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Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

What browser(s) do you use?

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I almost exclusively use Firefox. Well, no, actually, I occasionally use Safari because it has a "private browsing" feature that I don't believe Firefox has. In private browsing, anything you do when you're using it is not recorded in the history. So that can be helpful. I also have Opera on my machine, but I never use it.
Primarily I use Opera. I find it to be a lot faster than pretty much everything else I've tried. I've got Firefox for a backup browser for when something doesn't work properly in Opera, or on the rare occasion I want to use a Firefox-exclusive plugin/script or something. My laptop runs whatever version of *nix I feel like playing with at the time (Linux, BSD, Solaris 10).
You run Opera on *nix? :gonk: Doesn't its complete snubbing of anything approaching native theming drive you crazy?
I almost exclusively use Firefox. Well, no, actually, I occasionally use Safari because it has a "private browsing" feature that I don't believe Firefox has. In private browsing, anything you do when you're using it is not recorded in the history. So that can be helpful. I also have Opera on my machine, but I never use it.

Add-ons, anyone?

Firefox ftw. Mainly because IE takes forever to start up, and Mouse Gestures is addicting. And Adblock makes reading fanfictions easy.
Opera, because of Widgets, prettier interface, and because I can't stand Firefox and its address bar.
I used to use this thing called Avant Browser because it had tabs. I have no idea where that went.
Before that, Internet Explorer 6. Lack of tabs meant I had like 50 windows open at the same time. The best thing about this was the little search thing which I loved.

Does anyone know where I can download Internet Explorer 6? I need it to test my site's compatability stuff. It works in Opera, Fx3, and IE7, so now I need to know for IE6. Which is amazingly still used.
Just use IETab; iirc it still displays for IE6 (right?).

and because I can't stand Firefox and its address bar.

its address bar? o.o

The best thing about this was the little search thing which I loved.

if you're talking about a search toolbar, practically every browser has one now. not that you need one with search keywords 8)
I can't stand Firefox and its address bar.
The Fx address bar has been customizable for a very long time. You can move or drop the bits that bother you if you must, and yeah opal, last I checked IETabs are IE6 tabs.
I have IE6, IE7, Opera, Firefox 2, Firefox 3. I want to download Sea Monkey (based on Gecko shell like Fx) but my parents won't let me.
its address bar? o.o

I don't know how to describe - for example, if I type in 'Serebii', it lists Serebii and then there's forum posts in which I happened to mention serebii. It's similar to the most recent version of Opera's address bar (which I also hate). I hate it because I don't want keywords to show up in the address bar (I also think that zebra striping makes it look ugly.)

if you're talking about a search toolbar, practically every browser has one now. not that you need one with search keywords 8)

IE6 had this cute little thing that opened up at the side which displayed Google and then once you looked something up, it showed you the links and when you clicked them, they opened in the main page. Sort of like frames. I dunno, it's nostalgic.

Apparently there's some stupid complication with running IE6 with Vista. I started to get hopeful with the Virtual PC thing because my dad once mentioned a Virtual PC but apparently that doesn't work with Vista either. I'm going to have to wait for a solution apparently. :[
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I don't know how to describe - for example, if I type in 'Serebii', it lists Serebii and then there's forum posts in which I happened to mention serebii. It's similar to the most recent version of Opera's address bar (which I also hate). I hate it because I don't want keywords to show up in the address bar (I also think that zebra striping makes it look ugly.)
then you are Doing It Wrong. using the address bar just for URLs is a mere artifact of old technology. Firefox 3's (and presumably Opera 9.5's) learns what you pick, so if what you want isn't at the top, pick it and it will bubble up next time you type the same thing. it is immensely useful if you stop complaining that it doesn't work the same way as something old and broken and give it a chance to collect some stats from you.

