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Behind the Avatar, Redux

So everybody's uncloaking and taking off their disguises huh?
Okay. My turn. :D
WARNING: I have really crazy hair :D



!! I wander off for five minutes and...! Maybe it wasn't five minutes. But ahh, Butterfree! Congratulations!

And Grim you are looking pretty fine just sayin'
two of my friends caught me off guard while i was texting someone and trying to find them at a con back in mid-may

the photo's actually bigger and my girlfriend is right next to me, but i just cut myself out of the image i saved it elsewhere out of respect for her and other cosplayers, and because and you all probably don't care about the other people anyway (much less even me lmfao)

ps. if you're in chicago and you know what con it is just by looking at the badge you may or may not have been within the same vicinity as i and to that i say 'nice to meet you' (i got to meet purplekecleon there too and i was so happy!)
this is my face bored in school and sitting in the back because i'm cool like that


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Guyz, look what I did to me yesterday.
Oh, cool! You replaced one of your fingers with a USB stick! I've thought about doing that for a while, actually. Seems like it would be a practical way to carry important documents with you and stuff. You just finger the nearest computer and voilà, a PDF of your haiku collection. It's mostly the surgery that puts me off. Be sure to keep us updated on how it works out for you.
i've decided to begin growing my hair out. had to put a lamp in my face with my desk being so dark.


i'm not much for smiling, so fake smiles away~
Got this picture from the Instagram main site, which doesn't let you right click and push "Copy Image URL."
/hax master

And now, a terribly hideous picture of me trying not to smile while my brother makes terrible references in my doorway.

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