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Obsessive Scribblers~

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I'm gonna double-post/bump the hell out of this thread.

[Before] Oh god, that body is painful to look at.
[After] The anatomy isn't completely without fault, but I'd like to say that's one hell of an improvement. I've noticed myself starting to edge away from the generic anime noses that make my faces look empty. I think I now have a better understanding of facial structure itself, although it's still not perfect. The hair's not stiff any more; I still need help with clothes.
Definite marked improvement, though there is a strange lack of eyebrows perhaps? The anatomy is quite a lot better, but his shoulders are still quite narrow or his head is quite wide. I think it's a combination of the two. The glasses stretch out like goggles too.
It's a good picture otherwise. I like the hair!

[Before] Lopsided face, weird nose, what the hell is going on with her shoulders, etc. Wasn't even sure what the hell this was in the first place.
[After] Uh, I like this one better. Don't have as much to say here. But it got all smudgy somehow. Couldn't make the hair as wavy as it was in the original.
I think she looks quite younger in the new picture, is that intentional? I think it's because the face's rounder.
The rest looks good though, I like it!

[Before] Attempt at Bulbasaur with weird stylized pseudo-realistic anatomy. The face frightens me a bit.
[After] Admittedly this isn't that much better. Mainly because I can't figure out how that bulb is supposed to be positioned. Weird bony hunchback seemed like a good idea at the time but now looks kind of wonky.
Hahaha okay sorry but the face in the first one is bloody awesome.
I'm sorry to say I can't really crit this one since I'm not good at talking about non-human or at least humanoid characters, but I think it looks more 'realistic' in the second one, definitely.

@Vlad: Your new DA id is prettyful. The line art is nice and clean, and the shading is cool. I like how you used blue for shading. It's better than the regular generic-gray shading people usually use, and it's quite nice. I think the blue is a bit too blue though. The blue looks fine at the face, but on the clothes, the blue sort of stands out really much. It's like the clothes are sort of glowing dark blue. But not.
Thank you! I find blue looks very nice with my skintones and with reds, but I should really abstain from using it with darker colours, you're right.

EDIT: Soon enough for ya? This is just an idea I had at one point, about this guy who can manifest his left arm into mostly anything. And It's hard to give someone an arm of tentacles and make them not look all rapey.
I think it's quite a good concept (makes me think of Sandman a bit) but I do have a few things to say, if I may. While the pose is quite dynamic and I like the way the legs are moving, the right arm and hand are very stiff. The hair looks like it should probably be blowing in a different kind of direction and I'm not really sure what those wrinkles aroung his mouth are. Is he simply old or is he quite thing and/or toned?
The crotch also looks iffy. This is a general thing really: I've seen lots of people draw crotches with a sort of V between the legs. Don't do this. This is how you draw a woman's naked pelvis. On a guy it just looks like the trousers are so tight they're outlining the Happy and that must just be very uncomfortable.
But yeah I used to do it too, haha.

NUTHEREDIT: Here's a page on stuff for people who want to draw me in group pictures/as giftart/for no reason whatsoever. I hope that it helps someone.
Good and straight to the point.

Oh yeah if anyone ever feels the need to draw me (because I'm cool) just draw a Putin. You probably already know this but still.

Got to say I've never played the game, but it looks promising. The hand in the second panel looks good, as does the smirk and the girl falling down.
I'm just wondering what she died of, because right now it looks like (very quick) suffocation. People tend to flail about and drool and cough and splutter a lot and looks really creepy and sad before they die if it's something very sudden so I'n just curious.

Bad habits: I take ages to finish pictures, I'm shit at realism and I make people more good-looking than they are in real life if I'm drawing a real person.
Also my anatomy is perfectly shit and I can't draw women.

These are terrible. Never draw again.

Okay art:
Comic page hurf. In which Ivan feels up Alain and ruins the mood by talking to him about his wife. Heh.
Commenting on this more thoroughly in my comic thread.
UK TCoDers might appreciate this. It features Poond Man (Gordon Brown) and his sidekick Sunny Jim (James Callaghan) fight... er... doing something against (?) the terrible Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) and her sidekick Huggy (David Cameron).
This is going to be pretty cool when I'm done. It's a birthday present for Ruby, and I can post it here because I'm pretty sure he doesn't check this thread. Tee hee.

