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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Wait!' Princess Eve shouted after Cas 'What is it that we can try?'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Yeah, hold up!" Kinova cried, finding her feet and running after him. "What are you going to do? If that thing was human before... can it still be killed? Or..." she paused. "Listen, whatever you're going to do... let us help. None of us want that thing to harm the Queen, and you shouldn't try and stop it... him? alone, even if he was your apprentice."

Kinova hesitated, her mind dwelling on the "darkness in Arylett" Cas had mentioned. But she pushed past it, and decided to leave further enquiries about it until later. She couldn't believe that Arylett had anything like that beast inside her.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Cas didn't show any reaction towards the two people following him. He would probably need at least some help...

He sprinted the last few steps up to his room and held the door open for the other two. After locking and bolting the door, he approached the one bookcase he never touched. Sighing once more, he grabbed a large, black book on the case - and pulled.

The whole bookcase lurched forward, rattling on its concealed castors, until it was completely separate from the other shelves. There was a small lever revealed at the bottom, which Cas kicked, and suddenly the whole bookcase fell away into a newly-opened hole in the floor.

He lead the others through a newly-revealed doorway - into the room Thingy had once slept in.

Everything was perfectly silent and still. The chair in the corner, greyed with dust, the oil-lamp hanging from the ceiling, long since ran dry - and the bedsheets, a deep purple colour, made of a soft, heavy fabric.

"Spektra," he whispered, and a small patch of his magical cape began to move, scuttling to the floor. Cas touched a hand to the floor, and the beetle crawled onto his palm.

"Spektra, memorise the smell," Cas said quietly, pointing at the bedcovers. The strange insect leapt onto the bed and immediately transitioned to exactly the same colour and pattern as the covers.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

It... it felt so strange...

For a moment more, she had felt that same nothing... that numbness... as her entire body was transformed into energy. It was so bizarre... she... she didn't feel for a moment. For that same moment, she didn't think either.

And then she became solid again. The darkness was instantly thrust upon her eyes, with only dim lights to keep her company.

...It was just her and the darkness...

Her and the darkness and the broken bones, but still her and the darkness. She knew it was useless, she could barely move without feeling that terrible pang throughout her aching body.

No... it was her and the darkness and the broken bones and the fear. For now that intense ominous fear filled her up. She could feel the Horrid Thing's presence... the beast's evil and darkness, even if she wasn't so sure where she was or what had happened. It was a sort of placid fear, the type of fear one would feel when they knew it was hopeless.

One thing was for certain though.

She wasn't in Arylettopia any longer.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raeneudd passed back into Pheboraedd, to be met by a very worried official.
"Thank goodness you're back Ma'am. We were worried. We still are."
"Why, what's happened?" she asked, fear beginning to rise in him.
"Timcyduch has gone out of range, and Chief Windstar's Key is singing."
"I'm going after Mal," she said, turning her horse and vanishing through the gate, appearing outside the castle in Arlyettopia.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing, still in its scarlet, Half-True form, reached out towards Arylett with a single clawed hand, poking first her face, then her hair, and finally her crown. He pondered again whether or not to just take the crown now - but no, that could wait.

He could sense that she was awake - or rather, he could sense the darkness inside her, pulsing slightly along with her heart.

He suddenly snatched the Queen up in both hands and carried her off to a deeper part of the cave, brightly lit with some of the weird crystals and seemingly perfect intervals. In the middle of the room was a roughly circular altar, hewn out of the rock, carved with what appeared to be an spread-eagled stick person - just like the odd pattern on his face. He cruelly dropped Arylett onto the altar and forcefully arranged her limbs so she just about matched the carvings, and bound her wrists and ankles where they were with four pieces of Horrid Rope, made of pure, solid darkness.

"Are you ready, my dear?" the Thing whispered.


"Good, Spektra," Cas muttered, "Now, can you tell us where else in the world that smell is?"

The rainbow-coloured beetle flicked open its wings and hovered in front of Cas' face, and its tiny black eyes suddenly flashed white. cal was suddenly taken by a vision, in which he could see the whole world, from Arylettopia to Pheboraedd and back again.

