contact. This means he can attack through paralysis, without triggering an ability involving contact, and against pokémon he cannot physically reach. The base energy expenditure (PP-based energy cost) is doubled for every attack performed by using the shadow. He cannot move while moving his shadow, meaning that any particular use of the shadow would take a full action, just as it would if Pride himself was performing the action.

The shadow can only perform dark-, ghost-, or normal-type physical attacks that use teeth, blades, hands, claws, or tendrils, as well as moves with "shadow" in their name. These moves must be available to Pride, although he can use the shadow to cause damage without using a specified move, such as by biting the opponent or attempting to hold the opponent in place. Attacks have a -1% damage penalty after all other calculations, unless they have "shadow" in their name.

In addition, the shadow cannot exist in total darkness. If for some reason Pride does not cast a shadow, his signature attribute is totally neutralised so that neither benefits nor detriments come into play.

[Sloth] Slakoth (M)
Ability: Truant
EXP: 0

[Lust] Sneasel (F)
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: Razor Claw
EXP: 0

Move Mod: Ultimate Lance

Description: If there's any way Lust rises above and beyond her fellow deadly sins in battle, it's her lust for blood and combat. Maybe there's something better than slicing her claws through an enemy's flesh and watching the delicious, bright-red liquid flow out and staining her claws with her favourite colour, but she has yet to find it. So, while she loves the hunt, slicing branches out of the way as she follows the scent-trail of fear, there's nothing more irritating than lashing out with her claws, only to fail to pierce skin.

Naturally, everything would be solved if she could just slice through anything without effort. So, in a ritual involving blood, guts, virgin sacrifices, an eclipse, and a pact with a demon, Lust obtained the ability to concentrate her bloodlust into claws that pierce a fleeing target. When Lust uses her Ultimate Lance, black claws shoot out to whatever length she desires, and she can use them to stab a distant opponent.

Type: Dark
Power: 6%
Energy: 5%
Accuracy: 100%
Target: Single

Effects: If used to attack, the Ultimate Lance will ignore any of the target's attempt to increase the target's ability to resist damage, whether it's increasing defence, armour, an ability, type resistances, or mystical shields like barrier or reflect. Of course, she can't do anything about anything that would negate her attacks. The Ultimate Lance is also considered a ranged attack; power will not decrease over distance, but accuracy conceivably might.

Usage Gap: 9 actions

[Father] Spiritomb (M)
Ability: Pressure
EXP: 0

-- Boxed

[Spoony] Abra (M)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 0

[Obsidian] Aerodactyl (M)
Ability: Rock Head
EXP: 0

[Lv 15] Aipom (M)
Ability: Pick Up
EXP: 0

[Xerces] Butterfree (M)
Ability: Compoundeyes
EXP: 0

[Hokage] Charizard (M)
Ability: Blaze
Body Mod: Type change: Dragon/Fire
Effects: + Twister, - Wing Attack
EXP: 1

[Dilate] Croconaw (M)
Ability: Torrent
EXP: 2

[Backfire] Cyndaquil (M)
Ability: Blaze
EXP: 0

[Chiropter] Crobat (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
EXP: 0

[Call Me 'It'] Ditto (X)
Ability: Limber
EXP: 0

[Sequel] Doduo (F)
Ability: Early Bird
EXP: 0

[Ouroboros] Dragonair (F)
Ability: Shed Skin
EXP: 0

Body Mod: Divine Aura

Description: Dragonair can freely control the weather by taking on an aura; this ability is so special that nearly every pokédex entry relates to it. Most league-approved dragonair can't control the weather much more easily than other pokémon, however; they have to use the appropriate move.

Ouroboros practised this ability long before the destruction of ASB Central, meditating to bring out her aura and attempting to use it to influence the weather. She found that dance was the easiest way to bring out her aura, so she had to dance throughout her practice. It was slow going at first - she was able to summon a light breeze, then a stronger wind, but nothing very grand. As she practised, her aura grew stronger, and she was able to sense it even more.

