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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Calling all spriters!

You do realize that sprite is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too big, right?

They need to be 64 X 64 pixels. Yours is almost double that.
Here is my second made.

Here is my third.

They are steel/dark types with no names.
It's called constructive criticism.

They are 73 X 64 and 89 X 64 respectively. That means they won't fit in the game, 'cause it's a hack of fr/lg. All the sprites MUST be 64 X 64.

If you want to make your canvas in paint 64 X 64 pixels, go to Image --> Attributes and change width and height both to 64 BEFORE YOU START MAKING YOUR SPRITE.
Also, I think we need pure scratch for this game... not Pokemon splices... And what's the thing going through the torso of the Water/Dark-type dog?

I'd like to scratch a Poison or Grass-type soon... or maybe Poison/Steel or Grass/Steel.
They need to be 64 by 64 or less, not necessarily exactly 64 by 64.

I'm not sure what you want me to scratch next, but I have an idea in mind, if you want some kind of cell...

If not, you can just tell me what to scratch, or I can do something random. I don't know a lot about which creatures inhabit New Zealand, but if I could find it, I could probably do something for you...
It's not just you...

I have Lotuslash, Grass/Steel.


Don't make ANY data for it yet; I'll post it when I'm not busy.

EDIT: The data:


Type: Grass/Steel
Slice Pokemon
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Cryptica = Awesome sprite, probably your best yet and very original. Keep up the good spriting.

Darksong = I want a Weta pokemon, preferably without evos or prevos. Also a Tuatara set of either 2 or 3 pokemon. I'll put some links to pics at the bottom of this post.

Ken #1 = They're good sprites but as other people have said they need to 64x64.

Lastly I've been thinking about the ledgendaries for the game and have decided that instead of having the usual set of three ledgs (birds, dogs, regis, spirits), I'm going to have a set which I call the guardians of Aotearoa. There are going to be 5, one for each main area of Aotearoa, (mountain, sea, air, nature and life) and I need ideas and designs for them, no sprites yet please. I would prefer if each was based on an animal from the respective area except for the guardian of life which could be anything. So, any designs and ideas are welcome but no sprites yet please:grin:

I'm slightly alive! For your guardians, I can think of a slight idea for the guardian of air. It's a dragon(if it's my idea, duh), and it has six wings. The dragon's wings are feathered, and it's dark gray. It can always be iin the air, and only land to fight. ...Bleh, I'll come up with something better, soon.
Hey I don't know if your doing the credits at the end, like when you beat the elite four, but I whipped this picture up of my character Matt and his raptor Pokemon (Which still needs to be named.)


It's ok if you're not doing the credits. This was more of me doing something random when I was bored.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I also have this overworld sprite of Skarmory's Pre-evo.

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I need to post ALL the data for Lotuslash.

Type: Grass/Steel
Slice Pokemon
HT: 7'4" (length)
WT: 140 lbs

And please make it learn Metal Claw and Leaf Blade sometime in its evolution.

And for Phantire:

HT: 5'3" (length)
WT: 1.2 lbs
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Hm. i just started spriting. i will get my scratches so far. i dont have too many dinosaurs but i will try making a few.

Good ideas!!!
Tropiking = Great little Skarmory prevo, it looks cool. Also about the credits, I haven't looked into the programs for the credits but if I can I'll put that in.

XDragonfireX = Great idea but personnally prefer the Guardians to be based on normal anmals cause the nintendo ledgs always seem to be dragons or psychic and I wanted something cool and different.

Full Metal Cookies = Very nice designs, personnally my two favourites are the top water one and the Absol evo. Sorry but I think that the Icythiosaur and the pleiosaur look very angry and could you alter their faces a little so they don't look so angry. That would be great. Also that bird looks like it could be a prevo for another of the new pokemon.

Also, I haven't been doing much spriting at the moment cause I've been trying to insert some new tiles into my game for the maps. I went over to the hacking community on Serebii and found that this guy has taken nearly all the 3d buildings from Sinnoh and turned them into 2d buildings so that they can be used for hacking gba games. It's harder than I thought cause you have to change all the palettes ingame and mess around with the buildings and at the moment I've managed to put in the two buildings from Twinleaf Town and a house with a curved red roof. I'll do some more work with them later.
I have an idea for your legendaries; a Hydra, a Dragon(European) and a Wyvern. I'l whip up a few drafts now.
Wolsol (the Absol preevo's moves):
Ability-Cute Charm
Stats (Lv.1):
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