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Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

I vaguely remember Secret Admirers! I would always get so excited when I got a notification from the forums saying someone was my secret admirer ;-; Good memories.
A bit of both

Oh boy!
I remember many sprite threads, alone or with friends, and screwing up the judgement of the sprite competition that one time and getting yelled at, hur hur hur.
Oh, and I remember the time when Tangelafan started making those comics and... seriously offended like everyone on the forum. EVERYONE. Duuuude.
I remember painfully long hours making Meta Knight-related sprites for display on the forums... oh maaaan.
And one time even started to make a sprite comic with Nate! :D Where is Nate, I gotta capture him in a sack and drag him back over here. WHO'S WITH ME

I remember being owned in a bunch of arguments with Butterfree... (my best friend at this time was a super harsh art critic type who encouraged me to pick at everything I saw! and of course there was that one time I read some fic and posted some insulting things about it in the wrong feedback thread, OOPS.)
I remember feeling sorry for all the banned people over the years too... you know, I used to talk to creepy_lizard (or creepy_kecleon, which did he use here?) a lot over MSN after that big fiasco at the forums, and he was a pretty OK dude!

I remember writing a 3014 word post in the coughing cupboard when this guy at school uh, turned me down. And feeling better when people came in and posted to comfort me (:
And I vaguely remember lots of RPs I was in on Invisionfree and how I got annoyed because of the time zone changes.
OH! And that time... with Light Mightyena... and how we though she was gonna leave... that thread was looong... so very long. Er, I mean, both of them...! And the signatures with the protests? Aaah, yeah.

I remember the time I had a big argument with Alraune and felt really sad about everything for like, ever, too... ):
And I remember all the times you guys made crummy jokes about Australia, AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE.

I love you guys!
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Re: A bit of both

Oh, and I remember the time when Tangelafan started making those comics and... seriously offended like everyone on the forum. EVERYONE. Duuuude.

OH GOD even thinking about that makes me want to slam my face on a desk. We were all so terrible.
I remember when there was the guest posting board and Larissa made a "Guess which member this is" thread in there. I think I used the name Quãy, and was ridiculously happy when no one was able to guess who I was. (Even though I only had, uh, about twenty posts.)

When I first joined, my posts made very little sense. Heck, I don't even understand most of them now. Notheless, it still made me sad when I tried to get approved to view the Debating Hall and Coughing Cupboard on IF and was denied for that very reason.

I do remember how fun it was to mess around in Forum Games. My favorite one was "Lie About the Above Poster" and it had the most ridiculous and amusing stuff ever in it. <3~

Oh, and when I made the second Obsessive Scribblers, which is the one now in the Artist Lounge, and it exploded with activity. That was great fun. <3~
Some names I remember from the distant past... Lady of Flames, Freezipop, Nidokingu, that guy who something something army? who might also have been nidokingu-- no wait Fluffy Gryphon that was it.

but the 'past usernames' thread reminded me of how much I forgot, so.
It's generally not as good as some of the other paint programs out there :C for one thing it doesn't have layers. (the inclusion of layers was a blessing when I started trying to sprite on my Mac.)
you know how in MS Paint if you put part of a sprite in front of another sprite and then click off, if you try to move that part then you move everything behind it as well? yeah well with layers you can adjust how you want it to look as many times as you want before putting the sprite together. I've made a number of scratch sprites recently which would've been impossible without the use of layers and opacity. :3

also, you can undo things more than three times.
For one, layers are EXTREMELY useful for splicing. And though Scratch Spriting can be easily done without, I have done many resize+transparent pixel-overs of things, including revamps, and layers are a godsend in those situations.

Plus, they let you make animated .gifs.

EDIT: Wait, only undoing three actions? Geez! I've had situations where I literally go back a full 50 or 60. @_@
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