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Musical prowess in any way/shape/form

I like to sing. Everyone I know says I'm good, but I disagree. I also used to play the cello, but I haven't been able to rent one in more than a year, so I'm somewhat out of practice.
I like to sing. Everyone I know says I'm good, but I disagree.
Ugh, me too. Even though I've been in my school's chorus (which sounds pretty damn good compared to most middle school choruses, in my humble opinion) for going on three years now, I just don't feel like I have a naturally good singing voice like the rest of the people in it seem to have. :/ Yet everyone else says I have a good singing voice, but they're probably just saying that to be nice.

I badly want to learn to play the piano, but I'm afraid I'm going to be horrible at it and get frustrated with it.
I sing and play piano. I write my own songs too. My greatest achievement is probably playing one of my own songs in front of over 10 people.
When I was 5, me and my family went to a fair, where there was a Native American making wooden flutes. I bought one, seeing as they were soo cool.
12 years later, I still have it, play it almost everyday, and I can play every songtrack in Okami.
Sometimes I think myself as Waka to help me play.
I've played the piano for eleven years, and have Grade 8 in it. Currently learning Chopin's Ballade No. 1 for a performance in December.
I'm no good with instruments but I reckon I'm a decent singer. Sucks that I have an ugly man-voice though.
Proficient to some degree or another on flute, piano, saxophone, clarinet, and mallet percussion. I'm a senior music education major. I sing some, too; either bass or countertenor.
Let's see:
Instruments I play well:

Instruments I'm OK at:

Instruments that I play terribly:

I also compose. My senior year in high school, the band played a piece by me. 'Twas epic.
... Music education majors FTW!
If it's music related, I'll do it.

Right now I only play Sax, but I want to learn Bass and Piano. I also think Jazz Bass Clarinet would be amazing...
Played violin for a couple of years. Played clarinet for a couple of years. Played piano for a year. Then I decided music wasn't for me. (I'm quite good on the pennywhistle, though! :D)
I like to think that in an alternate universe somewhere, there's a Danni who's had lessons for everything and is a musical genius, but sadly I can't play a thing. One day in the hopefully distant future I'll inherit more guitars than I know what to do with (not joking - I shall also never want for teapots) and I might learn to play if I have money for lessons.

Until then, I'll settle for singing terrible songs badly, but with great enthusiasm.
I've always been musically inclined.

I can pick up most instruments and start playing. I started with clarinet, played for a few years, but I got bored with it. (I was eleven give me a break) I still regret it since I had to give back my clarinet... I sort of want to pick that up again. I then went to flute, but I hated it, it just wasn't as fun to play as the clarinet was and I felt it was a step back. I've also played cello, violin, and drums.

But I what I really love is playing guitar. I own five guitars now, each one is a specific tuning, and I love them all. I'm self taught but can play as well as most who have had lessons. I play mostly rock, but I can play pretty much any genre.

I was a really good singer. I mean I was good. I lead a couple choir groups and sang in front of crowds at special events and talent shows. I can still sing, but I kind of got obsessed with my normal life and haven't been singing a lot and so my voice is starting to 'lose it'. :(
I've been playing trumpet since fourth grade, and I am now a sophomore in high school (tenth grade). So, six years, I guess? Anyway, I'm part of the marching band (and concert band). State on Monday! Yay.

So, our show this year is based off of The Lion King, which is really awesome because we get to wear dashikis and play the Circle of Life. Also, a fellow trumpeter's mother composed a song for us this year, which is just awesome.

I also like to sing, and apparently I am fairly decent at it. A lot of people ask why I don't join choir or something. This is mostly because I don't like the songs choirs sing. Except maybe the Star Spangled Banner, but I always sing along anyway. Oh, and the show choir recently performed a routine set to "Dirty Bit" by the Black Eyed Peas, and it was really good.

I tried playing piano once for a half hour or so while I was supposed to be practicing or something, but I spent the entire time trying to play Midna's Lament and failing, since I cannot coordinate both of my hands.
It's quite often I will sing.
At times, I might compose something
Although I do suppose I should
Admit that I'm not very good.

I play euphonium, though I'm rusty.
I play at piano, but I wouldn't trust me
To play a scale and do it right.
(My training's lacking more'n'a might.)

I would like to improve my skill,
But as I say this, I know still
If I e'er want to learn guitar
Before I get too very far
I should reinforce what I know.
Then maybe things won't go so slow.
I play anything from bass drum to snare in the band. I've loved the drums since I was small but I stopped playing them for about a good 4 years until now ._.
This is my fourth year of being in choir. We have a concert in a week. If a video is posted on youtube, then I'll post it on here :3
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