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NaNoWriMo 2010

NaNoWriMo's website said:
Our site is over capacity.

We're working to get everything back to normal.
In the meantime, please enjoy a cup of hot chocolate.


lololol. Seriously. I just found this five seconds ago while trying to update my wordcount.
I just learned about this thing a day before it started, and I haven't actually been trying too hard (a little more during class each day, but not really each day), but I might as well keep going on. I'm going for whatever is equivalent to 200 written college rule pages.
it's gonna be about two wanted criminals who pose as FBI agents in order to solve a mystery.
I only wish I knew more about writing comedy.
Up to 13,207 now. I'll probably get past the target wordcount of 13,334 (plus the extra 200-some words the site wants me to write for today) pretty quick once I get back to writing.

Pugh and company have now met the inbred redneck vampires... starting with the man of the house (err, trailer), Crowbar. And then his 10-year-old son Truck, who catches squirrels and groundhogs, kills them, and then brings them to the kitchen table to suck out all of their blood. Yeah... table manners are not a strong point of the inbred redneck vampire.

It's actually looking like I might need to split Chapter 4 into two chapters just to fit everything in without ending up with one chapter being hugely oversized compared to the others... which means that what I had originally planned as Chapter 3 will end up being spread out across three chapters.
Of course, the last few bits of what-would-have-been-Chapter-4 probably won't be long enough to fill up a full chapter, but I already have a few ideas for what to add to that, so it probably won't be a problem.
Mildly annoyed because I got started on my writing today really late, rushed to update my wordcount and then accidentally reversed some of the numbers in my total so it said I had less than I did. Then when I realized that and went to fix it the clock had already rolled over and :/ damn it.

Of course, they seem to have removed some of the "you're failing by this many! :D" stats, and I was technically ahead anyway, and I guess it goes toward the "failing by this many" for today. Eh. (If they didn't point these things out then I wouldn't feel the need to obsess over them on principle!)

Gah I can't wait until Thursday after this stupid midterm so I can get back on track with trying to finish early.
I was actually bored before NaNo began and started writing a thing of "NaNo tips" mostly because I could; I haven't finished it and am not entirely sure I care anymore, but I think this section is worth sharing just in case:

WHY didn't you post that earlier?

But I've continued writing at least. I'm going to check my wordcount in a bit.

EDIT: 17,786
I know I didn't post, but
Also, with the Word Count Widgets -- am I supposed to reupload it every time I change my wordcount? Because it never automatically does it and yeah. But I don't care, I hit 10k, I'm cramming on Thursday when there's no school, and then I'll be totally caught up.
Not that, I have to manually update the widget every day or two.
Because I hit 10k around a good hour ago. And re-updated it after half an hour.
oh yeah. http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/670386 is me. :D
Yeah, see. You seem to be putting it as a signature widget instead of doing what you should be doing with it. Make sure your signature's not in WYSIWYG mode and paste [*img]http://www.nanowrimo.org/widget/graph/670386.png[/img*] without the asterisks where you want the widget to go. Then it'll update automatically.
WHY didn't you post that earlier?

I said I hadn't had time to finish the whole thing! Posting it in disjointed sections seemed silly. And the importance of backing up your story was already discussed a few days before it started, so I didn't think it needed mentioning right away. :/

Handwrote today's wordcount, which was in retrospect a terrible idea because my hands already hurt like whoa and apparently trying to write while on a train makes them hurt more. I don't know exactly how many I wrote, but I know from previous things written in this notebook (those flash fiction stories I posted a while ago, actually) that each page holds about 200 words in my handwriting. ~9 pages later, it's probably safe to say I'm over 1667. Success is pain!

In other news, people need to stop posting their in-progress NaNos here because it makes me feel sad and inadequate when I look at how awkward and fragmented and not-presentable and all-around shitty what I have is. You guys either need to keep your "rough" drafts to yourselves or else start writing shittier from here on out. Now. >|
Just for that, I'm going to post part of yesterday's segment:

Introductions were surprisingly easy: "Tenth, this is Spanner; he's a friend and he makes giant robots for a living. And this is Irie Shouichi; he's a fuckhead. Spanner, Fuckhead, this is the tenth." And then Spanner handed the tenth a lollipop, while Irie made stupid faces like a stupid stupidhead, and all was well.

Well, that's a lie, actually.

For the following month, every morning at six AM, Tsuna wakes up to Reborn's boot in his face and completely fails to notice that there is a refrigerator magnet stuck to the back of his head. First it's little image macros of varying hilarity, then logos for bands like De La Solrock, then pithy phrases, and finally:

refrigerator poetry.

