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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
can't believe i'm gonna try this, but here i am.
be afraid, be very afraid of that ugly creature
I am now tempted to call you the adorable adorable Dannichu
jealous of Alraune's lizard and hairstyle-goodness
Alraune: I want that lizard.
Alarune: You're pretty. Seriously. :3
Fresh fruit needs to not be so mean to himself and let me paint my future baby's room the color of his skin.
Fresh Fruit: You are not as bad as you described.
hahaha really? thanks lol, it's... like, default fresh fruit face when he's with friends hahafresh fruit: I love the look on your face. :3
no, but keep trying. congrats!am i considered old yet
quoting for awesome people. and so I can find pics of myself later. :3Look at these sexy people.
Even more sexiness.
(that's surskitty with blue hair, Mhals with black, Butterfree with blonde, Elyvorg with K-9 and opal with beardiness)
I was also in attendance.
Frostagin you remind me of my very cute little cousin :33
That hair man that hair
Frostagin, you look alot like a girl who goes to my school. It's creepy. But, yes, everyone is correct. You're very cute!
am i considered old yet
What if... What if I AM your cousin??
Especially since I'm homeschooled.
Aha Dannichu thank you for posting the most group-like expo pictures so I can just post ones of myself!! :D (oops am I allowed to do that, sorry, I am self-centered.)Look at these sexy people.
Even more sexiness.
(that's surskitty with blue hair, Mhals with black, Butterfree with blonde, Elyvorg with K-9 and opal with beardiness)
I was also in attendance.
! I like looking similar to random people. And this girl sounds pretty cool, going around with a Pikachu backpack and all.It's weird, Mhals looks like a girl in my school that goes around with her Pikachu backpack. Not like identical, but there's a striking similarity there.
Thank you ^-^ I hate wearing it outside though, because either my whole belly shows or my whole bra shows =/:D I love your top in the first one! It's all pretty and sparkly and~
Well what if I don't even like bubble gum 8)Munchkin in that first pic you look like you're ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum
But you're all out of bubblegum and you wouldn't be able to chew it anyway because apparently you have braces
This picture! You look good in this one :)