Eventually, when Ouroboros used one of her normal weather-changing moves, she understood how her aura moved the clouds or strengthened the sunlight, so she grew adept at using it. However, to bring out her aura, she still needed to perform the dance, though she no longer needed to dance every moment she wanted to have control over the weather. She'd gained the ability to simply concentrate to bring out the aura, but it was much more difficult. She became satisfied, feeling it was enough, and presented it to her trainer so she could use it in battle.

After this achievement, though, a great fire destroyed ASB Central and she was lost as floating data along with many other pokémon. It seemed like forever that she was in this state, away from the sun and the rain and the breeze, and she missed them dearly. When she was finally recovered, she immediately went outside and felt the weather once more, using her aura to manipulate it and loving the sensation. Eventually, without the interruption of battle, she was able to fully master the ability to manipulate the weather with her aura, now exuding the aura at all times without even consciously thinking about it.

Effects: Ouroboros constantly exudes a gentle aura that, while generally invisible, can be sensed by even the most oblivious pokémon. For most, it's just a subtle feeling, giving them a general idea of where she is, so they receive a +1 bonus to accuracy when she is the target. Psychics and pokémon with the natural ability to sense auras are even better at locating her; when these pokémon target her, her evasion is considered negated (making double team clones useless) and they receive an extra +2 accuracy bonus.

When actively using her Divine Aura to change or sustain a weather effect, her crystal orbs glow, adding another +1 accuracy bonus to anyone trying to target her or her clones, as long as they can see the light.

Using this aura, Ouroboros can change the weather without taking a full action or using the actual move. While the most obvious use for this is summoning any standard weather effect, it's not limited to those - she can manipulate the weather or the air around her however she pleases, as long as it's possible in the arena she's battling in. She can emulate the effects of some moves, like creating a tailwind, if they rely on the effect of the weather itself. However, if the weather-like effect uses mystical properties for its effects, or any other attribute not found in natural weather (e.g. mist and razor wind), she cannot copy those effects. She cannot change the weather more than once per round save for weather-changing moves.

It doesn't take a full action to change the weather, so she can for example cause it to be sunny and use a thunder wave in the same action, but it costs extra energy to do both at once. Thus, while it usually only takes half the usual energy to change the weather, she uses an additional 2% if she uses another move on the same action. She cannot change the weather while using a move that requires great concentration (like detect) or causes direct damage. She can also clear any weather (unless it's inherent to the arena), using a full action and 2% energy per weather effect cleared; she disperses the energy sustaining the weather, so it doesn't take energy to sustain clear weather conditions.

Because she's directly using her aura to manipulate the weather, she can sustain it as long as she likes and it is not interrupted, but it costs 1% energy per action to sustain the weather move. She cannot sustain two weather effects at once, even if it's just a tailwind and a sunny day. She cannot sustain the weather effect if enraged (such as by taunt or swagger), moderately confused or worse, or otherwise totally unable to concentrate at least a little on the weather (most likely by a move directly attacking her mind). Just ceasing to sustain the weather any longer doesn't take energy or effort, and the weather subsides immediately when she stops controlling it.

Weather-changing moves are more powerful, generally, than her type of manipulation, and will override her command. After all, she needs to spend energy to constantly keep the weather going, while weather-changing moves only have an initial cost and are powerful enough to keep going without the weather-summoner's help; with so much power, it's only natural that her control is disrupted. When she's actively using Divine Aura, other weather moves cause 5% typeless damage to Ouroboros (considered self-inflicted, thus ignoring caps, subs, and protect) and disrupting concentration. Naturally, she can just exert control over the weather again, but so can the opponent. This only occurs if it would clear whatever weather effect she's summoned; rain dance while she's making it sunny would hurt, but summoning a sandstorm doesn't make it stop raining, so it won't hurt her then.

Should she use a weather-changing move rather than her Divine Aura to change the weather, there is no upkeep cost and it doesn't harm her if the weather is changed. She can also have a secondary weather-like effect (such as rain dance and fog) after using a weather-changing move.

