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Musical prowess in any way/shape/form

The Omskivar

chah, dude
Do you play an instrument? Do you sing? Have you made any breakthroughs, met any goals, or have anything in general you'd like to share?

Me, I've played the piano for nine years. I never really got into lessons but I'm not terrible at learning new pieces. I usually go for popularity rather than classical music; I can play Axel F (The Beverly Hills Cop complete theme, not the stupid Crazy Frog thing), Working For The Weekend, House of the Rising Sun, Bulletproof, etc. I used to play and sometimes sing in a band, but we only knew eleven songs (which is how I learned the Billy Preston keys solo for Get Back). I really wish we'd get back together but we need a new bass player.

Anyway I'm currently learning this song on the piano. I've about reached the point where the singing comes in.
I'm an okay singer, but i can't hit high notes anymore, and all the songs i know are from pikachu's jukebox. Fail...
Piano for 7 years, though I'm pretty unenthusiastic about it and plan to quit as soon as my parents let me.

On the other hand, I love Clarinet, and I am in classroom band for that as well as marching band.
I played piano for a couple of years, but I only play 1-handed. /fail
I have been playing flute for 4 years now. We are playing Christmas carols. Every year near the holidays, we walk skip homeroom to play carols for some classes :3
I have been in some form of choir for 5 years. We're currently singing a creeper song called "This Day of Joyful Pleasure". It's creepiness might have something to do with it being translated from Italian.
I'm a singer! Been singing since about 3rd grade (so about nine years?). I'm technically a second soprano but my choir director's always like "WE NEED MORE ALTOS GO BE AN ALTO ONE" (in his lovely Tennessee accent), which is fine with me because I love being an alto. Actually my low notes are getting better because of it.
I have never played the piano, but I do play the cello, and I have been doing so for... five years, I believe. And I don't think my voice is all that special, but everyone likes my singing, so I guess that might count.
I sing all the time but I'm not all that great. I can play part of 'Oh When the Saints' on harmonica and I can do that creepy generic scare chord* on a piano. That's it. :/

* Dweedle-doo, doodle do do ♪♫ *lightning*
Piano for 5 years then quit at the ARCT level
Flute for 3 years then quit at the Grade 8 level
Guitar for 9 months but never had interest; school made us learn it.
Still playing the recorder :3 I love it.
Uh, I played piano for three or four years, but have since stopped. Now all I can play is the Star Wars theme by memory, and I'm trying to learn Canon in D. I can do the Right Hand 99%, but the Left Hand is annoying.

I played classical guitar for about two years but I've since dropped because of a lack of free time. I never really got that good, though I was making progress.

I'm currently in my fourth year of Alto Saxophone playing, and it's definitely my best instrument. Through middle school I was the Sax section leader, main soloist in jazz band, etc. But now I'm in high school playing second and still enjoying it immensely.

I love to sing as well, and apparently I have a great ear for staying on pitch, though it was squandered in Middle School by the fact I was flanked by two tone-deaf friends of mine. Great guys, but they couldn't sing for their lives. My range is mostly Baritone right now, though of course being fourteen I'm going through six hundred voice cracks a day and as such haven't fully settled into my range.
Been having guitar classes for a little over a year now.

My playing is still very weak, but, at least I'm currently learning One, which is the best thing ever.
Played the alto saxophone for four years. It is a very nice instrument. Taught myself how to play basic piano, but I still suck. I would like to sing, but I'm just naturally bad at it. :(
Played the violin for a few months, but teacher said I was 'the only student I've had so young that learned about three songs in one day to mastery!' so apparently I'm a violin genius???

Also, I'm a bit of a singy girl; I've lately been running around the house singing On My Own (Les Miserables) as well as Think of Me (The Phantom of the Opera). So like.

Go YouTube them. Or whatever.
Can supposedly play the violin. Hoping to get around to doing that again. I like to sing sometimes, but it's just a hobby. Mostly because I get out of breath very quickly.

