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The fastest girl in town
Do you have something you seem to say a lot?

For me it's saying the word "yes" twice in sentences (Examples: "Yes, yes I did." "Yes, yes I am." etc)

I also have a habit of saying "I'm aware." when somebody tells me something I already know or think is simple.

And my third habit isn't really saying anything but sometimes answering any question with a "Mmmhmm". But that's because I'm somewhat of a Cloudcuckoolander.
I tend to respond to greetings/statements with "Hm." and a nod. I also have a habit of starting sentences with "anyways."
Off the top of my head:

When somebody claims that they are/I am/somebody else is something or doing something or whatever it may be, I tend to exclaim "You certainly are!" or something to that affect with the correct pronouns and verb form and such.

I've also been saying "Lovely" and "Loquacious" a lot recently.

"That's dreadful!" (in the same tone every time) as a response to things that aren't actually awful and horrifying but are still minorly upsetting all the same. Like, erm, if some sort of event was cancelled or something, I don't know.

Also, due to a high exposure to French, I tend to accidentally use literally translated French expressions such as "In revenge" rather than "On the other hand", "In effect" and "In fact" (Yes I know they are also English phrases but!) rather than "Indeed" and "Actually" respectively, and also sometimes almost saying "Si" as a Yes in response to a negative (i.e. someone says "I'm not intelligent", I respond "Si, you are!" or whatever).

I also tend to say "Thank you, and have an excellent day!" to anyone I talk to with whom I'm not particularly close when leaving them.

There are plenty more, but I don't remember just now.
"Wow." It just comes out of my mouth every time something not wow-worthy happens.
I describe things as "glorious" more than most. And "grand" (as in "That okay?" "That's grand"), which I believe is an Irish thing I've picked up off my mother.

And I say "hell's bells" when stuff goes wrong - that or "oh no", said in a way that amuses my housemates very much. And "what are you doing with your life?", usually to inanimate objects, most often electrical appliances (like my compuer) that refuse to do what I want them to (like not crash).

I also slip in the odd piece of Westcountry slang here and there to the amusement of non-Devonians.
Do you have something you seem to say a lot?

For me it's saying the word "yes" twice in sentences (Examples: "Yes, yes I did." "Yes, yes I am." etc)
I do that too. To the point where I'm not sure if I picked that up from you or you picked that up from me.

I also say "Quite so" a lot when agreeing with someone.

And "You bet your butthole" when someone like... guesses something correctly or something.
Ending sentences with either "and... yeah" or "or something like that idk".

Starting sentences with "*insert name here* listen to me!"

Oh, and randomly saying "so I watched this Powerpuff Girls episode..." to mainly break an awkward silence.
I say "shiny" and "gorram" a lot. :D

Also I quote things randomly a lot. I'll be like "What a crazy random happenstance!" and whoever else is there will be like "WTF".

I tend to end a ot of my sentences with "hehe."

I also use the words "appeared" and "seemed" too much. But I don't know if that counts.

I put "kkuh" at the end of my sentences if I'm exasperated too.
*UNINTELLIGIBLE NOISE* to mean pretty much any emotion I'm feeling at the time and also to express points that I can't find the word for. ("And then I was all like eyuuuurururr. Yeah. I totally made that noise.") My friends consistently mock me for it.

Mixing up profanity/exclamations (especially when terrified/startled) to form phrases such as "What the mother bitch?!" and "Oh my Jesus." My friends consistently mock me for these too.

"O haaai, [name!]" which is a practice both my best friend and I picked up from the movie The Room.

"Anyway, how's your sex life?" to break awkward silences, a practice my best friend and I also picked up from The Room. More than a few people have actually responded to this one seriously until we were able to cut them off and go "No - don't answer that, it's a movie quote!"

Responding to people who are pissing me off (whether they're actually pissing me off or not) with "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, [name]!" Also from The Room. If I do this to my best friend whatever conversation we were previously having devolves into extensive movie-quoting that causes the head implosions of everyone in the immediate area.

Anytime anyone touches me and I don't feel like being touched, "Don't touuch me, motherfuuucker!" Also from The Room. I've managed to elicit laughs from my friends by saying that without responding with any sort of other emotion when they touch me with the intent to startle me/arouse me from a state of sleepiness or spaced-out-ness.

"Let me show you my Pokemans!" to my best friend (who never fails to respond with "My Pokemans! Let me show you them!")

Saying things are "wondrous" and pronouncing it phonetically; i.e. "one-driss" instead of "one-durr-iss".

Mixing up adjectives such as splendid and fantastic to create splendifferous, wondifferous, and fantaburifferous. My friends appear to have adopted this custom from me.

"I MAKE SENSE." to follow sentences that I have failed to word correctly and that leave my friends looking rather confused.

This one's less prevalent nowadays, but for a while I would go around actually saying sentences in the form of stuff from lolcat quotes and saying "I CAN HAS [NOUN]" or "I ARE BE HERE".

Turning everything into a verb/adjective even if it's not actually meant to be used as a verb or adjective in that context. My best friend and I do this regularly and can understand each other.

Underestimating everything. My best friend told me she almost got hit by a car and I was like "Oh. That would have put a damper on our evening plans." (She promptly adopted this mannerism and has responded to people with it.)

Not so much a catch phrase as a catch mannerism, but I have a tendency to break off mid-sentence (I've been known to break off mid-word) to say something completely unrelated. A few days ago I was talking to my best friend, who was in my car, when I stopped mid-sentence to go "DAD WE SHOULD GO SEE KUNG FU PANDA 2."

"Yay for ____!"

Making a joke about something (usually when I say something to my best friend about creeping on her) which I worry that the other person will take seriously so I cut it off mid-word with "No."

"Your life is so hard." A common response to when my friends complain about something trivial.

OH OH AND LET'S NOT FORGET every time I mention my mom to my friends it's always "My mom, WHO'S WRONG ABOUT MY DAD'S CAR" and if I mention my dad it's "My dad, who owns a BLUE car" and if I mention either of my parents driving us anywhere it's "My dad will come pick us up in his BLUE car" or "my mom will come, but without my dad's BLUE car". It's gotten so bad that my friends have actually taken to texting my mom to tell her "The car is blue" and nothing else.

I am strange

ETA: Oh, there's also a consistent thing I do when writing serious emails to my best friend, where I write as if I were speaking. This usually ends up emails that are phrased something like "No, I - I could never say something like that! I - do you really think I could say something like that? Like - no. Ju- no. I do- no."
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Oh hey, I totally forgot this in my first post here! And it's actually worth mentioning!

I say "mur" a lot. Just... that noise. Also "nyeeeerg". I don't just make random noises, but there are a few that I use constantly. My parents are always like "What does that meeeeeeeean" and I'm like "Isn't it obvious". XP

Apologies for posting again. :P
I also say "Quite so" a lot when agreeing with someone.

I do this too!

Oh, I also say 'excellent' rather a lot too.

Adding to my 'dreadful' thing in the previous post, I also use that word to describe the sort of joke that is so unfunny it's vaguely amusing.

I also shout "Behave" (Or occasional "Oi, be'ave" in an accent far too cockney for my liking (Considering I've never lived in or near London)) at inanimate objects when they displease me. Like my computer when it's slow! Or food packaging that won't open!
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