Also I'd totally post these in my art thread (Boris Johnson Appreciation Station) but no one ever posts there. Harumph.
Got to say I've never played the game, but it looks promising. The hand in the second panel looks good, as does the smirk and the girl falling down.
I'm just wondering what she died of, because right now it looks like (very quick) suffocation. People tend to flail about and drool and cough and splutter a lot and looks really creepy and sad before they die if it's something very sudden so I'n just curious.

Okay art:
Comic page hurf. In which Ivan feels up Alain and ruins the mood by talking to him about his wife. Heh.
Commenting on this more thoroughly in my comic thread.
UK TCoDers might appreciate this. It features Poond Man (Gordon Brown) and his sidekick Sunny Jim (James Callaghan) fight... er... doing something against (?) the terrible Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) and her sidekick Huggy (David Cameron)..
Oh dear god. The drawing's fine, but the subject is just... ._.

And if you've never seen Death Note before (Mitadake High has a Death Note mode), then I can't blame you. I tried a more dramatic death, but my anatomy fails and it kept looking stupid D:
Also I noticed a major flaw with the smirk teeth aren't attached to the lips stupid Ice damnit >:l

The characters are all half decent, there aren't really any glaring flaws and I just love having all the character in one page, in the splitsecond after the announcement x3
Oh dear god. The drawing's fine, but the subject is just... ._.
On which one? I hope it was the politician drawing because I finished it:
Poond Man (Gordon Brown) and his sidekick Sunny Jim (James Callaghan) 'warding off' the forces of evil: Huggy (David Cameron) and the Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher).

The characters are all half decent, there aren't really any glaring flaws and I just love having all the character in one page, in the splitsecond after the announcement x3
The page composition is nicely done, and it looks very nice overall. I can see anatomy flaws but I won't bother pointing them out.
o.o Super Heros = SCARY ._. good, but scary.

Raggle Fraggle!
Inactivityyyy >.>
I have been drawing horribly drawn people for some reason XD
Heres the first: EMO DUDE ignore the box filled with scribbles, it's called scribble sh*t for a reason X3
Then I drew Emo-Dude again, better than the other, I believe: EMOSSS I was going to give him a T- shirt but then I though he looked fuzzy so I gave him an ugly sweater, he doesn't like it, and his hands look weird D: ignore spongebob and the weird things floating around.
Eh loads of heads for some reason: Heads >.> Don't ask >.>

Comment please?
I didn't die :D I just forgot about this because it was moved.

But I can give critique on Ice Tiger's...

"Emo Dude": His shoulders look a bit wide, and his hair looks a bit lopsided. But I like the way you drew the shirt.

"EMOSSS": It's kind of small to see, but the Spongebob with the sword made me laugh. Your ideas so far, I really like.

"FACES EVERYWHERE": I've never been fond of Spider-Man that much, but it's nothing to do with you. The image is a bit small.
Wait, figured out how to enlarge it. The horse's head looks crooked, but other than that, I like it.
So guys
Been procrastinating on doing the comic.

But I did do something while I was procrastinating.

I attempted to take surskitty's advice and try to define the jaw, but it was far more noticeable in the sketch.
I also did something a little different and tried to use crosshatching to texture it. I don't like most of it, but I do like how the hair turned out. >>
Comments would be appreciated.
Haha, I'm late at finding this thread. Some sort of artist I am.

I've been messing around with my digital art and I've finally found a style that suits me. Critique is loved ^^

And to contribute to others' critique and stuff...
That's a pretty nice picture, Zora ^^ Her pose and expression go together very well. The crosshatching was pretty good for someone who doesn't do it usually. You have a pretty defined style, in my opinion. If you wanted to correct that picture or something, though, I'd recommend making the feet more parallel to the invisible ground, because at the moment it doesn't look like she can keep her balance that well.
So far, I have Kai, Crazy Linoone, EeveeSkitty, Danni, Spoon and myself done. WORK CONTINUES.
Oh and I forgot to give you guys this :D
Mitadake High: Page 3

UPDATE: Kay pretty much done. I've drawn most of the people in the group that I know what to draw them like [/horrible grammar]. Of course there's still room to cram people in so if you're not on it then just tell me so (and link me to something I can use to draw you >:l ). Anyway...I CAN'T SCAN IT YET D<
Godamn laptop being so lame and not by the scanner :<
You'll just have to wait until tomorrow D:
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Yes, I'm double posting because people won't see it if I just edit it in D<
Obviously not everyone, because some of you are teh mean with your not giving me a way to know what to draw you like (Kratos >:L).
There is also a Spoon in there, it's just difficult to see :<
I blame the scanner.
AWESOME! Now I can half draw humans with decent anatomy! THANK YOU :)
...you completely ignored Ice's group pic. Which included you.

