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Favourite Fictional Characters?

Movies: Definately Captain Barbossa from PoTC, Elliot from Open Season, Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, Storm from the X-Men trilogy, and Princess Leia from Star Wars.

Books: Luna Lovegood is awesome, I just love her and her eccentric personality! Definately someone I'd hang out with if she existed. Roran from the Inheritance cycle, Zero from Holes, and Apollo from Percy Jackson are also cool characters.

Video Games: Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Sylvia from Viewtiful Joe, Holly Summers, Bad Girl, Nathan Copeland, and Captain Vladimir all from No More Heroes, Yuna from Final Fantasy 10, Majora ferom LoZ: MM, but Midna from LoZ: TP is probably my favorite video game character of all time. She is so well written.

TV: Shawn and Gus from Psych, Catalina and Randy from My Name is Earl, Kimblee, Izumi, and Mrs. Bradley from FMA: Brotherhood, Sir Crocodile and Captain Kuro from One Piece, Dr. House from House, with Foghorn Leghorn bein the best TV character. Ever. Period.
Film: Not really too much into movies anymore.

Books: Jason from the Heir Chronicles. Remus Lupin.

TV: Everyone from the Whoniverse. Dr. House, original SG-1. Spike, Willow, Wesley, and Fred. Bones and Booth from Bones.

Video Games: MGS series- Solid Snake, Merril, Otacon. Mass Effect- Grunt, Tali, Mordin Solus, Joker. Oblivion - Annoying Fan, Lucien Lachance. Dragon Age; Alistair, Morrigan, Lelianna, Barkspawn (Dog), Ohgren, Anders (Awakening only), Sigrun, Sten, Wynne, Varric, Valenna, Mherril, Isabella.

Theatre: The Opera Ghost

I always felt I'd like her a lot more if she had a more detailed background. A little mystery, but I feel they went a little over the top with the whole "random psychotic killer" aspect. Or maybe that's what you find appealing about her, I don't know.

(she's still got a kickass theme though)
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Oh geez I love/hate these kinds of threads because I love almost everything but have not seen anything at the same time

Movies: Porco from Porco Rosso! and um. Actually all of Miyazaki's characters. ;_; god I need to watch more movies
Books: Temeraire from... Temeraire... Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (the book is better)
TV Shows: Zuko and Iroh from Avatar TLA, Spike from MLP FiM
Comics: Nite Owl II from Watchmen, Kurotowa and Kushana from Nausicaa
Video Games: Duster from Mother 3, Joshua from Fire Emblem 8, Kog'maw from League of Legends
I always felt I'd like her a lot more if she had a more detailed background. A little mystery, but I feel they went a little over the top with the whole "random psychotic killer" aspect. Or maybe that's what you find appealing about her, I don't know.

(she's still got a kickass theme though)

Yeah, I liked her psycho personality, and she gave a good fight. Wether you like her or not though, she is MUCH better than Jasper Batt Jr.
Proper, revised list of characters I adore from various things:

Whoniverse: Sarah Jane Smith, The Doctor, Donna Noble, Gwen Cooper, Maria Jackson, Rose Tyler, Amy Pond

Jossverse: Willow Rosenberg, Tara Maclay, Buffy Summers, Anya Jenkins, Kaylee Frye, Hoban 'Wash' Washburne, Winifred Burkle

The West Wing: Claudia Jean 'CJ' Cregg, Donatella Moss, Josh Lyman, Jed Bartlet, Leo McGarry, Joey Lucas, Amy Gardner

Misc US Drama: Emerson Cod, Lorelai Gilmore, Georgia Lass, Greg House, Chloe O'Brian, Laura Roslin, Sam Beckett, Temperance Brennan

Misc UK Drama: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Alex Drake, Sharon 'Shaz' Granger, Helen Stewart, Tony Hill, Jonathan Creek

Misc US Comedy: Karen Walker, Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce, Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan, Liz Lemon

Misc UK Comedy: Edmund Blackadder, Vanessa 'Nessa' Jenkins, Bryn West, Dave Lister, Kryten, Sue White, Maurice Moss, Bertie Wooster, Humphrey Appleby, Bernard Black, Tim Canterbury, Karen Brockman

I like Candide and Basil Hallward and Flynn Rider and Prince Naveen.

BEST COMBINATION EVER. They could be bros and run a hair salon together.
Movies: UHH. IDK. Han from Star Wars if I had to pick.