Dunsparce (F)
Ability: Serene Grace
EXP: 0

Flygon (F)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 0

[Earl] Gallade (M)
Ability: Steadfast
EXP: 2

Move Mod: PASBU: learned Gravity

[Breath] Gengar (M)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 0

[Universe] Girafarig (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
EXP: 0

[Distaste] Grimer (F)
Ability: Sticky Hold
EXP: 0

Furret (F)
Ability: Static
EXP: 0

Body Mod: Type change: Normal/Electric
Effects: + Thunder Wave, Discharge
Links: Obtained

[Sickle] Kabuto (M)
Ability: Battle Armor
EXP: 0

[Genghis] Kangaskhan (F)
Ability: Scrappy
EXP: 0

[Leon] Kecleon (M)
Ability: Color Change
EXP: 0

[Ozzy] Ludicolo (M)
Ability: Swift Swim
EXP: 3

Machop (M)
Ability: Guts
EXP: 0

[Nero] Magby (M)
Ability: Flame Body
EXP: 0

Marshtomp (F)
Ability: Torrent
EXP: 2

[Maxilla] Mawile (F)
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EXP: 0

Meowth (M)
Ability: Technician
EXP: 0

Nincada (M)
Ability: Compoundeyes
EXP: 0

[used GUST] Pidgey (M)
Ability: Keen Eye
EXP: 0

[Shell] Pineco (F)
Ability: Sturdy
EXP: 0

[Raikiri] Raichu (F)
Ability: Static
EXP: 0

Body Mod: PETA: Wings
Effects: Raikiri can fly, +2 speed in air

[Vector] Raticate (M)
Ability: Guts
EXP: 0

Move Mod: Vile Vermin-Infested Rodent

Description: Like most garden-variety rats, Vector isn't the most cleanly of creatures. In fact, his scruffy fur is positively teaming with nasty little bitey things. Ticks, mites, and all other manner of parasites crawl across his body, preparing to leap off at any moment and seek out a new host--and bringing a lovely cocktail of diseases with them.

However, Vector has managed to form a mutualistic relationship with his little houseguests, and, as they are naturally concerned with the intactness of their host, the raticate can rally them to come to his aid during battle. This allows Vector to use several attacks that he normally wouldn't be able to, namely attack order, defend order, heal order, leech life, and bug buzz. Because of the diseases carried by the insects that participate in the attacks, the opponent may find them to have a little extra bite--though they may end up harming Vector, as well. Also, because he lacks the natural abilities of a vespiquen, Vector can only hope to call upon his creepy-crawly friends to attack, not specify what move they choose to use.

Type: Bug
Power: varies
Energy: varies
Accuracy: varies
Target: varies
Duration: varies

Effects: The parasites infesting Vector's fur act together, performing one attack selected at random from the following list. If he does not have enough energy to perform a move, that move will not be an option. All attacks have the same effects as they would if used by a pokémon ordinarily able to learn them, except as outlined below.

Attack Order - A cloud of flying insects, accompanied by a leaping host of fleas and crawling ticks, swarms the target, biting and stinging them everywhere and infecting them with the diseases they carry, causing the same effect as normal poison. ~ Energy: 6%
Defend Order - A swarm of flying insects detaches itself from Vector's fur and swirls through the air around him, sacrificing themselves to lessen the effects of incoming attacks and thus raising his defense and special defense by one stage. Contact attacks made while this effect is in play have a 30% chance to cause the user to become infected, causing the same effect as mild poison. The effects of this attack end after five actions. ~ Energy: 4%
Heal Order - The clinging parasites in Vector's fur burrow beneath his skin, sacrificing their energy to restore his health. This will restore up to 50% health but cause Vector to become infected and acquire a condition equivalent to severe poison (triggering his guts ability). ~ Energy: half of damage healed, rounded up
Bug Buzz - A cloud of flying insects mobs the opponent, the whining of their wings irritating the opponent and breaking their concentration. This attack functions the same as its normal counterpart. ~ Energy: 7%
Leech Life - A swarm of vermin leave Vector and crawl all over the opponent, biting into them and sucking out their lifeforce. They then return to their initial host and turn the energy or health they absorbed over to him, restoring him for half the health or energy stolen but also infecting him, causing him to acquire a condition equivalent to normal poison (triggering his guts ability). ~ Energy: 4%

Because the diseases only act similarly to poison, and are not actual poison, pokemon (including Vector) can be afflicted with the poison status on top of any status caused by the insects.

