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ASB Gift Exchange 2011

Okay, the gift claim period has begun, so you should be able to unwrap your gifts now. And if we're lucky, they may all even work properly. If you have one of those gifts that isn't displaying properly on the exchange screen, though, you may want me to take a look at it before you open it to make sure it's not going to mess with your account any.

My own gifts will go out Tuesday the 27th, when the library will be open again and I'll have time to gather stuff. For now, here are the additional gifts that the exchange system couldn't handle.

Merry Christmas!

Blastoise Fortooate
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare or a reffing from Mai

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare from Mai

- Riddles from Lord of the Fireflies (see bottom of post) [Hope you like it!]
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare or a reffing from Mai

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur

Chief Zackrai
- One free Altoram Department Store move from Lord of the Fireflies

- One art request of choice from HighMoon
- One free Altoram Department Store move from Lord of the Fireflies
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare from Mai

Crazy Linoone
- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare or a reffing from Mai [Thanks for being so productive in the Battle for Asber!]

- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare or a reffing from Mai [... So I wasn't able to get what you asked for after all. Sorry, but happy holidays nonetheless!]

- Negrek's head (
) from Rarity

Lord of the Fireflies
- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- An offer to referee any one of your battles from Mai

Metallica Fanboy
- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any two things at the Daycare from Mai

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare or a reffing from Mai

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare from Mai

- Overhead price on any four things at the Daycare from Mai [I think I just killed Asber's economy, and all the profits from my business for quite a while. Oh well.]

Squornshellous Beta
- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- One free Altoram Department Store move from Lord of the Fireflies

The Omskivar
- One free Altoram Department Store move from Lord of the Fireflies

- A battle's worth of hopefully-not-late reffings from bulbasaur
- Overhead price on any one thing at the Daycare from Mai

Zora of Termina
- One art request of choice from HighMoon


I. A hunter notices a bear far away, and wants to get around it to take it by surprise. To do so, he walks 10 km heading south, then another 10 km heading east, and finally 10 km heading north. To his surprise, he finds himself face to face with the bear, which didn't move at all!

What color is the bear?

II. It's better than God.

It's worst than the devil.

Poor have it.

Wealthy need it.

If one eats it, one dies.

What is it?

III. A woman is 21 years older than her son. In 6 years, he'll be five times younger than her mother.

Where is the father?
Thanks everyone!

Oh boy, I get to unwrap gifts one-by-one. THIS IS SO EXCITING Porygons porygons everywhere bwahahaha

Bulbasaur, you're going to have your work cut out for you for the next few months XD

Also, what happens if we answer the riddles? I'm pretty sure I have the answer for the first one....
I know the answer to the second one, am I supposed to post it?

*goes to unwrap*

EDIT: I love you everybody*! I got everything I wanted (including two kabuto, yay)!

*Except for you, Kratos. A dollar, really? I suppose we'll chalk it up to Giratina. But I appreciate it all the same, since I went broke giving gifts this year.

Although whatever it is that Barubu got me is showing up as a forum error.

EDIT EDIT: It turns out that it did unwrap, but the present is still there. The cubchoo it contained is in my PC.
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I only got berries from bulbasaur...and money back because I gave him money in return, but he said it was the same amount he used to buy the berries...

I thought others would give me something...oh well. I shouldn't be greedy. Thanks bulbasaur.
Thanks everybody for the gifts!

Whew, this was an expensive xmas. Remember how I was bragging about having upwards of $700? The only reason I'm still above $300 now is the gift money I've received.
...Well that's not good.

I gave:
-3 pokémon
-1 item.

I recieved:

From my brother. Still thankful! It's two more poké than I had :D

EDIT: I know the answer to the third riddle.
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Thanks so much, everyone <3~ I wish I could've given out a lot more gifts, but there's always next year and birthdays!
~I know the second riddle!:>~

I needed to save $30 for evolution, so I could only give out a Sentret to Rarity (I promised I would) and money to Bulbasaur, but her gave some back. and he gave $1 more, so I'm planning on paying back.

I wish I could have gotten more gifts, and I wish I could have given gifts that don't require me spending anything...Oh well, there's always next year! :D
Thanks everybody who gave me a gift! I really appreciate it, and like everything that I got.
Wait, this is over already? But... I had plans I was going to enact when I got my next allowance.
I know the answer to the first and second riddles :0 Thanks for the presents, everyone~ You guys are awesome and I wish I could give you more stuff to match your levels of awesome. Also whoops I was meaning to send these to Negrek but I forgot. Kratos, Pathos and Kusari, these are for you!

Thanks, bulbasaur, Kratos, res, Clover, Zhorken, pathos! I will draw things for you! ... Or something! \o\
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