[this] [head] [is] [magnetic]

[do] [you] [believe] [in] [life] [after] [robot]

[listen] [up] [here]['s] [a] [story] [about] [a] [giant] [robot]

[for] [one] [like] [giant] [robot]

[and] [green] [tea]

[Japan] [is] [cool][,] [too]

[johnny] [was] [a] [chemist]
[but] [johnny] [is] [no] [more]
[what] [johnny] [thought] [was] [H[sub]2[/sub]O]
[was] [H[sub]2[/sub]SO[sub]4[/sub]]

[a] [senryuu][:]

[a] [haiku][:]
[autumn] [leaves] [drift] [down]
[your] [room] [is] [a] [gray] [toaster]

[my] [name] [is] [wrench] [and] [if] [ever] [put] [another] [refrigerator] [magnet] [on] [the] [tenth] [am] [going] [to] [find] [myself] [up] [a] [creek] [with][out] [a] [paddle]

There were no more refrigerator magnets found on Tsuna's head after that.
I didn't mean snippets in here--even I can find individual paragraphs of my writing that aren't terribad--I meant posting the entire story chapter at a time in the main forum like Keta, Superbird, Teh Ebil Snorlax, etc.. They have the gall to be confident enough in their writing abilities that they believe their NaNo rough drafts won't burn people's eyes out, and I don't like that. Everyone is supposed to have no self-confidence and not post anything ever until they've had forever and a day to worry about it and edit it to hell and back like me. (And then maybe still never get anything done like me.)


I never remember to edit. I've been sending my nano to whoever messages me on some im protocol (I'M SURSKITTY OR SURSKITTY@GMAIL.COM AND I'M ON EVERYTHING COME MESSAGE ME) who I think might be interested, though.

I didn't get as many words as I wanted yesterday. :( I got distracted by reading The Hunger Games. On the plus side, I started the series at, say, 15:30 and finished the third book by 22:30. With breaks in there.
I didn't mean snippets in here--even I can find individual paragraphs of my writing that aren't terribad--I meant posting the entire story chapter at a time in the main forum like Keta, Superbird, Teh Ebil Snorlax, etc.. They have the gall to be confident enough in their writing abilities that they believe their NaNo rough drafts won't burn people's eyes out, and I don't like that. Everyone is supposed to have no self-confidence and not post anything ever until they've had forever and a day to worry about it and edit it to hell and back like me. (And then maybe still never get anything done like me.)





The more I write this story, the more I hate it. There's so many things wrong with it I really, really, really need to go back and rewrite it but nooooo stupid NaNo! What do you mean that editing is for December.

Must... Stop... Urge... To... Edit...

And this is why I'm posting here instead of churning out more words because every single word I write reminds me of how horribly contrived my whole story is and how terrible my word choice and grammar and everything is and ahhhh

17,081 words, and I haven't even gone to bed for the night yet. So basically, thanks to the hour or so of writing I just did, I'm a full day ahead of the reccommended-wordcount-o-meter now. Wow... how the hell did that ever happen?

Getting close to the end of Chapter 5; I should have at least most it done pretty quickly the next time I sit down and write for a while tomorrow. Here's a chunk of it.

"Where are those two?", Crurotarsi asked, standing up and shading her eyes with her hand in an attempt to see further into the city. "I mean, you kind of expect Steve to be running a little late, but Rhombus not showing either? Something's wrong."

"Yeah... they both know we were supposed to all meet up here before sunrise," Zamboni said, standing up as well. "What's going on?"

A few more minutes passed, and suddenly Elvis--sitting atop the roof of the Bloodmobile--spotted something off on the horizon.

"Is that... oh crap. Ohhh, crap. I think it is."

"What is it?"

"There's a big guy carrying a skinny guy over his shoulder," Elvis said, "And running. Running as fast as he can."

Pugh raised an eyebrow.

"Running? Running from what?"


"P... puh... pointy-headed ghoooosts!"

Rhombus would have rolled his eyes, shaken his head, or at the very least let out an annoyed grunt. But at the moment, he was a bit too busy running for his (and Steve's) life, racing down the sidewalk as fast as he possibly could with the barely-conscious young vampire over his back weighing him down.

Behind them were a horde of humans wearing pointy hoods and white robes, carrying torches and a variety of other dangerous implements and screaming all sorts of strange things at the tops of their lungs.

"White power!"

"But not too white!"

"Yeah! When we say white, we mean white as in Caucasian! Vampire-white just ain't no good!"

"And we don't want no niggers with vitiligo here neither!"

For a second, several of the white-robed men seemed to be giving another of their number a funny look, though it was difficult to tell with their faces almost entirely covered by their hoods. They then shrugged and went along with it, resuming their chasing, screaming, and weapon-waving just like before.

"C'mooon, Rhombush!", Steve yelled, "Run faster! The pointy-headed ghosts are *hic* yelling at me again!"
Ah! Got to 18,000-something. Haven't written today any though; that was from yesterday. I really need to, but I'm not letting myself move on with the story until I go back and re-read all of the segments I have so far and then list some important concepts, locations, character bios, etc so that I can move on to the next Act. Since my story's split into Acts. Act I is over and my latest Segment just ended... in the most epic way possible.

Not really ever planning on editing it once I'm finished with this story. I'm the type of person who, once I'm done with something, I move on and don't really want to ever look at it again. So that's why I'm editing as I write along or if I have a plot hole, I make up some explanation for it rather than changing it since I still have the whole rest of the story to fix it. So far though, no big plotholes have cropped up. I guess I'm paying good attention! This story is surprisingly organized for a piece I've written.