Usage Gap: 3 rounds from the end of all effects

[Ling Yao] Riolu (M)
Ability: Inner Focus
EXP: 0

[Tankard] Squirtle (M)
Ability: Torrrent
EXP: 0

Staryu (X)
Ability: Natural Cure
EXP: 0

[Alfons] Steelix (M)
Ability: Rock Head
EXP: 0

[Lunatic] Teddiursa (M)
Ability: Pickup
EXP: 0

[Quicksilver] Togepi (F)
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Metronome
EXP: 2
Happiness: 2

[Kusha] Treecko (M)
Ability: Overgrow
EXP: 0

Unown (X)
Ability: Levitate
EXP: 0

Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Tinted Lens

Deino (F)
Ability: Hustle

Zorua (F)
Ability: Illusion

Axew (M)
Ability: Mold Breaker

-- Inventory

1 Dubious Disc
1 Electirizer
1 Magmarizer
1 Protector
1 Rare Candy
1 Reaper Cloth
1 Shiny Stone
1 Water Stone
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882 9 Griffin

-- Active

[Moonbeam] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia

[Sherile] Absol (F)
Ability: Super Luck

[Vandal] Smeargle (M)
Ability: Own Tempo
Body Mod: Permanent Ink
Description: Vandal is an odd sort of Smeargle. He wants desperately for his art to be recognized and become well-known, not just as another generic Smeargle. As a result, before a match, he will dip his tail in permanent ink, which temporarily replaces the ink his tail normally secretes, allowing his creations a sort of permanency.
Effects: Anything Vandal paints with the permanent ink (such as wings) will not fade until the end of battle, or until he is switched out. However, at the same time, due to the complications caused by drawing elemental moves with permanent ink, he can only use normal-type attacks until he uses up the ink. The ink can allow him to draw one body mod, at the ref's discretion, each battle.

[Anmi] Vulpix (F)
Ability: Flash Fire

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

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3180 Cosmic Blueberry

-- Active

[Cotton] Swablu (F)
Ability: Natural Cure
Move Mod: Cloud Arrow
Cotton always thought she came from the clouds. Even though her family explained her clearly how Swablues were made, she refused to believe them. She had the feeling she had some sort of the connection with those those fluffy mastodons, floating so far away she couldn't reach them. When she was alone, she used to talk with them.
However, one afternoon, her classmates saw her chatting with the sky and laughed at her. With her Wailord-wide ego, Cotton couldn't take that mockery, so she decided to prove her friends that her connection with the clouds was real. But how?
Fate answered her few days after. Every spring, the Home-Tree wore a different color. That day, their home-tree was bursting with Oran Berries. Entire Swablu flocks were floating about, joyously plucking the blue fruits. Then a far way buzz was herd. First it was subtle, nearly faint, but it quickly grew stronger and louder. An entire swarm of Ninjasks was coming, and it was coming fast!
Soon the entire tree was overflowed by the insects and even if the tiny birds tried to defend themselves, the bugs were way too fast and agile for the Swablues to hit them. Cotton saw in that disastrous situation the perfect opportunity to call her friends for help. With a long and melodic cry, she asked the clouds to help her. Soon her wings grew larger and larger with condensed water, so large that Cotton became completely enveloped with it. When she couldn’t take the pressure longer, she charged the Ninjask swarm like a giant arrow. Cotton pierced the swarm and with a thunder-like sound it exploded with misty flares. The Ninjasks became completely absorbed in the mist and became notably slower, so Cotton’s family drove them away. Cotton’s body was found in the grass few meters down from the impact point, her wings reduced to small cloudy filaments.
Few days after, her wings regained their strength and Cotton regained her full health. When Cosmic adopted her, Cotton told him her story and he decided to teach her to control that wonderful attribute. After weeks of intense training, Cotton was able to bear the attack. However, she had to use the clouds in her wings in order to perform the attack. She became able to regain them quickly using the water in the air, though.
The result was a very powerful and cleansing attack, neutralizing any modification to the foe’s stats but that left Cotton grounded for a few minutes.