But yeah, Ice already showed it to me in MSN and I did some lineart, which anyone is welcome to modify/color. Sorry for removing everybody who was partially cut off but I tried ;_;

Reason Spoon is so big? I completely missed her and attempted to put her back in.

Awesome! Danni's expression amuses me. XD Also, I look badass. Like... I don't care~ Love my expression. Linoone looks pretty sweet, I like her snout, the way you did it. And Spoonie is GINORMOUS. Which also amuses me~

Working on my Group Pic. I probably won't have it done for a while though, schoolwork and life.
AAAAAAHHH Massive catchup! D:

The second page of the Mitadake High is really, really good; the greyscale works brilliantly, and the detail you put into the background is fantastic~ All the expressions work well, too. Well done! :D
My internet's not loading page three, but the group picture is brilliant X3 You can really tell who everyone is, and am I holding a box of Fran/Adrian? That's so crazy, I love it <3

The superheroes pic is fantastic; I'm going to comment on the hands especially because I have so much trouble wit them, but you make it looks so easy, and (I ay this every time, but it's so true) how much everyone looks like the person they're supposed to be. The coloured version is really right and actually looks like the cover of a superhero comic...and Thatcher's boobs make me feel ill o.o

Ice Tiger:
You are good at shading. Really good; I'm impressed :)
I really like the page of faces; you have a good style, and I especially like how you draw noses; I'd suggest drawing people's faces from a different angle, just to practice (continually drawing faces fromt he same angle makes it really hard to draw from anywhere else, I've found), and since you mention you're bad at drawing girls, put in extra effort to practice them? Again, this is me being a massive hypocrite because I never draw guys outside of group pictures x.x
I kind of want Emo Dude's t-shirt X3

Omg, that pose-reference-guide thingy is amazing. Thank youuuu <3

The black-and-white and the crosshatching of the picture really adds to the overall "argh!desperation" mood I think you were going for, and although the distance from the bottom of her breasts to the top of her hips is a little too long, the anatomy's otherwise really great. Awesome expression, too :)

Uuuh, aside from "that's absolutely stunning", I can't think of anything useful to say because I know nothing about digital art and things. But it's very, very good.

I'm really sorry if I missed anyone ><
I'll post some stuff in a bit, once I've got it scanned up. I'm sure you can't wait :3
Looking pretty good, but his right arm is a tad too short. his crotch is a bit weird-looking too and he's standing a bit stiffly, but overall it looks good.

Emodude looks a bit... corpulent. He's also in the same pose and his crotch persist in looking weird. Experiment with your poses, it can be quite fun. I like the spider.

Like Dannichu said, try varying the perspective and angles, it really does help to practice these a lot. Their heads are all shaped very similarly, something I'm guilty of as well.

Her torso is very long, her arms loo very strange (boneless) and she's very pear-shaped, unless that was intentional? I don't really understand what she's doing... I presume she's kneeling, but her knees aren't touching the ground, so she could be crouching, but one doesn't pray while crouching. Her boobs are also really just shooting out. I actually did a redline for this but my thing looks like shit so I won't post it :v
The cross-hatching isn't bad, but it works better if you use a thinner pen for that than for the rest of the lineart.

That's pretty super! I'm sorry about the lack of criticism, but as I'm very bad at drawing animals and don't spend much time looking at them I'm not very good at picking things with animal drawing :v

I'm... having trouble criticizing this because I can't quite tell what's going on. The page is scanned very strangely. I quite like the third-before-last panel though.

Aw, I'm not in it ): no one likes the local critic, cry cry cry
I like the style it's drawn in, very cartoony, nice. They all have kind of blank expressions but Dannichu's face is really fun.