IE6 had this cute little thing that opened up at the side which displayed Google and then once you looked something up, it showed you the links and when you clicked them, they opened in the main page.
you can set bookmarks to open in the sidebar, or find something else that does what you want

Apparently there's some stupid complication with running IE6 with Vista.
that complication would be "IE6 is a bucket of assholes and even Microsoft doesn't want to deal with it any more"

actually I guess that goes for Vista too; enjoy your new OS!

use vmware or similar, or don't bother
I use Opera and Firefox because they're both awesome. I really don't make a conscious decision to use a certain browser, I just pick whichever one my cursor is nearest to I suppose.

But I'd say Opera is my favorite because, well, I just like it better. My action of liking Opera more, in my view, sticks it up the buttocks of Mozilla's amazingly effective marketing machine, which seems to be the actual reason Fx is so popular (plug-ins aren't a revolutionary technology, nor are tabs)


then you are Doing It Wrong. using the address bar just for URLs is a mere artifact of old technology. Firefox 3's (and presumably Opera 9.5's) learns what you pick, so if what you want isn't at the top, pick it and it will bubble up next time you type the same thing. it is immensely useful if you stop complaining that it doesn't work the same way as something old and broken and give it a chance to collect some stats from you.

I can see how it's useful, but I prefer to type in the address and then see the page I want through the title thing on the right. I'm somewhat used to it now, though.

you can set bookmarks to open in the sidebar, or find something else that does what you want

I liked it but don't care much about it anymore. It's just a nostalgic thing for me since I always used it to search for videogame cheats back when all I had was a Nintendo 64. =S

that complication would be "IE6 is a bucket of assholes and even Microsoft doesn't want to deal with it any more"

actually I guess that goes for Vista too; enjoy your new OS!

use vmware or similar, or don't bother

I just want it for testing since apparently a large amount of people don't want to change to IE7 and I don't want my site will look like mashed potatoes in it. I know how suckish it is.

Ironically, Opera gave up on me so I'm using IE to view while I close the 58+ tabs I have.
I use Firefox. I mainly use it because that's what a couple of websites I like work best on, and it isn't IE.

BTW, and this may make me sound like an idiot, but how do you upgrade to Firefox 3.0 from 2.0? And what are the differences?
I use Firefox. I mainly use it because that's what a couple of websites I like work best on, and it isn't IE.

BTW, and this may make me sound like an idiot, but how do you upgrade to Firefox 3.0 from 2.0? And what are the differences?

Uh, you download Fx3 and install it?
My action of liking Opera more, in my view, sticks it up the buttocks of Mozilla's amazingly effective marketing machine, which seems to be the actual reason Fx is so popular (plug-ins aren't a revolutionary technology, nor are tabs)
there is also that
- Firefox was not shareware when the Browser Wars II started
- Firefox does not have quite so much extraneous crap that hides actual useful features
- Firefox does not pester you about enabling features you may never have heard of
- despite extensions not being revolutionary, Firefox actually has an extension mechanism

opera is fine but a lot of the UI is kinda terrible and it is by far not the sort of thing a casual user should be touching.

BTW, and this may make me sound like an idiot, but how do you upgrade to Firefox 3.0 from 2.0? And what are the differences?
I use IE. Just wondering, what is so bad about IE because I don't have any problems with it at all. I'm not allowed to download other browsers so IE was the one already there so I just went with it. But really if IE is that bad I will consider getting another browser but probaly not, to me extra features don't matter so if that's the case then no thanks.


From EeveeSkitty

I stopped using Internet Explorer in 3rd grade, I think, when I found out about Netscape. I liked that it had tabs, and as I used it, I noticed it was faster. Then, when Firefox came out, I used that. I did try Opera, and I liked the widgets, but it was just suck overall. Safari was fast, but featureless. I also used a text based browser called Lynx. It was cool, but... meh... Those are all the browsers I"ve used, unless you count Swift Switch, a Runescape browser that sucks.
I use IE. Just wondering, what is so bad about IE because I don't have any problems with it at all. I'm not allowed to download other browsers so IE was the one already there so I just went with it. But really if IE is that bad I will consider getting another browser but probaly not, to me extra features don't matter so if that's the case then no thanks.


From EeveeSkitty
Why not just read the thread?
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