Type: Flying
Target: single opponent
Damage: 8%
Accuracy: 95%
Energy Cost: 6%
Effect: The foe is struck with an arrow made of condensed water. The arrow the explodes in a burst of mist that sets the opponent's stat modifications to zero. This secondary effect applies even if the move misses or is blocked by Protect, Detect or Substitute. However, since Cotton loses the strength in her wing, she is considered to be under the effects of Gravity six actions following the move.

Usage Gap: 6 actions.

[Snow] Mawile (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Body Mod: Magma Heart
Snow, unlike most other Mawile that use to live in cool caves deep in the ground, was born on the Edge of the ever-hot Stark Mountain. Her tribe used to live there for many years before any other Pokémon came. However, when numerous herds of Camerupts and Rhydons migrated to Stark Mountain, Snow's tribe had no choice but to become a warrior tribe to defend themselves against the increasing number of foes and to be able to compete for food.

Resulting of the years spent to fight the heat of Stark Mountain, Snow's skin became immune to ever-lasting burns. However, she is still weak to scorching flames and even more sensible to frost than other normal Mawiles. Also, the heat of fire may awaken in Snow's blood the old warrior spirit to help her fight against her enemies.
Effect: Whenever Snow is hit by any Fire-typed move, her Attack Stat has a 10% chance of raising one stage and her Special Attack Stat has a 10% chance of raising one stage (in a single equation). Snow is also immune to any type of Burn. However, if Snow is hit by any Ice-typed move, her Attack Stat has a 10% of falling one stage. Moreover, every move that may inflict a freeze has an additional 10% chance of inflicting a freeze.

[Coat] Swinub (M)
Abiliity: Oblivious
Body Mod: Static Fur
Coat is a Swinub that comes from very far, farther than the mere Snowpoint city. Coat was given birth close to the south pole for what is known. In fact, the poor creature was found nearly dying of hunger when a lone group of searchers actually looking for Articuno. Coat was the last survivor of his once proud and strong herd. Generations of his race had seen the light of the sun since the first few members of the group had crossed the Ice Bridge millenniums ago. But now that new predators are walking on the land that was once dominated by massive mastodons, the Great Swine Line of the Pole has seen his population decrease as the years passed. Intimidating white bears killed their their progeny before they were able to grow mature and swift weasels stole their eggs. At first the most imposing Mamoswines of the herd could defend it, but as the years passed fewer and fewer members achieved that stage, and the defense was getting weaker. When Coat saw the light, he was the twelfth Swine of the herd. Only a couple of weeks after his birth, the herd was attacked by a group of Bears that the seven remaining Piloswines couldn't stand against. Coat's family was mercilessly killed by the predators. Only Coat found the time to bury in the snow to avoid the same fate.

The important fact to know is that the Great Swines of the Pole had developed a special attribute exclusive to their line when centuries ago The Great Birds flew over the continent. The herd's defense technique (Stronger members around to protect the Swinubs that stay in the center of the circle) was only useful against grounded foes, the the little pigs/swines/whatever had to find a way to discourage the aerial foes.

The Wise Pilo (a very old and wise Piloswine and direct ancestor of Coat) found the way when he noticed the light that sparked from the Swinubs' fur when they rubbed against each other for a bit of heat. The static electricity resulting of the friction was enough to drive back the birds, and that technique soon became a staple in the young's education.

After generations of practice, the manipulation of weak electricity was in the herd's gens. Coat is also able to use that energy to defend (or attack) against foes. However, since the manipulation of electricity is not as natural as for electric pokémon, Coat can't really control the energy and hurt himself when the charge releases.
Effect: Whenever a Pokémon makes contact with Coat (Regardless of who attacks, which means that Coat using Tackle will have a chance to paralyze the opponent), it has a 25% chance of being paralyzed. However, whenever a Pokémon is paralyzed by Coat this way, the discharge will cause Coat to lose 5% Health and 5% Energy. Additionally, the paralysis rate can't be stacked, which means that Coat using Body Slam, for example, will have a 30% chance of paralyzing the opponent, and the effect will cause no discharge and thus will not damage Coat.

