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Obsessive Scribblers~

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YEAH SO I am totally late to the party, I know, but! help I doodle on the computer a lot and usually no one ever tells me what I'm doing right or wrong /)_(\ And I feel bad for just dropping in and saying HELP but egh.

Um, I don't know how to help you, but that's pretty good so far :D

Kinda doing one myself, although it's not exactly a solid picture; it's a comic thing. I figured I'd include the OS since there's mostly awesome people in it.

Also I still don't have any fineliners which is really annoying because I really want to get my latest project scanned in but scanners are lame and barely pick up pencil lines DD:
Does anyone know where I can get some decent Fine-liners for cheap? The ones I've been using always break :<

Yes I know about the background I got lazy and used the nicest looking gradient I could fiiiind but I'll try to add more background in later pages.
All the OSers I can remember will appear in it; there's six pages and plenty of room. I know for a fact that RainbowRayquaza and Flareth are on the next one, and I think someone else too. But if they're not I'll just add them in before I scan it. >>

RE: Surskitty:
The kangaroo looks just fine as far as I can tell. :/
Hey, Zora. You might want to try making the jaws more defined. The faces are mostly nose, you see. Looks neat, though!
Hiii surskitty~
The 'roo's looking quite simple at the moment, so it's hard to tell, but everything looks good to me; flicking between it and this, the only thing that might be a little off is that her nose isn't long enough.

Oh wow, look at Zora's shiny digital art~ The comic's looking great so far; there's a lot of thought that's gone into the facial expressions and poses, which is (I think) the key to making a comic look good and alive. I especially love the resting-on-the-TV panel. (And the one with me in, but that's because I love it when other people draw me ^^) And the PW ref, of course. I'm looking forward to further installments~

Um, Ice, I use Berol Fineliners which are slightly expensive in places like Smith's, but I got mine really cheap from my school library (now I don't go there anymore, I keep making my sister buy them for me); does your school sell stationary at all?
But the really swishy inking pens are really, really dear, and it's not worth it unless you really need the ink to be waterproof or the line to be absurdly thin. The fantastic thing about Berol's fineliners is that the thickness of the line varies depending on how much pressure you use, so you can get both thick and thin lines from the same pen, meaning you don't have to fork out for loads of different pens of different thickness.
@surskitty: It just seems like, well, a doodle, and since I'm not really sure if you were planning on coloring it or putting in a background or what, I'm kind of at a loss for things to say. :V It's a good doodle; the ears look kind of strange (it's the one closest to you mostly, I think) and the heels on the back feet might be a bit too pointy.

@Zora: dude, I think I've heard that song before. :o Awesome.

So, some of my before and after's. These are really just doodles I revamped, but I like the results for the most part. All of these are about a year old.

[Before] Oh god, that body is painful to look at.
[After] The anatomy isn't completely without fault, but I'd like to say that's one hell of an improvement. I've noticed myself starting to edge away from the generic anime noses that make my faces look empty. I think I now have a better understanding of facial structure itself, although it's still not perfect. The hair's not stiff any more; I still need help with clothes.

[Before] Lopsided face, weird nose, what the hell is going on with her shoulders, etc. Wasn't even sure what the hell this was in the first place.
[After] Uh, I like this one better. Don't have as much to say here. But it got all smudgy somehow. Couldn't make the hair as wavy as it was in the original.

[Before] Attempt at Bulbasaur with weird stylized pseudo-realistic anatomy. The face frightens me a bit.
[After] Admittedly this isn't that much better. Mainly because I can't figure out how that bulb is supposed to be positioned. Weird bony hunchback seemed like a good idea at the time but now looks kind of wonky.

And that's it for now :V
Wow, you have gotten better at the structure of faces. The first guy's head still looks a little too large for his body, but that's pretty amazing how much you've improved. How old is the first pic?

The size of the eye in the second pic scares me; it looks disproportionately massive compared to the other (assuming it was open), but I'm guessing that's what you were going for. And I envy your ability to draw good chins and jaws in profile~

I like the realism of the Bulbasaur; the hunchback thing it's got going is pretty cool, and I like how you've made its feet look plant-ish.

Awesome stuff :)
@Zora: Love the comic. Seriously~ Shiny Digital Art is shiny, as Danni says. Very nice~ Although the shoulders... they seem a bit too... uh... angular? Like... sharp, I suppose. I don't know. Fail at explaining... maybe they should be a bit softer looking, if at all making any sense. However looove it~ I wonder what song that is... it sounds familar.

@Spaekle: Like the first picture, the suit is drawn divinely in the revision. (Revision is what I use to refer to as... the new redrawing of it~ Yeah.) Improvements I see in the first picture: The shoulders mainly. They look quite nice. Also the hair, it is cool.

In the second picture... damn, creepy. I see improvements though with the nose and the hair.

The third picture... of the Bulbasaur... well I think the Before picture looks better to be honest. The After picture's head seems a bit too... big for the body. But I really like the ears and the expression, looks much more lively and interesting.

