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How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

How many Shinies do you have?

  • 0-10

    Votes: 204 87.6%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 13 5.6%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 31 or over

    Votes: 13 5.6%

  • Total voters
Let me see, not counting the red Gyrados, Suicune, Raikou, or Entei that almost everyone and their dog has...

A Carvanha from Sapphire that scared the crap out of me when I found it, and a Klink that I found the other day in Black. I used to have a Bronzor, but I forgot about it and restarted my Platinum. :(
I bred a shiny Ledyba a while ago using the Masuda method. It took all of three or four hours, which was a pleasant surprise.

His name is Treasure. He's only my second shiny, my first being (because I don't know if I said it here yet) a Dwebble that I caught on Japanese Black.
Finally got my first shiny on Black! I was breeding my Gengar so I could get a bunch of Gastly (trying to experiment with different egg moves) when one came out shiny!!! :D
Let's see....my very first was a shiny weedle in Pokemon Gold.....then in my leafgreen, i had one shiny "A" unown when i was trying to find the "?" and "!" unowns, and i saw a shiny espeon in the seventh sevii isles in that battle thing with a trainer. My heartgold, i have a gyrados, but that doesnt count...however, my friend can hack,and she trades me hacked shinys. I know it doesnt count, but my hacked shinys are mew, celebi, arceus, heatran, charizard(my favorate Pokemon that pwns all),grovyle, empoleon, shaymin, and two latios'

so I have 11 that dont count and 2 legit.....swell.....

Edit: Mah Boi,you were getting a bunch of eggs? I tried to get a shiny in my heartgold by getting two red gyrados' and making a bunch of eggs......i had almost 100 of them and NONE were shiny.....you know that guy in pokemon black that sells you magikarp? well, i saved right before he gave it to me and i kept on turning off and on just for a shiny! Never worked....=(
I could never get to far. i basiclly only trained my Charizard. But i only saw a shiny espeon in the battle tower.
Let's see....my very first was a shiny weedle in Pokemon Gold.....then in my leafgreen, i had one shiny "A" unown when i was trying to find the "?" and "!" unowns, and i saw a shiny espeon in the seventh sevii isles in that battle thing with a trainer. My heartgold, i have a gyrados, but that doesnt count...however, my friend can hack,and she trades me hacked shinys. I know it doesnt count, but my hacked shinys are mew, celebi, arceus, heatran, charizard(my favorate Pokemon that pwns all),grovyle, empoleon, shaymin, and two latios'

so I have 11 that dont count and 2 legit.....swell.....

Edit: Mah Boi,you were getting a bunch of eggs? I tried to get a shiny in my heartgold by getting two red gyrados' and making a bunch of eggs......i had almost 100 of them and NONE were shiny.....you know that guy in pokemon black that sells you magikarp? well, i saved right before he gave it to me and i kept on turning off and on just for a shiny! Never worked....=(

I didn't get it right away, I got a shiny Gastly after about 12-15 eggs were hatched. As with breeding shinies, the chance of getting baby shinies increases if one of the parents is a shiny from a different country. Getting baby shinies with breeding is random, it could take anywhere between 1-6000 eggs to get a shiny. I just got lucky.

You still trying to reset to get a shiny Magikarp? It can take a while with that method, but eventually, it should come out shiny.
Yeah, i just gave up on that with the guy selling magikarp on marvolous bridge. *gasp!*
I JUST REMEMBERED ANOTHER SHINY IN LG!!!! it was my eggecute, then i evolved it into egxecutor.
Not many. Random enounters: two. Events: three. (The GameStop shiny legendary beasts.) And automatic: one.

So, six.
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Don't know if I posted here or not, if I did, the list is inaccurate.

Let's see... a shiny Golem I found in Platinum (got traded recently via GTS negatiations for a shiny Weezing), A shiny Excadrill I found in White, A shiny Zoroark (I recieved a shiny Zorua for putting up a Grotle.), A shiny Charizard, and a Shiny Riolu (thanks Kratos.) I also had a Shiny Magcargo, but that was traded to someone else. Plus all of the event shinies, but I don't count those.
Well, all of the shinies that I remember seeing are as follows:
-Red Gyarados X2 (Silver and SS.)
-Green Mewtwo (FR, I was a stupid kid and only now realize my tragic mistake of not catching it.)
-Yellow Geodude (Diamond, accidentally got deleted)
-Pink Wooper (Also Diamond, but different file. Found in Marsh. Instant rage followed.)
-Black Charizard (SS, given to me by awesomest science teacher ever.)
-Shiny Raikou, Entei, and Suicune X2 (Diamond and SS, events.)
-Red Solrock (White, currently in box.)
-Shiny Timburr (?) (I'm not sure if this one counts, but the pokedex says I saw it, so I guess I saw it.)
-Recently hatched a Yellow Magikarp! (White, has since been evolved and will be EV trained when I get time.)
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Most people think shinies are important just because they're so darn rare, with less than a one in eight thousand chance of appearing. But there's really no difference between Shiny Pokemon and normal ones other than color.
Most people think shinies are important just because they're so darn rare, with less than a one in eight thousand chance of appearing. But there's really no difference between Shiny Pokemon and normal ones other than color.

There was in GSC.
In G/S/C, shinies tended to have better IVs than normal Pokemon, because shininess was determined by IVs back then. A Pokemon would be shiny if its Defense, Speed, and Special Attack/Defense IVs were all 10, and its Attack IV were 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 or 15. But since gender was determined by the Attack IV in Gen II, Pokémon with a male-to-female ratio of 7:1 could not be female and shiny (because a female of a Pokémon with such a gender ratio would have an Attack IV of 0 or 1, which is not one of those that can be included in a shiny Pokémon).
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