Hey, guys!

I'm happy because I just found the most amazing reference website for poses ever. I kind of wish it'd let me print them without screencapping them first, but it's still the best thing I've ever seen. Leaving the link here in case anyone finds it as helpful as me. :V
This is awesome and I love you.

The superheroes pic is fantastic; I'm going to comment on the hands especially because I have so much trouble wit them, but you make it looks so easy, and (I ay this every time, but it's so true) how much everyone looks like the person they're supposed to be. The coloured version is really right and actually looks like the cover of a superhero comic...and Thatcher's boobs make me feel ill o.o
Haha, thank you! I thought Gordon and Thatcher were quite recognizable, but I had doubts about Cameron (despite drawing him so much. You should see my schoolbooks) and especially Jim. He looks Asian ):
I think Thatcher's boobs would make anyone feel ill, in this reality or in the next.

Here are two things I drew!
Based on the new Pet Shop Boys song All Over the World. I'm not sure why, but the chorus made me think of this, so, er. As some of you may know I have a very hard time drawing women and as such never do it so it was a real pain drawing three of them in one go ):
And so many kissess ffff

Bill Clinton surrounded by the first couple of words from the song Boys Keep Swinging by David Bowie. This song makes me think of the man for some reason, so I did this. Yes. It doesn't look anything like him, unfortunately.

Also, please take five seconds to host your drawings on imageshack or something, deviantart sometimes makes my browser crash and I have to retype my comments. Deviantart loads very slowly as well.
The second page of the Mitadake High is really, really good; the greyscale works brilliantly, and the detail you put into the background is fantastic~ All the expressions work well, too. Well done! :D
My internet's not loading page three, but the group picture is brilliant X3 You can really tell who everyone is, and am I holding a box of Fran/Adrian? That's so crazy, I love it <3

Gahh thank you x3
I love the second page so much myself. It's probably near the top of my top five favourite drawings that I've done ever.
Actually, it's a cardboard flyer or something, but I can understand why you'd think that. I managed to do the hands back to frontISWEARIDON'TKNOWHOWTHATHAPPENED D:
I would have loved to have put more people in, but there are a lot of people who have joined and not posted in a long time and I didn't know whether to include them or not. And then-

Aw, I'm not in it ): no one likes the local critic, cry cry cry
I like the style it's drawn in, very cartoony, nice. They all have kind of blank expressions but Dannichu's face is really fun.

I'm... having trouble criticizing this because I can't quite tell what's going on. The page is scanned very strangely. I quite like the third-before-last panel though.

-there're the people I don't know how to illustrate. I'll happily add you (and anyone else whom I've missed out) in if you make ammendments to this.

Mm, well like I've mentioned many a time now, it's a photoshop effect which I needed to do to make it visible. I think it looks quite nice, myself, but I guess it's not everyone's taste.
Oh wow, I love the Petshop Boys one, with the kisses, it's adorable <3 I'm way too obsessed with how you draw hands, but I love how you draw men with masculine hands and women with feminine ones. With me, you're lucky if the blobs at the end of people's wrists resemble hands, regardles of gender, at all.
I love the outfits you've got going on here, especially with the girls in the last pic (you should draw more women if for no other reason than you draw some seriously cool clothes, and men in suits and ties don't do your frilly-stuff-drawing-skills justice).
And the filmstrip layout, with the people in monochrome and then the bright solid backgrounds is loooovely :3

Is Clinton giving me a come-hither look? I think he is o.o
I love your... damn, I forget the word and we were talking about it recently... typography! skills. Well, I'm not sure if it counts as typography, since the words aren't making a picture, but it looks very effective nonetheless. I think I'd recognise him as Clinton had you not said, but he's not as obvious as some other real-people you draw. And the perspective is fantastic.
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Nonono, real typography isn't just making pictures out of letters. It's everything to do with fonts. Y'know, font style, shape of the letters, font size, serif/sans-serif... That sort of thing.

Re: picture:
It wasn't meant to be anatomically correct, per say, even though that would've been nice. It was really meant to give the cross-hatching a shot for practice because I was bored.
I didn't really have a thinner pen to work with, but I'll make a point to buy some next time I need supplies. Cross-hatching is surprisingly amusing, so. :/
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