Books: FINNICK ODAIR. Yesh. He's one of the only reasons I finished reading the last two books of the Hunger Games. Also Sirius from Harry Potter, Dustfinger from Inkworld, and Jayfeather from Warriors.

TV Shows: KURT FROM GLEE <3 Anime counts too, so Excalibur, Crona, Kid, and Stein from Soul Eater are all worth a mention; as well as Kyoya from Ouran, Shigure from Fruits Basket, Sanji from One Piece, Sven from Black Cat, and Komui from D.Gray-man.

Comics: Idk, the only comics I ever read are Pokémon Special/Adventures and I really don't have a favorite from those.

Video Games: Demyx, Saïx, Axel, Vexen, and Zexion from Kingdom Hearts; Jade, Guy, Dist, and Asch from Tales of the Abyss; Zack from Final Fantasy VII, and Edgar from Final Fantasy VI are all awesome. I also sort of like Tails from the Sonic series.
I think it's about time I posted here... I think I'll narrow it down as much as I can.
Right now my favorite fictional characters are Ling and Lan Fan from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I never really recognized Fu when I was first reading the manga so I don't like him as much). I could mention a lot more (especially since I have a lot of favorite characters from Naruto) so I'll just leave it at that.
Books: Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice; Caspian, Aslan, Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Trumpkin, Trufflehunter, The Chronicles of Narnia; Hester Prynne, The Scarlet Letter

Comic Strips: Rat, The Crocs, Pig, Pearls Before Swine

Movies: Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, Tangled; Fischer Jr., Inception
Movies: Eames from Inception, Scar from The Lion King, Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene from Tangled, Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ray, Ken and Harry from In Bruges, Billy Flynn from Chicago, Lotso, Chuckles, Ken and Chatter Telephone from Toy Story 3, Tucker aka Norman Phipps from There's Something About Mary.

Books: Fraa Orolo from Anathem, The Gloamglozer from The Edge Chronicles, Mr. World aka Low-Key Lyesmith/Loki Liesmith from American Gods, The Piper, The Mariner and Lord Sunday from The Keys to the Kingdom, Sam Vimes, William de Worde and Moist von Lipwig from Discworld, Max and Hans from The Book Thief.

TV: Captain Blackadder from Blackadder Goes Forth, The Reaper aka George Foyet and Spencer from Criminal Minds, Coach Beiste and Sue from Glee,

Video Games: Lucien LaChance from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, James, President Eden, Mister Burke and Three Dog from Fallout 3, Arcade Gannon from Fallout: New Vegas, Lucien, Garth and Reaver from Fable II, Logan, Walter and Reaver from Fable III, Ezio, Bartolomeo and La Volpe from Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Chairman Drek from Ratchet and Clank, Errol from Jak III, Ripto from Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer, The Dark Master/Malefor from The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, Specter from Ape Escape.
Guildmaster Wigglytuff from Time/Darkness/Sky, Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle, and Blackadder. From Blackadder.
Books: Gregor, Luxa, Ripred, and Ares from The Underland Chronicles. I'd name Warriors cats I like, but I haven't read in quite a while, so =x

TV Shows: Pretty much everyone in That 70's Show; Hokuto from Corpse Princess; Mew Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew; Renamon from Digimon Tamers.

I'd put my favorites from video games and movies, but I'm afraid my mind is on something else right now.
neville longbottom is a beautiful man and anyone who disagrees can fight me
luna lovegood is cool also, and so is severus snape and harry potter and pretty much mostly all of them.
as for warriors, hollyleaf is cool. so is featherwhisker and leafpool and crowfeather, crookedstar...
actually it's very hard to pick from them, so i guess i'll say that i like (mostly) all of them.
john egbert and jade harley are very nice and so is the rest of the other characters.
i also like finn the human, and i remember having a crush on him once. i also like jake and marceline and all of the other characters.

and how could i forget lanturn?
Books: Oh god there's so many! Fang from Max Ride, Gale from The Hunger Games, Dr. Cable from Uglies, Calla from Nightshade, Beka Cooper from Beka Cooper, Alanna from whatever series it was whose first book was Alanna: The First Adventure, Isabel from The Wolves of Mercy Falls, the list goes on and on and my memory is failing me right nao.
My faves are Vanitas, Mitori Kawashiro, Drake Merwin, Selphie, Zidane, Joshua (dibs on rainbow~) Youmu, Vivi, Ventus, Aqua, Kneesocks, Kristoph, Shantotto and Beyond Brithday.
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