[Sun] Shuppet (F)

[Flora] Audino (F)
Ability: Healer

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-- Inventory

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106 47 sreservoir

-- Active
[Vilya] Ralts (F)
Ability: Synchronize
EXP: 1
Body Mod: Envy of Birds
Description: Vilya has, since her childhood, watched birds, and envied their freedom in the air, their ability to fly to any place that strikes their fancy. When a Xatu on its migration flight came, she asked it how it flied, and how she could fly as well. It could not help her with the flying, but told her it was possible, though that she would have to find her own way.
Knowing that it was possible was possible was half the battle; after many attempts, a workable method was found - using psychic power to lift from the ground. Though she could not ascend very high, concentration would stretch the limits, to a point.
This, practiced many times, became almost effortless for Vilya to maintain, such that she now remain suspended in the air whenever possible. Being out of practice at getting back up, this requires extra energy when this happens, usually because an outside force interferes with the psychic power keeping Vilya afloat.
Effects: Vilya is treated as inherently hovering / consentually flying, with a normal maximum altitude of 6 m (an extra meter for each level that special attack increased, and a meter down for each decrease) and an extra energy cost of 1% per turn for flight but falls to the ground and stays there for a 3 actions when hit by dark-type moves or about 2 meters from a dark-type. She also falls when subject to a powerful (causing >8% damage or so without applying effectiveness) move to which a psychic/flying-type would have a weakness to. Falling from the sky results in (altitude / 2m)% HP damage, rounded down. She also suffers a -1 to speed for these actions as the body adjusts. Returning to the hovering state requires 6% energy.

[Nenya] Dragonair (F)
Ability: Shed Skin
EXP: 4

[Narya] Vulpix (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Fire Stone
EXP: 0

[Aua] Myrid (F)
Ability: Water Absorb
EXP: 0

[God] Porygon (X)
Ability: Download
Item: Upgrade
EXP: 0

[Star] Cleffa (F)
Ability: Magic Guard
EXP: 1
Happiness: 1

[Pseudodino] Larvitar (F)
Ability: Guts
EXP: 0

Woobat (F)
Ability: Simple

Alomomola (F)
Ability: Healer

Zorua (F)
Ability: Illusion

-- Boxed

Archen (F)
Ability: Defeatist

Sawk (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Magic Guard

Tirtouga (F)
Ability: Solid Rock

Deino (F)
Ability: Hustle

Larvesta (F)
Ability: Flame Body

Druddigon (F)
Ability: Rough Skin

Cryogonal (X)
Ability: Levitate

-- Inventory

1 Dubious Disc
2 Sun Stone
1 Dawn Stone
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24 8 Mad MOAI

-- Active

[Lust] Weavile (F)
Ability: Pressure
Item: None
EXP: 2

[Maria Ross] Plusle (F)
Ability: Plus
Item: None
EXP: 2

[Nyasha] Exeggcute (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: None
EXP: 0

[Luminàs] Nosepass (M)
Ability: Magnet Pull
Item: None
EXP: 0

[Quetza] Onix (F)
Ability: Rock Head
Item: None
EXP: 0

[Solas] Volbeat (M)
Ability: Swarm
Item: None

-- Boxed


-- Inventory

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729 2 Barubu

-- Active

[Charles] Pidgey (M)
Ability:keen eye

[Dorothy] Sandshrew (F)
Ability:sand veil

[brittany] Buizel (M)
Ability:swift swim

[Eric] Houndour (M)
Ability:flash fire

[Kyle] Abra [M]

[Shmexy Lady] Buneary [F]
Ability: Run Away

[Pera] Swablu [F]
Ability:Natural Cure

[Kaemelotte] Heracross (M)
Abilty: Swarm

[China] Bronzor (X)
Ability: Levitate

[Lavelle] Pichu (F)
Body Mod:Gills
Gills simply allow a pokemon to breathe underwater indefinitely without losing health or energy. They don't replace lungs, and instead allow pokemon to be fully amphibious. Gills cannot be applied to pokemon who do not breathe (Magnemite, Unown, Beldum etc), Pokemon made out of a substance that could be eroded by water (Graveler, Slugma, etc.) or pokemon of the steel-type. Pokemon will be held for three days - one for surgery, two for physiotherapy - and need to be picked up before battle.

