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Favorite Smell(s)

Just about anything spicy. Garlic and onions and chili and peppers; if it's spicy I could just stand there for hours inhaling it all.

Also, Joannaaaaaa :3

Oh yeah, and that smell that old photocopiers make. I hear it's ozone and really bad for you.
Hundred-year-old houses, rain, new games, ozone, garlic (because my bedroom always smells faintly of it), rabbits, fresh laundry, cloth after having been in the sun, gasoline, spraypaint...I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, I'll append the post with it if I remember.
I love the smell of the paper of any book, including textbooks. I think I freak people out because I go around in public just sniffing a book that I'm carrying.

Also, there's this lotion called Cocoa Butter (I think) and it smells fucking fantastic. I have been tempted to eat it because it smells that good.

Yes they do

In my experience each house smells differently depending on who lives there (and what pets they have), I haven't really noticed age factoring in unless it's ancient like a castle or a manor from the 1600s.
Book stores. I love the smell of book stores.
And beef noodle soup,along with
-udon noodles
-chicken noodle soup
-everything spicy
-my classroom
- mint
and the smell of autumn. :3
Edit:I forgot to say that I LOVE that smell of anything baking.
Too bad my mom doesn't bake stuff often... ;-;
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In my experience each house smells differently depending on who lives there (and what pets they have), I haven't really noticed age factoring in unless it's ancient like a castle or a manor from the 1600s.

Even 50 year old houses with wooden walls or a wooden roof have a very distinctive smell.
The stuff I pick from my belly button =x It's just so... strange!
Am I weird or something =,(

Fried chicken! Fried eggs! Grilled cheese! Vanilla! Pork chops! Garlic, onion rings, scrambled eggs, shrimp, fish, duck sauce, barbecue, cinnamon, Filipino bread...

Food in general <3 I'm hungry now =(
Food in general, I suppose.

Oh, and Sam's smell. Though he sorta smells of hospital since he went there with appendicitis.
How did I forget this? I used to always love getting a tournament pack or theme deck or what have you so I'd have a nice thick stack of brand-new cards to smell. Mmm, wonderful, wonderful, probably-toxic ink smell...

I prefer the smell of a deck builder's toolkit. So many new cardssssss.

This. This so much.

I recently realized that kittens have their own distinctive smell (especially little ones) and by god it is the most fantastic smell on the planet.

I got a kitten recently AND HE SMELLS SO GOOD.

Also gasoline.
New plastic. Years ago I bought some Howl's Moving Castle figurines... I kept them in the box so they would still smell nice every time I opened them. It kinda has a chlorine-ish smell.

Oh, yeah. Chlorine. I like that smell.

Also, vanilla, wet cardboard, new books, blue cheese, and the natural scent of particular people. That bake-y smell you get when you walk into a Baskin-Robbins... I believe it's the waffle cones being made? Fresh baked sweets, basically. And kettle corn.

Asiago Bagel with pesto. OMG so delish and wonderful smelling. Seasoned rape blossoms also smell pretty nice. (LOL, rape blossoms)
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