beep beep coming through
- Pronoun
- she/they/any
Tonight, my fingers hurt like what (made even worse by the fact that they've already been stiff for a long time now); I actually wore a hole in my little balloon stress ball thing, I was squeezing it so often to try and work out the kinks. All this month I have fought with my computer over various stupid things, abused the crap out of Butterfree's sprite generator when I was out of ideas for characters (oh, so often... and I thought I had it all worked out!), procrastinated, worked like hell, procrastinated, worked like hell, procrastinated, procrastinated, wrote many scenes I strongly suspect will be useless in the end, procrastinated... Tonight specifically, I typed over 8000 words, typed until my laptop caught fire and am currently nursing my hands with a heated beanbag. Because my fingers really, really hurt right now. But, tonight, as of 11:30 pm:
(I would totally use one of the 100x100 images as my avatar, but I'm rather fond of my Dahlia quote for now.)
50179 words, 93 pages of complete and utter rambly crap that I am literally going to be unable to edit; that's how horrific and cluttered I feel it is. When editing time comes around I'm actually going to have to rewrite it completely, using what I've written this month as a reference only. And the story is probably going to turn out completely differently, given how many absolutely retarded plot holes I managed to dig in there. But I effectively effing finished a draft of a long story, which I have never ever managed to do before, and I am ecstatic about it. It feels crazy good, people... keep going if you want to feel crazy good, too!
...did I by any chance mention that my fingers hurt.
*pats purple wordcount bar on NaNo site with aching fingers*

(I would totally use one of the 100x100 images as my avatar, but I'm rather fond of my Dahlia quote for now.)
50179 words, 93 pages of complete and utter rambly crap that I am literally going to be unable to edit; that's how horrific and cluttered I feel it is. When editing time comes around I'm actually going to have to rewrite it completely, using what I've written this month as a reference only. And the story is probably going to turn out completely differently, given how many absolutely retarded plot holes I managed to dig in there. But I effectively effing finished a draft of a long story, which I have never ever managed to do before, and I am ecstatic about it. It feels crazy good, people... keep going if you want to feel crazy good, too!
...did I by any chance mention that my fingers hurt.
*pats purple wordcount bar on NaNo site with aching fingers*