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Controversial Topics

Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.


Also late, but all cookies suck. Oreos in particular are a joke. I resented the fact that they came with eating instructions on the packaging, and then they tasted of chemicals and were totally dry.

Biscuits are where it's at.


Biscuits are the best. There's nothing better on a cold winter's night than a cup of hot chocolate into which I can dip my bourbon creams.

Or digestives with nutella. Yes.

And of course-

Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.


Also late, but all cookies suck. Oreos in particular are a joke. I resented the fact that they came with eating instructions on the packaging, and then they tasted of chemicals and were totally dry.

Biscuits are where it's at.
(May I speak with you for a moment, dear?)
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Butbutbut Danni, Newman O's are organic! They don't have any chemicals in them like Oreos do!

If they sell them in the UK, that is.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

I like most cookie-related things o__o I actually have a little pack of two Oreos in here that I am planning to eat when everyone is asleep.
And Tagalongs are the best GS cookies.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Man, I missed the whole cookies debate while my power was out yesterday.

Samoas are the best though. That is indisputable fact.

Also, I think the forum games debate was the one thing that had the forum totally split up opinion-wise.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

A biscuit like food type is absolutely pointless if, when dipped in tea, it retains its solidity. It must soften.
That is why Oreos are evil, and McVities are basically Jesus treats.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Lemon COOLERS!@!@#!#$@!$

Before they were discontinued.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

I hate coconut okay ; ; I love peanut butter.

I am morally opposed to anyone liking Samoas more than any other cookie. D<
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

i am totally going to copyright the idea of a nutella cookie.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

A biscuit like food type is absolutely pointless if, when dipped in tea, it retains its solidity. It must soften.
That is why Oreos are evil, and McVities are basically Jesus treats.

But but but Oreos do get soft! They're cool like that.

Also ninja are (duh) better than pirates. They bathe, for one thing.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.



The Biscuit Thread

I have dunked an Oreo and it did not break up. It just became warmer and wetter.

We shall now praise Jaffa Cakes.
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