-- Boxed

[Kergen] Mankey (F)
Ability: Vital Spirit
EXP: 1

[Clairent] Shellder (F)
Ability: Skill Link
Move Mod: Pearlshot
Description: Like all Shellder, Clairent has a rather interesting way of removing parasites and irritants; her immune system pours layer after layer of calcium carbonate over the offending material, forming a protective coat around the annoying trespasser. The resulting object, of course, is a pearl; they have been valued greatly for centuries and, as Clairent has found, make rather good projectiles.

Clairent, unlike other Shellder, has weaponized her pearl production; she has figured out how to force the rapid creation of several pearls at once, and how to propel them at speed from her body. The resulting spray of pearl pelts her opponent, dealing damage for each pearl; this attack has the ability to hit five times in a row. However, due to the rapid production of the pearls, they are quite fragile and will break upon contact with their target. If the Shellder spends more time forming the pearls, though, she is able to make them much more durable and thus more valuable. When fired after charging, the move does more damage as well as producing pearls that her Trainer gets to keep and sell after the battle. (The downside being that, if she chooses to charge the attack, Clairent will generally move last, since the act of charging the attack places her in the Priority -3 bracket, with the likes of Avalanche and Revenge.)
Type: Normal
Stat: Physical
Power: 1% per hit uncharged, 2% when charged
Energy: 3%, 6% if charged
Accuracy: 100%
Target: Single foe
Duration: 1 action
Effects: None if uncharged. If charged, this move adds $1 to the trainer's prize money, never exceeding $5 in total
Usage Gap: 3 rounds

[Battery] Elekid (F)
Ability: Static
Body Mod: Vicious Moodswings
Description: Every battery has a positive side and a negative side. Likewise, Battery the Elekid earned her nicknamesake over the fact her attitude seldom reaches a neutral point, either being too positive or too negative. The shifts in that attitude tend to be very sudden and quick.

The moodswings are so extreme, they completely alter Battery's performance in battle. Feeling fine bolsters her enthusiasm and allows her to strike enemies with more effort, and thus, more result. If she's not very willing to deal with the fact others exist, however, she will try to drive them away by putting more effort into her special attacks.

Because her emotions are usually in exaggerated levels, it's hard for her mood to be altered by things that would make an average Pokémon's feelings change. For the same reason, she cannot make a bigger show of her emotions than she does most of the time, and thus, attacks that require her to do so are unusable.

Effects: Upon being sent out, there's a 50% chance Battery will be in a good mood (boosting her Attack by 1+), and a 50% chance that she will be in a bad mood (boosting her Special Attack by 1+ instead). Neither boost can surpass 6+, and they cannot be neutralized. Each action Battery executes, there's a 5% chance her mood will change, thus swapping Attack boosts/reductions with Special Attack boosts/reductions, and likewise with Defense and Special Defense. Battery cannot use Return or Frustration.

[Smith] Mienfoo (M)
Ability: Inner Focus

[Katavos] Heatmor (M)
Ability: White Smoke

[Envika] Tirtouga (F)
Ability: Solid Rock

-- Inventory

1 Leppa Berry
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A few questions, then:

How is the listing of smeargle's moves handled? I just didn't list them on mine; would they go under move mods or something?

Why isn't there a "stat" or "category" field for sig moves?

And are there any accommodations in the new system for custom sprites, e.g. my red salamence?
Put them down as a move mod called "Sketched Moves," with the actual move list as the description section.

I forgot those. =/ Well, the stat field, anyway; I don't make people assign categories.

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