Okay! So I finally decided... I'm going to do one of them... OS Group Pictures. Who would like to be included? It'll probably take aaaaages. But I WILL do it, DAMMIT.
*raises hand* Pick meee :D

And by the by I've already got the second page drawn out, but if anyone wants in on the third just ask because I've barely even started it.
Ugh, I've been failing at shoulders lately. ><

The song I'm using is Celebrity by Brad Paisley, if that sounds familiar at all.
I dunno, I heard it and the idea just... clicked.
All of the pictures are about a year old. :V They're from around the time where I was trying to stray away from generic "let's draw fanart and copy the artist's anime style" stuff and at least develop my own cartoon style. Occasionally I'd go out on a limb and experiment more than usual, which was where creepygirl and bulbasaur came from.

Yeah, I noticed the first guy's head being too big as well; I think I originally drew out the proportions intending for it to be more on the cartoony side like the original, but it ended up not working out that well. Thanks.

I think I was going for creepy with the second doodle; I mostly just wanted to draw something with its eye stitched shut. It might have been at least partially inspired by Gorillaz, which explains the teeth. The closed one does look smaller than it should be in the after picture - thanks. I remember having trouble deciding just how I wanted to draw the eye for the 'after' picture, and I finally settled on trying to make it big and My Little Pony-ish just to add happy to the creepy and probably make it even creepier. :V I'd like to do a serious picture with this character sometime.

I really don't know about the Bulbasaurs - I'm not sure I really like either. xD
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Wall of text alert.

a lot of people said:
Group pic!

*jumps up and down* Me! Despite not being active for a few pages and not posting any art for a really long time... Linoone wants to be in the picture(s)!

Blurg. Still haven't got anything to post and stuff, mainly because I can't find my old sketchbook (and there's this Lugia picture I really want to redraw too. Dang.) and general laziness.

But, um, comments:

@pcbby: Hm, Generic Expression is generic indeed. It fits Palmer more than Winona though... It's just my random opinion here however. Palmer's hair is pretty good, but his head/face bothers me somehow. I can't really figure out what it is... Maybe it has something to do with his neck. I think you should move his head forward a bit, so his neck comes more out of the back of his head instead of directly under it. If you have any idea what I'm talking about, tell me because I have no clue ^_^;

Winona is pretty good. Her feet are bent really weird though... But that was pointed out already so yeah.

@Vlad: Your new DA id is prettyful. The line art is nice and clean, and the shading is cool. I like how you used blue for shading. It's better than the regular generic-gray shading people usually use, and it's quite nice. I think the blue is a bit too blue though. The blue looks fine at the face, but on the clothes, the blue sort of stands out really much. It's like the clothes are sort of glowing dark blue. But not.

@Spaekle: Congrats! *sprays confetti*

Now, um, comments. There's quite a lot of improvement from the before1 to the after1; the face became more defined, and the body got way better. And the creepy woman is creepy. If you're going for creepiness, then you're definitely doing it right. Maybe you should try to make her slasher smile more defined, to maximize the creepiness.

The face of the first Bulbasaur reminded me of Yoda for some reason... The second one has more Yoda-like ears. I don't think Bulbasaur ears are quite that big, but the style is pretty cool.

@Ice: The new Objection picture has gained a background! That's pretty cool. I also like how GF0 sort of flew through the air and injected you in the last panel. The effect (along with the awesome expressions) is nice. The Do Not Want comic is pretty funny, too, mainly because of the awesome expressions. I like how the last scene is a close-up shot of your o_o face. And the o_o face is just funny in general.

The expression in the Don't Want to Know comic is really awesome, too. I love the 3rd scene. How do you draw expressions anyway? Do you have some sort of reference you get the expressions out of, or do they just come naturally to you or something? Because I'm sort of getting bored of drawing 'generic staring into space with blank smile expression'.

@FMC: I've heard of Typography, but since it seemed too hard and I'm a lazy bum, I never tried to do one. I really like your Giratina though; the Halloween theme really fits it, and the colors are nice. I like how you made parts of letters thicker than other parts; it gives is a nice style sort of thing.


But, ahem, the coloring's nice. Very rainbow-ey. I like the style you drew the cat in, but the eyes creep me out a bit.

@Arylett: YOU'RE ALIVE. This doesn't really have anything to do with the picture you just drew, but I was stalking the 'Post self picture here' thread this other day and realized that your pictures of your yourself look exactly like you. Like, exactly. I was sort of in shock because of the crazy similarities. Whoa. So, um, moral of story: Arylett looks like herself. The end.

And whee suitArylett is floating in midair.

@surskitty: I like it. Since it's a sketch and all, it's a bit hard to crit on anything. But, yeah, the nose is a bit round. Could be a stylistic thing though.