His view zoomed in on a strange mountain range, far from Arylettopia, and grew closer and closer until he could see a single cave entrance, blocked from view by an outcrop of rock and tangled vines hanging down over it.

The vision ended, and Cas shook his head to clear his eyes of any after-print of that cave.

"Right, I know where it is, but it's far too distant to teleport there. Any ideas?"
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Raeneudd dismounted and swept into the palace. By startling some servants, she found the room where Malbarad was and marched in. When she saw him she swept over and knelt beside him, muttering healing spells.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip ran after Cas and the others. He overheard what was said and responded to the final question. "We could channel a TON of magic energy to teleport close and then walk the rest of the way."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

So much... so much darkness...

Queen Arylett shrieked in agony. That being... that Horrid Thing of Darkness... it was touching her. She couldn't take it... couldn't take being touched by such evil. Her skin burned and stung and seared. And that intermixed with the fact that he was arranging her limbs, her aching body groaned in protest, sending more of those horrid pangs reverberating through every single limb. She kept screaming, the whole time she was being bound to the altar.

And then the intensity of the pain lessened, she was finally tied up and the Horrid Thing was no longer touching her... aaah... slight relief. Where the Horrid Ropes had bound her, however, she could feel the darkness burning her wrists and the echoes of the aches that were going through her broken bones. She cringed, but bit her lip, not wanting to scream any more and display weakness before the terrible monster.

It was... it was all over...

And she felt nothing, nothing but that placid fear. A placid calm fear of hopelessness, there was nothing left to do and nowhere left to go. With it, it brought a sort of weariness and anxiety...

Yet, there was still a small flicker of hope. A small light within her. And it was that light that kept her from losing it, from surrendering herself to the panic. Even in that situation, she had hope... it was going to be all right... it would be all right.

"Yes. It's going to be all right. Remember what I said, Lett, it's not your time."

That... that voice... it was the voice of the figure... the figure she had seen in her vision of numbness. She knew that voice.

She shut her eyes and did not respond.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Don't have that attitude," the Thing hissed, "I heard you, Arylett, you wanted this to happen, you were pleading with me..."

His face loomed over hers, even though her eyes were shut tight, and he gazed at her with his pitch-black eyes.

"If you do not wish to participate, I will have to force you." he continued simply, and held an outspread hand directly above her heart. Small particles of darkness began to fly up into his hand, and the force would pull slightly, making Arylett's back lift off of the stone.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova followed Cal in silence on the way to his rooms, her thoughts occupied. At the revealing of the secret door and then room, however, her curiousity was piqued. Forcibly restraining herself from asking several of many questions, she observed as Castycal called upon the strange insect... his expression changed for a moment, as though he was looking at something more than just the wall of the room. Wondering what was going on, she almost missed his sudden question.

"Er - too far for teleportation?" she frowned, thinking fast. "We could try some kind of spell. Or..." she looked at Eve, recalling the Princess's pet. "We could fly. Would that be fast enough, though?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Name: Takeshi Ama
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Southland
Job: Soldier
Appearance: Black medium-long hair, tall, green eyes,gi,hood
Recovery or Blockade: Blockade
Personality: PO
Pets: Living cheesecake(if you don't know what that is, you suck)
Other: kunais,and shurikens are my weapon
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((I don't think it's very nice to say that someone "sucks" because they don't know what living cheesecake is. I know what it is, but...))

Sapphire turned towards HRA's place. Perhaps she could report, or not. If there were problems going on there, she didn't want to get involved. Perhaps she would wait until the middle of the day, when things were less busy.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

She shut her eyes tighter, trying to see the figure again.

But there was no figure. She called out her name... and yet...

The voice wouldn't speak.

Arylett knew what was happening, even with her eyes shut tight as she tried to forget it, as she tried to focus hard enough to see the figure again. That figure... that figure was the key to saving herself.

But she couldn't focus. She could feel herself being slightly lifted... and for a split second she almost saw a flicker in her mind's eye...

