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HeartGold And SoulSilver


You can set the music back to sound like the 8-bit originals.
You can do this.

I have video proof!

Oh, Gamefreak... remaking GSC... letting Pokemon follow you... oldie music... it's as if you've finally listened to all my complaints. :3 I can't wait for this game to come out!
I'd like to think that most (if not all) sprites are essentially remade. Especially Mewtwo.
Oh god, it's killing me. Why can't I wait till spring without feeling like I'm going to burst?

But jeez, that Gb Player is awesome. I wish there was a sound test of sorts though. Still, no prob since I can listen to the music on my computer.
I must say, I'm impressed with Lugia's battle and the whole thing about it, the Giovanni Celebi event, the Red battle, Dragonite's sprite that makes it look adorable ... it's like they put no effort into D/P to make HG/SS awesome. You can tell they put their ... heart and soul into this.
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Does anyone else think that Gary/Green's face looks way too much like a girl?

...well, he is a 13-year-old boy, and Pokémon-world humans don't seem to start puberty that early (I guess they don't put excessive growth hormones in their food.)
On average, puberty for girls starts earlier. Of course, some people don't start until their later teen years.
Oh god, it's killing me. Why can't I wait till spring without feeling like I'm going to burst?

But jeez, that Gb Player is awesome. I wish there was a sound test of sorts though. Still, no prob since I can listen to the music on my computer.

...Which is why you buy the Japanese Rosetta Stone for the occasion.
My uncle said that it is free for anyone in America's armed forces. I was thinking about having him get me a copy....Of course, then I'd have to convince my parent's to order me a Japanese game...
I'm so happy with Nintendo right now. They've made Murkrow, Misdreavus, Houndour, and Larvitar all available in the Safari Zone, which means we can actually get them before the E4 now!

It was pretty much the one thing I really wanted from the remakes.
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