But now, must go! Gotta go back and look at stuff before I move on! Ah. Must finish all this before I go to bed too.
Yayayayay so many people are above ten thousand or otherwise doing an excellent job! :DDD

My side characters that I specifically placed into the story as cardboard cutouts of various archetypes decided to be interesting and develop personalities all of a sudden and I was having fun writing them and got 2570 yesterday. I lost track of if I've posted my word counts for all of the days, but day one is above three thousand and all days after that are above two thousand, for reference.

Annnd I think I'm beating everyone now! :D 18801. I might get behind some people again later on, but at this moment I am ahead and that is good enough for me. I'm going to get 20k today, yayayayay!

I didn't mean snippets in here--even I can find individual paragraphs of my writing that aren't terribad--I meant posting the entire story chapter at a time in the main forum like Keta, Superbird, Teh Ebil Snorlax, etc.. They have the gall to be confident enough in their writing abilities that they believe their NaNo rough drafts won't burn people's eyes out, and I don't like that. Everyone is supposed to have no self-confidence and not post anything ever until they've had forever and a day to worry about it and edit it to hell and back like me. (And then maybe still never get anything done like me.)




Pretty much everyone's NaNoWriMo's are going to be largely terrible with a few paragraphs that are presentable. It just depends on whether you actually mind about burning people's eyes out, I guess? I mean, barely anyone even goes to this section of the forum, anyway. Also you can get constructive criticism for help on editing it later.

(Also don't never get anything done. 8[ Probably everyone is curious about the deal with your legendary-turned-trainer.)



The more I write this story, the more I hate it. There's so many things wrong with it I really, really, really need to go back and rewrite it but nooooo stupid NaNo! What do you mean that editing is for December.

Must... Stop... Urge... To... Edit...

And this is why I'm posting here instead of churning out more words because every single word I write reminds me of how horribly contrived my whole story is and how terrible my word choice and grammar and everything is and ahhhh


Let it go! And don't read over your writing until later. I don't have as much of a problem with this because I don't read back, and also I really hate editing things after writing them because then that copy of it isn't preserved anymore and I can never, ever look back and see how it used to be. :( This tends to make me start stories over rather than editing them, but then you can do them even better, so I suppose it's not all bad.

I just let myself edit up to a couple paragraphs back because I tend to think of new things for my characters to say or do so that I have something for the other(s) to react to later, but other than that I kind of "live in the moment," so to speak. Just stop scrolling back through your document and you'll probably feel better.

Also, I find that when you're writing this many words at once, everything seems pretty awful. But if you put it away for a while after you complete it, you can see a lot more decent stuff than you expected. I was doing a thousand words a day last April and looking back now, I'm a little sad that I decided to stop, because it actually wasn't that bad at all.

Ah! Got to 18,000-something. Haven't written today any though; that was from yesterday. I really need to, but I'm not letting myself move on with the story until I go back and re-read all of the segments I have so far and then list some important concepts, locations, character bios, etc so that I can move on to the next Act. Since my story's split into Acts. Act I is over and my latest Segment just ended... in the most epic way possible.

Not really ever planning on editing it once I'm finished with this story. I'm the type of person who, once I'm done with something, I move on and don't really want to ever look at it again. So that's why I'm editing as I write along or if I have a plot hole, I make up some explanation for it rather than changing it since I still have the whole rest of the story to fix it. So far though, no big plotholes have cropped up. I guess I'm paying good attention! This story is surprisingly organized for a piece I've written.

But now, must go! Gotta go back and look at stuff before I move on! Ah. Must finish all this before I go to bed too.

Yayyayyay Arylett! I think you're at the highest word count of the people in the groups so far! :D

Editing during the month is generally a bad idea, but I think you've got it under control! It's probably a lot more useful if you're using the editing to patch things for later instead of fixing grammar and sentence structure and everything. If it helps you plot things out and you're doing this well with that strategy, then there's probably no problem. Good job!

~~~~~~~~ Yayyyyy everyone's doing great! :DDDDDD ~~~~~
I have to write three thousand words today, apparently. Um.

It's not that I haven't done that before, and it's not even that I haven't already done that this month, but I just ... really? D:

Other than that I'm actually pleased with what's coming out so far. Maybe I'll stick with this and edit it when I'm finished. I DON'T KNOW but I think so maybe. If anyone's interested enough to want to read it I'm sure I can send you a copy of it when I'm done.

Excuse me? ROUGH draft? I already have a rough draft!

...The entire reason I'm posting here is that I hope to get content suggestions, and the people I'll distribute this to afterwards to edit are people who, I think, aren't as refined and won't give advice as good as members of this forum. That's why I'm actually posting it: I want ADVICE.

...And I'm probably going to have to wait until the end of NaNo for it.
I'm slowly creeping back up on target! On around 13,000 or so now, wrote a good amount yesterday so I think I'll be alright.

I've decided that I really don't want to end up doing what I did last time - write 20,000 within the last two days of November. So, I really want to get back on target~! I can do it! \o/

...well, maybe. My story is only just beginning to actual get going, yay.
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