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Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2]

Yea, paul did kind of jump to explain why he'd show ip mafia... we never asked...

Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2]

That sort of ruins the point. If paul is the innocent one the mafia'll kill me for sure since the other name is the for sure mafia and then you won't get the name.

If it is the mafia I'm useless and just know for sure the other person is innocent. Still better than being dead I guess.

And about paul999 claiming miller, I don't think it worked that way? It wasn't an inspection, I was told one was a mafia member the other was innocent.

Phantom is officially not making sense. At least, not being consistant with her plan. The whole point of her waiting to give the name tomorrow was so that she gets healed by the doctor. If the doctor doesn't, there's a big chance the mafia will kill her anyway so she doesn't say the second name.

Phantom being so adamant about staying alive, though, is so overtly suspicious, I actually wonder if activated alien is a possibility. I guess we'll find out tomorrow, if Phantom's dead.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2]

Ah. I misunderstood you, and I role claimed. *facepalm* anyway, seeing Phantom could just be random-picking but could also have important info, I urge you guys to at least abstain for today.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2]

Ah. I misunderstood you, and I role claimed. *facepalm* anyway, seeing Phantom could just be random-picking but could also have important info, I urge you guys to at least abstain for today.

Unfortunately, we have limited abstains. It would not be prudent to abstain again.

Therefore, I also nominate Paul999.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2]

Bahaha so I'm like two days late. Ah well.

dis·com·bob·u·late (v.) to confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate.

Though no fresh killings had been found, the townspeople were left on edge. Accusations flew, but finally a consensus was reached and the townspeople dragged the poor man to his death, paying no attention to his pleas.

The boy sat at his desk, tapping his pencil agitatedly as he paged through the dictionary. Finally he turned the page, lifting his pencil and fiercely scribbling out one of the words as if trying to vanquish a demon.

paul999 was killed. He was innocent.

2 days for night actions
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Night 2]

myth·o·po·et·ize (v.) to produce myths or mythological poetry.

The boy started back as he flipped past another blank space in his dictionary. What is going on here?

The townsfolk woke to an outcry. A woman had been found dead in her house early this morning, but in the investigation something seemed rather suspicious about the woman's belongings, and no one could offer an explanation as to why she had been killed. Perhaps the killers had gotten the wrong address? The townspeople later discovered another disappearance, though again it seemed the woman had merely fallen ill.

Phantom was killed. She was mafia.
Wargle was silenced and cannot post today.

I'm gonna say 3 days for discussion and lynching
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

Thought so. There's one mafia dealt with, and this deadly symphony closer to its conclusion.

Mai you may want to be careful; I believe it was you intended to die. Since I believe at least one in the orchestra has guessed my tune, I do not think I should have to say much more in my defence? But if you insist I can continue my solo.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

Oh yeah no one try to heal me or inspect me it will be your downfall. Just puttin' that out there, I will probably throw you out a window if you do.

Anyhoo, now Paul99 is confirmed to be innocent, if memory serves.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

paul99 is dead. Not to say that the information is completely useless, but.

And Wargle, the disease, is sick? I'm not sure what to think of this--it might be some sort of cover for inactivity, and iirc we had a thing with mafia being silenced before.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up, Colours; I'll keep that in mind for later.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

Whew, voiced again. There were quite a few things I wanted to have said last day but, well, clearly couldn't.

Remind me to post something that actually means anything later.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

I'm getting the impression that Colours is a bus driver, actually; switching the fates of me and Phantom presumably prevented my death. The music references and general vagueness confuses me, though.

(I still think Phantom sounded like an alien, but the flavortext indicates otherwise so.)
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

I'm not opposed to voting shinyabsol, though I have to ask how you came to that conclusion.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

I am inspector, silly! However, I can only tell if two people have a different alignment from each other.

And innocent silencer is incredibly silly and whoever puts that as a role is off base. *looks at self*
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

Eh, being silenced is far from being confirmed innocent, especially considering the flavortext.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to vote shinyabsol. I'd prefer he defend himself, though; I'm far from convinced.
Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 3]

Well, this nascent anew is an opportunity to provide what I couldn't at an earlier chronological point because of some chicanery. Which I'd fully expect to be pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconisosis.

At any rate. I suggest we be a bit more meticulous with this vote. I wouldn't be so quick to believe Wargle off the hook, because let us not forget, our now mythopoetized mafioso who just went on to embrace her nickname was the likeliest to be lynched until she stirred up the paul999 bandwagon. This is further made suspicious because I cannot divine a reason why the mafia would silence somebody who just saved one of theirs the previous day (although it was not to last). And let this be juxtaposed with the very low probability that the silencer is innocent -- not only would that be as useless as antidisestablishmentarianism, but also, unless my drivel leaves them that discombobulated, there's no reason why they'd defenestrate my speech earlier.

My only objection to bandwagoning Wargle's vagina off at the moment is that, well, her chimichanga-hole being shut also makes it very hard for her to defend herself, so it would be a bit unfair.
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