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How was your school day?

Here you can post about how your day at school was.

Maths: HATESTABBURNKILLDIE. Althought this lesson was not as bad as usual...

Gym: FORGOT MY GYMWEAR so no gym for me.

Science: Some crap about the periodical table or whatever it's called.

French: BEST. LESSON. EVER. The teacher didn't come and we were all talking and having fun through the whole class. :D
Today was my first day of school. Everyone was an asshole, I don't like my teachers, I took a test on the first day and everything was boring because we just listened to the rules seven times over. But for school it was a pretty good day!
If you didn't go to school today don't post. Common sense?

Anyway, mine was good, I guess~

I had double History first which was fun because me, Rhianna, Paula and Michalina basically eat and shout at Scott, Jordan and Cameron all through it (we're so passing the exam... yep). We did some work on appeasement too but that's not interesting.

Art was like LOL TYPEFACES because I'm doing graphic design for my design unit (weirdly enough), so I need to look up dafont and look at interesting fonts to use on my perfume... cover-thing. Yeah. Other than that Gemma was ever-so-subtly bitchin' behind me and Rhianna and we were all '?_?' but that doesn't count because she didn't say anything relevant to either of us so there.

English was boring. Kieran smells weird. The sixth year girl who sits next to me bothers me and I don't know why.

Computing was fun. We decided that Hitler hated Jews because his Computing teacher was a Jew. :D Then we did impression for the rest of the period. I mean, we were /so/ listening but Hitler jokes are hilarious okay.

And Maths can go kill itself. Paul is so horrible to Lisa xD; seriously, why is she even stuck behind him. Why.

I saw Pretty Sixth Year Boy™ today too, so haha. Too bad he's taken. P: Oh well!
Overall, my second day of school was awesome. :D I feel like describing it in detail because it was so much fun.

ART: Fun, because we got our new assignment books during this class and we just made fun of them the whole time. This years have about half as much space to write stuff as previous years' did, and the other ones had fun facts and jokes, while this one has definitions of good character traits (as in: Honesty - always telling the truth). The cover of the book is a friggin' picture of a cartoon tree with leaves that have "caring", "trust", "respect", "loyalty", and "friendship" written on them.

The back of the book says "THE CHOICE IS YOURS" along with some stuff about drugs, so whenever anyone would say something like "should I color this red or green", someone would hold up their assignment book and go "THE CHOICE IS YOURS". BUT the funniest part, is one on page of the book, in this section about bullying, it says "Do not laugh. Cruelty is not funny." We literally spend the entire day laughing at that quotation. :P

MATH: UGGGH I hate it. D: It's taught by this really conservative Christian lady, who gets mad at people for the most ridiculous things. For example, if person A says "YES I got an xbox for free," and person B says "dude, you suck", then she'll get mad at person B for bullying. Our class has eight people in it, so it's all "up close and personal with the woman herself", and I am by far the worst student in the class. Everyone else is basically an math geek (this is an uber-advanced placement class), and so they mostly compete to see who can get the most questions right. I also have in the past had the worst test grades out of the eight of us, by a large margin (and I doubt it will be different this year). So... it sucks. Basically.

Science: We have a "cool" science teacher. You know the kind I'm talking about, that cracks jokes, makes fun of the students a bit, uses slang, etc. The class so far is decent, we haven't really done anything yet tho.

Chinese: Our Chinese class is all the same (awesome) students, and the same (awesome) teacher as last year, so it's nothing new. And in language classes you pretty much do the same thing every day, so it's really not noteworthy at all. Although, our teacher has given us a lot of candy so far, because it's right before lunch. Last year it was right after lunch, so no such luck. D:


Language Arts: This was fun. I got a class with a lot of awesome people, and the whole time our teacher mostly talked about how she was a bad parent. :P

Social Studies: It's fun because our teacher is freaking hilarious. He could totally be a comedian. It's awesome.

Gym: We just put stuff in our lockers. Nothing really happened. 'Cept we got our P.E. "uniforms" which we've never had before. We could wear anything we wanted as long as it was school colors. Now, we have to wear the same thing every day, with our name written in the center of the shirt. I tried to be as unique as I possibly could, and write my name in all lowercase.

