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Controversial Topics

Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

I don't think there's been a single day where I haven't eaten at least one Jaffa cake for years.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.


Also late, but all cookies suck. Oreos in particular are a joke. I resented the fact that they came with eating instructions on the packaging, and then they tasted of chemicals and were totally dry.

Biscuits are where it's at.

Oh... Danni. What's occurring?

How about: Is war ever necessary?
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

I dunno, I don't hate war. But then, I'm guessing it'll be like theism threads where almost everyone agrees.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Oh... Danni. What's occurring?

I'm not gonna lie to you, Cirrus. At the end of the day....when all's said an done....d'ya know what I mean?

Who on earth would need a court case? It's an easy one. A cake goes hard when it goes stale. Biscuits go soft.
When a jaffa cake goes stale, it goes hard! Therefore it is a cake. End of story.

That's how it was decided at the court case XD
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

What the heck is a Jaffa Cake anyway? Is it something that they don't sell in the States?
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

I don't think so. I remember an episode of Buffy where Giles got a big bag of food from Britain and said "Oh, Jaffa Cakes!"
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

You don't get Jaffa Cakes in the US? I don't believe I ever even considered living in the US.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

According to Wikipedia and 14 years of looking at grocery store shelves, Jaffa Cakes are indeed not sold in the States.

Which is too bad, they look pretty good. Cake, orange, and chocolate sounds like a wonderful combination.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Also ninja are (duh) better than pirates. They bathe, for one thing.

And? Bathing sucks! This is something we all stop realising when we grow up. But not pirates. NINJAS HAVE NO YOUTHFUL HIGH SPIRITS.
Plus scurvy is great really, damn connective tissue

And to anyone in this thread who is seriously deprived, Jaffa cakes are small, round, flat cakes with a blob of orange (actually apricot) jelly stuff - "the smashing orangey bit" - in the middle and chocolate over the top. They are fantastic and everyone in the world should live on them alone.
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Someone send me a box (or whatever container they come in) of Jaffa Cakes and I will send you a gallon or two of root beer (also known as the gods' drink of choice)
Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas.

Someone send me a box (or whatever container they come in) of Jaffa Cakes and I will send you a gallon or two of root beer (also known as the gods' drink of choice)

They come in a big long cylindrical seethrough orange wrapper in a box. Some boxes have several sets of these wrapperfuls of Jaffa Cakes.
I'll fetch you a drool bucket.

OH and they come in mini size in little plastic tubs which have six tiny Jaffas in. Sometimes you have seven by mistake x333

Well Europe apparently doesn't get Samoas! >:o

So I think it's clear TCoD opinion is divided on which side of the Atlantic has the best snacks. :>
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