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[Event] Battle for Asber

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I have Spiritomb, which will annoy the hell out of them all with Status and Pain Splitting and Taunts. Also, Snarl. Will really help us out.
I have Spiritomb, which will annoy the hell out of them all with Status and Pain Splitting and Taunts. Also, Snarl. Will really help us out.

There is no Pain Splitting allowed.


[edit] ninjad
Does the move haze work to reset the legendaries' stats? How do I the rules comprehension although honestly I just don't want to think.
Forgive my indecisiveness, but I'm still debating whether to use my sableye or chansey. Both hover. Although, for the record, as of the moment, I'm using sableye. Chansey has heal pulse, softboiled, light screen, safeguard, calm mind, work up (if anyone wants to psych up), psych up, aromatherapy, bestow(something like toxic orb maybe? Just to save others from having to use two actions for telekinesis toxic) and heal bell. I'm considering Sableye for punishment, foul play, hone claws, calm mind, metal burst, nasty plot, recover, spite, trick (same reasoning as bestow) and probably spite. Anyone have a say?

1. Send out ditto: it will perch on the back of Blazhy's Swellow for action 1.
2. Use Transform on Darkrai.
3. Use Dark Void.
4. ???
5. Profit!
Well Mewtwo and Darkrai have fling, so that would probably be a waste, I'm thinking? Flame/Toxic Orbs on Fire types or Steel/Poison types could save us an action, though.

it's more for getting rid of them, so fling would work, too. but if dropping works, then pretty much everyone other than me could do well to use one if they don't already have an item.

especially for anyone with 114 base speed or higher, which will just outspeed +2 mewtwo with scarf.
@Negrek: Could someone Baton Pass/Volt Switch to another player? wait this was answered already

And since we're asking for opinions on Pokemon to use; should I stick with fridge Rotom, or just Rotom? Fridge Rotom has Blizzard which is great for Giratina, I guess, but normal Rotom can outspeed it, though then it has a weakness to Giratina and Darkrai. ???

EDIT: so that's what like ~25 choice scarfs or what you guys
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Forgive my indecisiveness, but I'm still debating whether to use my sableye or chansey. Both hover. Although, for the record, as of the moment, I'm using sableye. Chansey has heal pulse, softboiled, light screen, safeguard, calm mind, work up (if anyone wants to psych up), psych up, aromatherapy, bestow(something like toxic orb maybe? Just to save others from having to use two actions for telekinesis toxic) and heal bell. I'm considering Sableye for punishment, foul play, hone claws, calm mind, metal burst, nasty plot, recover, spite, trick (same reasoning as bestow) and probably spite. Anyone have a say?

I'd recommend Sableye, mostly due to lack of weakness. Metal Burst also sounds very good, same with Spite. Does the inherent +2 boost Punishment? It'd be great if it did.

Heal Pulse sounds terrific, though: does anyone have a Pokemon with Heal Pulse? If not, then Skylark, Chansey seems quite viable too - just be sure to attack at least once!
There's... there's a single slot left, right? I'll take it. (I want to be sure I'm in before I go buying an Aerodactyl or something, though.)

EDIT: Actually I guess I'd like to participate with Meliko. I see other plain old psychic-types here, so I'm assuming she'll be fine. Also, Slowpokes are awesome.

1. Send out ditto: it will perch on the back of Blazhy's Swellow for action 1.
2. Use Transform on Darkrai.
3. Use Dark Void.
4. ???
5. Profit!

Get an item, though! Do you want to snatch something up of mine or have it bought somehow? (Wonderful strategy though.)

Also, I have another strategy/awesome thing! I think it would be best taken to PM, though; try not to kill my inbox in five minutes 'kay?
@Negrek: Could someone Baton Pass/Volt Switch to another player?

And since we're asking for opinions on Pokemon to use; should I stick with fridge Rotom, or just Rotom? Fridge Rotom has Blizzard which is great for Giratina, I guess, but normal Rotom can outspeed it, though then it has a weakness to Giratina and Darkrai. ???

I think Fridge Rotom would be the best? Speed isn't exactly mandatory, and trading off the weaknesses to Giratina and Darkrai + getting Blizzard is definitely worth it.

Also, whoever has Ditto (I forget sorry), I may not necessarily be on the battlefield when you send out Ditto, though technically you can ride on anyone as they are flying/floating. Though I think it'd be best to ride on a slower/supporter Pokemon, rather than a Pokemon like Swellow.
Oh, crap, wait, maybe I'm a dunce sending out a psychic-type. :u Is it too late to switch Pokémon?
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