Cross Country Practice: This was so much fun. :D We went on a "long run" (somewhere between four and six miles) and six of us stuck together and we just talked the whole time. It was a great practice.

My school day was basically me nearly falling asleep in Anatomy, me being the Librarian's assistant (along with another girl, otherwise I'd probably screw things up), me in Spanish class being all pompous because I can pronounce the words correctly and everyone else can't, me nearly falling asleep in Geometry, me watching a movie in AP English, me learning history in AP US History, and me laughing at my hilarious AP Psychology teacher's weird jokes.

It sucked mainly because I was really tired and nearly nodded off in two classes. ;;Needs to get more sleep, dammit;;
Art was fun, CompSci was awesome, EarthSci was easy at least, English had a quiz where I think I made a B, Geometry was like going back to kindergarten, and APUSH made me feel smart.

Then we had a pep rally. My friends and I were an awesome little corner of people not even standing for anything.
Mmm. Good, but I felt sick all day and took a nap as soon as I got home.

Art was cool, we went to a gallery and looked at stuff...:D

Aaandyeah...Aside from that..Nothing spectacular.
My school day was all right. I had treble choir first which ruled, then PE where we did nothing because it was my first day of PE, then two study halls in a row in which I had nothing to do, and then I had AP calculus. It's the beginning of the year so the stuff's mostly review and I'm not lost yet, woohoo. |D

After lunch (which was a bore), I had Spanish V which I think is going to be kind of neat because it's just me and two other people in the class. Then AP English which wasn't bad at all. Then I ended the day with AP European History which RULED. |D
My day wasn't bad.
AP World History: Not bad, I guess. We had to present our brochures today and it wasn't bad.
GATS English: This class never fails to amuse me. The people in it I mean. They just make me laugh sometimes. We did vocabulray.
Personal Finance: Today we watched a video about saving our money and stuff like that. It wasn't that exciting.
Algebra II: For about a fourth of the class I was really tired for no particular reason. I guess I was just tired. This class isn't bad. I like math.
First back, so...

First Period - Mainly our form tutor lecturing us about how important year eleven is and then giving up once she realised nobody was paying attention and the shift to the title of 'oldest year group in the school' made absolutely no difference to them. We also got timetables (I discovered to my displeasure that today was, yet again, a bad Wednesday. Why do I always get bad Wednesdays?), I got my results for GCSE papers I took last year (two Bs and an A~) and my new planner (I then proceeded to fill the calender full of every single birthday I knew. I failed last year in having a birthday for every single day of the year, so this year I must succeed. D<)

Period Two - First an assembly where our terrifying head of year glared at us and told us what scruffbags we were, and then our head-teacher came in close to tears and rambling about how quick year eleven would go, and then read us a poem called 'Goodbye School'. XD He always does this kind of thing, he's so silly. We then went outside for a fire drill, where our head of year prowled around us all standing in form lines going 'TRAINERS, CHANGE THEM. TRAINERS, CHANGE THEM. JEWELLERY, GIVE. TRAINERS, CHANGE THEM. SHUT UP. TRAINERS, CHANGE THEM. JEWELLERY, GIVE. IS THAT NATURAL HAIR COLOUR? JEWELLERY, GIVE. TRAINERS, CHANGE THEM.'

Period Three - Yay, ICT in which I get bullied. :D Except it was awesome because I get to sit at the back and talk about my imaginary eighteen-year old girlfriend and our hot lesbian sex. And they believe it.

Period Four - French. Hard. Yawn. Although we were working with the computers today, so I could get on with some helpful vocab work.

Period Five - Business Studies. I was going to get put in this horrible set with this teacher who looks like a tough bald dude (and he wears huge sunglasses and full leather motorbike stuff, complete with massive helmet) and who also talks in a hilariously soft and quiet voice, and calls everyone darling. And no, he isn't gay. :D Which makes him even more awesome for being campishly cool~ So I sat at the very front reading my book in silent protest. And then they moved me upstairs so I could be in the higher set with my friend~

It was an okay day. We missed Maths and Geography though because of all the WELCUM 2 YUR ELEVUN stuff. Can't wait for tomorrow, will be much better.

Additionally, my little sister started high school today~ It's funny seeing her in a blazer and tie.
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