Oh yeah, I can play "Antichrist Superstar" from memory. Surprisingly less intimidating than the album version, and just as monotone without vocals.
I can play the piano (sort of, i used to in school and haven't since), but i'm not particularly great at it. I have real difficulty reading notation, so.
I've been singing for about 6 years now. I'm fairly good at it, though I recently have been taking voice lessons. I have discovered that I can match pitches with songs that I've memorized, even a capella. Singing is something I enjoy a lot.

I can also play melodies on piano by ear, and if I concentrate, I can play music. (but only melodies, not baselines.) I'm also good with rhythym. I believe I might be able to play piano or percussion if I took lessons, but I haven't had lessons for either.
I took very brief piano lessons when I was much younger, before my mom gave up trying to teach me because she thought I showed no musical prowess whatsoever. (Anyone who knows me will find this endlessly amusing for all the reasons I'm about to explain)

Ever since then, however, I've gravitated toward the piano as a means to work out melodies to songs I like, and in addition to that I've also attempted to work out two-handed pieces (Fur Elise, Minuet and part of Moonlight Sonata are classical pieces that fall under this category, but I also have an immense amount of sheet music for video game pieces two-handed and can play Sky Tower two-handed), although I'm not adept enough to pick up two-handed pieces by sight-reading.

But piano isn't my main talent. I've played trumpet for six years now and been in my school's band in some form for the entirety of that time. This is my fourth year in marching band, as well. Starting with last year I began to take more than one of the school band classes simultaneously (last year it was symphonic band and wind ensemble, this year it's symphonic band, wind ensemble and jazz band, plus ap music theory). Two years ago I started taking private lessons in the marching band off-season.

I've since discovered that music is my strongest passion, and I'm hoping to major in /something/ music-related - currently I'm thinking music therapy, but that may very well change before I'm done with college (my band teacher, as he tells us, started out as a chemistry major).

Oh yeah, I can also write music to a degree, too. I'm currently working on a piece entitled Andante in A Flat with the hopes of getting my band director to have us play it on the concert. It's only sixteen measures long thus far, but I know what the melodies for a good portion of the piece are and for me it's just a matter of building other parts off that; if I weren't so busy with schoolwork and marching band presently I'd work on it more often. :(
I've played piano since senior kindergarten. I think that's ten years, now? I quit a year ago so I didn't have to play songs I didn't know and now all I do is video game music, etc. Right now I think the only song I can fully play through is U.N. Owen was her?. You guys might know it as Death Waltz, though..? I can also play a bunch of Legend of Zelda things, the first Objection! background music from Ace Attorney, Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts. I figured out what notes you spam with the left hand to make songs sound complicated :V

From piano, I've learned to work out the alto/harmony part for songs, so I guess there's that too. I don't like singing, though since it makes me feel all self conscious and I can't sing okay

Hmm. I've played the flute for four years and started in our school's band. I'm not the best, for sure, but I think I'm at least halfway decent at it. I can mostly play random things from band, but I have some video game music sheets, again. Actually, I preformed Caged Bird from DNAngel once, look! My friend (the guy at the piano) was too lazy to learn the entire intro derp.

And I started learning the guitar this summer. Like, three months ago. Again, I'm definitely not the best but I can play a good chunk of the basic chords.

I messed around with composing things in Finale Notepad for a while, but it turned out to be too much work so I just arrange things instead now. I have a sort of worked on medley of Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton music :o but it's so in progress it's painful to listen to aaaagh
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I played the piano for a number of years and did an exam for it then got tired of it and stopped when my parents final got that I didn't want to play it anymore.

Then I played trumpet for about a year and learnt a couple of songs.
Now I have a guitar and I'm just learning stuff by ear, slowly getting better but I want a bass so I can play some of the funk basslines I love.
I threw drumsticks at my Music teacher in second year because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone. I also failed the guitar module because I insisted on holding the guitar the wrong way until he gave me a left-handed guitar. He never did give me one, the dick.

Take from that what you will.
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