And then pain.

"ARRRRRRRRRRGH!" Arylett's tormented shrieks of agony once more filled the Horrid Lair. The darkness was coming out... it was all coming out... it was the worst feeling she had ever felt. There were no thoughts in her mind, no thoughts could even be formed. She could think of nothing more than the pure pain surging through her entire being. It felt as if her very soul was being ripped, shredded apart.

And then her mind's eye flickered again... "Arylett... Arylett... he's doing what you wanted... he's letting it loose. Let it free! Let it free! Let it take you!"

Arylett opened her dark eyes. A smirk went across her face. Suddenly the pain turned to pleasure. She chuckled coldly as she had that sudden realization. Oh that fool! That Horrid Thing was a fool! Now... now was her chance! Her chance to realize her true power!

She turned her head around suddenly, her glasses falling off of her face and to the ground with a light clatter.

Darkness had begun to completely enshroud the Queen, as she reversed the connection of darkness between her and the Horrid Thing. She was absorbing the darkness that he had taken from her... and now... now... she had freed it. She laughed! Oh... oh... why was she fighting the darkness? It... it felt so good now!

Her curls had gone completely wild, flying all over the place as the darkness clung to her form. They grew longer as her crown changed colour... it became bronze. Her eyes flashed and became completely pitch black.

They glared straight into the Horrid Thing's equally dark ones, glared mockingly.

"Oh you fool... you stupid fool...!"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The Thing was taken aback. What had just happened? Arylett had became some sort of... Thing - something like him. He glared questioningly at the transformed Queen, and moved slightly away from the altar.


"It depends..." Cas muttered under his breath, "We can't be sure of what the Thing is doing. But I suppose flying would be very swift and very easy, assuming the mode of transport is big enough..."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

She broke the Horrid Bonds easily, absorbing the darkness within them and floating to the ground.

"...Oh, you don't know? Didn't they tell you, didn't they tell you about the darkness in my heart? The evil! This is what happens... when you free it!"

Arylett chuckled. "And that's what you did... you let it out and you silly boy, you! You tried to absorb it! But I took it back. And once it was freed... it consumed me. But oh, why did I have want to fight it? I have so much power in this form!"

The transformation continued as Arylett began to emit more darkness. A huge thick dark cloud of it merged with her left arm, turning it into a claw made of the blackness. The skirt of her dress was also consumed with darkness, until it became a large flowing mass of it as her Queenly Ruff had also succumb to the transformation, becoming spiked. Finally a huge mass of even more darkness crawled up to her mouth and nose, completely obscuring them.

...And there she was...

Horrid Arylett.

"Aaah, that's better! You wouldn't believe how long! How long I've been waiting!"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova bit her lip, thinking... she stared vacantly down at herself. A piece of fluff was stuck to her shirt, part orange and part yellow... probably off the feather on her Kinovahat. Oh!

"Cal, we could use the Curly-Tailed Birds! There are a few in the castle menagerie, and they're big enough to carry one rider each... we'd have to hurry, though."

((Link to an image of a Bird here~ (C) Arylett or something))
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Something is happening...
Lucas threw up his Empathy Milkshake. He had used it to if Arylett was in pain or dead, but the sheer might of whatever was happening forced it out of him.
He began to recollect the happenings. Arylett was stolen by the Horrid Thing after King Philly had stabbed nothing, and now most everyone was gone. He had given a mild healing milkshake to everyone who was hurt, and they were delightfully sipping at them. Maybe I should open a milkshake shop...
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'OK Kinova, my chocobo Lavender is very fast, near light speed if you'd like however that might damage your appearance so the speed of a jetplane should be enough' said Princess Eve.

'KWEH!' Princess shouted out. Flying towards them was Lavender, stopping suddenly right in front of them.

'So do you want to use dear Lavender here or one of those Curly-Tailed Birds?' Princess Eve asked. 'Whatever the choice Lavender is coming because she is one of my main forms of attack.'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I can use a floating spell to float me there, since it doesn't take much magic."
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