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Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

Has the anime lost its touch?

  • Yes, I can't bear to watch the newer episodes, but love the original episodes

    Votes: 60 33.0%
  • The newer stuff has its moments

    Votes: 64 35.2%
  • It's just as good as before!

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • It's just as bad as before!

    Votes: 14 7.7%
  • I don't watch the anime

    Votes: 28 15.4%

  • Total voters
To be honest, The show isn't failing- the reason the first series was the best was bcause half of us were younger and liked the plot, animation and other stuff in it like kinda corny jokes. But to be fair, it was the best video game show adaptation- for instance, remember the zelda show and mario show? Well excuuuse me, princesses, But i rest my case (:
Ash's new voice makes me cry.
And make Ash catch some decent Pokemon, I mean, it's like he goes through all the gyms with Pikachu and a Starly.
Make the Pokemon friggin' evolve for once!
And make Ash catch some decent Pokemon, I mean, it's like he goes through all the gyms with Pikachu and a Starly.
Make the Pokemon friggin' evolve for once!
That part is REALLY annoying.

Overall, I think the show's okay, but all the characters seem... kinda stupid. I mean really, don't you think Ash could recognize Team Rocket in their "disguises" by now?
I miss the older shows when Ash had a more rash personality. And Charizard. :sad:
Ash got yelled at for his rashness, so...yeah.

Unless you're going by the episode in question (in its English form, at least), in which case he got scolded for his arrogance.

Ash isn't arrogant, he just rushes into things.
The first/second season/early movies were awesome and I still enjoy them to this day, but after that...it all went downhill, man. It's lost it's touch for sure, the new episodes are just annoying now. And don't even get me started on the voices, oy vey.
Oh god yes. It's horrorfying.

It's now a small, small children show. I mean, the original was an awesome kid show, one you'd keep watching as a teenager like Courage the Cowardly Dog, Teen Titans, and Tom & Jerry. After the first 1-3 seasons, it was just horrible, friendship and teamwork and shit. I mean, Ash won't EVER shutup about how you should treat your Pokemon with love, and bond with the people you meet. Stfu Ash. >.< He always makes somone his rival, even if they don't want to be. The Ash/Gary rivalry was gold. He also assumes a new team of Pokemon for each region. I don't see the point; it's good he trains new Pokemon, but does he have to leave all his others behind? Ash has to be the most annoying character ever. And why the fuck won't he evolve his Pokemonz? The new voice acting utterly sucks. Meowth, Ash, Team Rocket... horrible. They have a new chick every region, and Brock is still here.

Well, most of its touch. But then again, everything will lose its touch. I stopped watching the anime because of the new voices. Now I'm a little more used to the voices, but I still don't watch it as often as I used to. However, I do watch some of the occasional Pokémon marathon and every movie. =D After a while, people will lose sight of what the show's purpose was, but makes you treasure the original more.

EDIT: Erif, I agree with the Ash-new-team-every-season thing (without the cursing). When my cousin and I watched the first movie last year, he joked about Ash pushing Misty in the way of Mew and Mewtwo's battle, saying, "You're gonna be replaced in the next season or two anyway!" Also, Team Rocket used to be so much more serious, but now they're just a "comedy duo and a talking cat". :P
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I haven't read the thread entirely but I'd like to expand upon Eeveelution's last point: Team Rocket, like recurring villains in any media format almost always do, disintegrated into comic relief. Sure, they were always supposed to be slightly amusing, but the last I ever watched of the show, Rocket was an absolute joke. It was bewildering and upsetting to me.

I suppose those with opinions like mine can't accept change and the progression of time in this instance; we want our show to remain like it was when we were growing up.

Certainly our points have merit behind them, too.

And I remember the day that special aired with the new voices in it for the first time. I felt sick. The huge banding on Serebii, a launch crusade against them - and then that lovely response from Pokemon.com. Ha ha.
The old episodes were awesome. Now its just unoriginal. Get all badges and lose at the Pokemon league Just like the games I'd likes something not based on the games for once,the next season might as well be at johto beating the battle frontier while we play the gs remake.Who cares about friendship and teamwork when team rocket could buy a gun and murder ash and all his pokes,and then get killed by palkia,starting a new awesomer saga with max and ralts

*checks offical website for lameness*
Brock should go back to Pewter.
Tracy should come back to replace him
Yes. Tracey isn't horribly annoying, hes one of the reasons I enjoyed Pokemon 2000
Also, have Ash obtain a strong Pokemon for once, like Rhyperior or something.
Yes, but he normally gives or trades his good pokemon away, look at Primeape or Ambipom, Squirtle or Butterfree, hell he was even ready to give up Pikachu.
And Digimon's anime has ALWAYS been much better.
Wow. I'm actually agreeing with you.
and both May AND Dawn should be with Ash
I knew it was too good to be true.
The old episodes were awesome. Now its just unoriginal. Get all badges and lose at the Pokemon league Just like the games I'd likes something not based on the games for once,the next season might as well be at johto beating the battle frontier while we play the gs remake.Who cares about friendship and teamwork when team rocket could buy a gun and murder ash and all his pokes,and then get killed by palkia,starting a new awesomer saga with max and Ralts

*checks offical website for lameness*

I love you so much.
^ I'll say yes; I was kinda in shock when I first heard it ("They...they changed his voice..."), but it started to grow on me about halway through the season.

And of course having a favorite episode in Battle Frontier helps. ^^
I stopped watching the Annie May when I was about 10. It was then that I realized how much it sucked. Sure, the first episodes were nice (that whole Jenny/Joy thing was funny for a few episodes), and it had some good storylines too. But now (just like every TV show), it's shit. Besides, I was like 5 when I first watched this. Of course it was good.
I think the anime is getting slightly better compared to how it was. I watch it just cause...
This latest episode with Barry was insane. In a good way.
Reasons why Pokemon anime lost it's touch.
-Ash dose not have any cool Pokemon.
-The show lies.(How could Thunderbolt hurt a ground type?)
-Ash doesn't catch Legendaries when he has the chance.
-Ash thinks his Pikachu is the best(wait until he sees mine, which knows Surf).

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Hey, guys! Do you want to watch me disect this post? No? Too bad! I'll be kind and use the English names. And a spoiler warning. (My comments in bold)
Reasons why Pokemon anime lost it's touch.
-Ash dose not have any cool Pokemon.
Ash's Snorlax, Heracross, Donphan, Sceptile, Swellow, Charizard, Staraptor, and Gliscor would like a word with you.
-The show lies.(How could Thunderbolt hurt a ground type?)
I'll give you that, even though it was a long time ago.
-Ash doesn't catch Legendaries when he has the chance.
It's been shown that capturing Legendaries throws the world out of whack. Not to mention that would be extremely unfair.
-Ash thinks his Pikachu is the best(wait until he sees mine, which knows Surf)
Pikachu is extremely good, considering the species. As for the last comment: *headesk*
I actually have a totally demented theory that explains why Ash doesn't catch the legendaries he meets. It's quite simple, really;

The movies (and occasional special feature) are just something made up to encourage kids (in the Pokemon world, granted, but still) to be Pokemon trainers just so they can meet legendaries too. If Ash were to catch them in the non-canonical movies, they'd be wondering why Ash doesn't carry around his awesome *insertlegendaryhere*, and the secret would be spoiled.

Granted, there are a couple legendaries that Ash sees in the series (Groudon & Kyogre, for example), but obviously Ash would be too preoccupied by something else (in the previous example, making sure his demented Pikachu, who had just absorbed a Blue Orb, didn't go mental on anyone. Oh, and Archie, too) to try to catch it.

That theory's probably not right but that's beside the point.
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