@Zora: Looking good! The only problem I see is your arms in the last scene. They look like they're bending in a rather awkward direction... Maybe you should move the elbow-crease-whateveritscalled-line so it's the other way around? Ugh, can't explain this properly.
Um, Ice, I use Berol Fineliners which are slightly expensive in places like Smith's, but I got mine really cheap from my school library (now I don't go there anymore, I keep making my sister buy them for me); does your school sell stationary at all?
But the really swishy inking pens are really, really dear, and it's not worth it unless you really need the ink to be waterproof or the line to be absurdly thin. The fantastic thing about Berol's fineliners is that the thickness of the line varies depending on how much pressure you use, so you can get both thick and thin lines from the same pen, meaning you don't have to fork out for loads of different pens of different thickness.
They sell stationary, but not much in the way of decent art materials, which is lame :<
But all I really need them to be is durable. Pressure based thickness would be really handy though, so I'll see if I can find any :D Thanks

Okay! So I finally decided... I'm going to do one of them... OS Group Pictures. Who would like to be included? It'll probably take aaaaages. But I WILL do it, DAMMIT.

Meeeee because I'm such an egotistical bastard and love seeing other people's representation of my stuff :D

Speaking of which

*jumps up and down* Me! Despite not being active for a few pages and not posting any art for a really long time... Linoone wants to be in the picture(s)!

@Ice: The new Objection picture has gained a background! That's pretty cool. I also like how GF0 sort of flew through the air and injected you in the last panel. The effect (along with the awesome expressions) is nice. The Do Not Want comic is pretty funny, too, mainly because of the awesome expressions. I like how the last scene is a close-up shot of your o_o face. And the o_o face is just funny in general.

The expression in the Don't Want to Know comic is really awesome, too. I love the 3rd scene. How do you draw expressions anyway? Do you have some sort of reference you get the expressions out of, or do they just come naturally to you or something? Because I'm sort of getting bored of drawing 'generic staring into space with blank smile expression'.

You're in luck, I've started it already. It just so happens that you were one of the first I did :D

I don't know myself D:
People always tell me they really like the expressions and I can't see why because I tend to reuse them over and over again D:
Although, that paticular one was an experiment and it fitted perfectly for the scenario
I guess it might be to do with the fact that I use emotions -far- too much and since this comic is usually based on MSN conversation I have, I usually base the expression on the emotion I use/used in that situation x3 (See! I did it again D: (and again damnit! >:L(-_-)).

Also; new topic; bad habits when drawing.
Like I mentioned before, I reuse poses and expressions too much. My backgrounds are usually really lame and empty and am really lazy when it comes to drawing bodies and they keep ending up just standing there and doing nothing D:
Oh, and I'm bad at fanart because I rely on references far too much :<

I'll comment on stuff later because school computers are lame and don't show images at crucial times >:l
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Ack, I really should be posting here much more often, despite my recent artlessness. I'm really sorry about all that. But pleeease can I be in the group pic? I promise to start drawing again, I swear!

Actually, I wonder if it is possible for anyone to draw every obsessive scribbler in a single scene? I've started an OS easter thing, but it's bound to end up in two drawings.

oh yeah I have a SCANNER now. I finally found the CD to install it, and it's working, which is good.

And I'll have something uploaded very soon, trust me.

EDIT: Soon enough for ya? This is just an idea I had at one point, about this guy who can manifest his left arm into mostly anything. And It's hard to give someone an arm of tentacles and make them not look all rapey.

NUTHEREDIT: Here's a page on stuff for people who want to draw me in group pictures/as giftart/for no reason whatsoever. I hope that it helps someone.
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yay people like my Typography. C: I hated the markers I had to use for the gold parts though - they RAN ahhhh. *flail*

Also group pics I can be ins? I have a few random pictures of my fursona and just me, whichever people like to draw me as better.

and now I will try to crit/comment on people's art/styles/stuff! Even if I'm bad at it! *picks some random people to comment on*

@ Vlad - I freaking love your style, and it's kinda hard for me to crit it, as you draw better than I do. ^^; You make things so adorable and draw MANLY MEN and that's awesome since I've been getting sick of 'bishies' lately. Teach me?

@ Spaekle - The Bulbasaur (the new one) is awesome. Though the feet kind of bother me and I can't figure out why. I'm bad at crit.

@ surskitty - I adore the thick lines you used on the kangaroo. Did you use a tablet for it?

See I'm bad at crit. I got like none in. :C But I'm ok at commenting I guess?

And bad habits uh... I never finish stuff, get lazy on backgrounds, and I still make my guys all look girly even if I try not to xC See?
Okay, I'll comment on everything that's been posted tomorrow since right now I'm kind of busy, but Í wanted to reply to this and post some arts real quick:

@ Vlad - I freaking love your style, and it's kinda hard for me to crit it, as you draw better than I do. ^^; You make things so adorable and draw MANLY MEN and that's awesome since I've been getting sick of 'bishies' lately. Teach me?
Teehee, comments like this fill me with joy and make me feel unworthy ;w;
MANLY MEN tutorial would be pretty awesome. I'll whip something up, also to show how I draw, etc.

Sketches of Henry Lee Lucas, his mugshot and a thin, prison-addled Ottis Toole. For those who don't know: they were a pair of really famous serial killers back in the day, and both had horrible childhoods. Henry was brought up in an isolated, crappy house by his abusive prostitue of a mother and his legless drunk father (lost 'em to a train), was often forced to watch and listen while his mother had sex with punters or her pimp, ate horrible uncooked food off the floor because his mother would only cook for herself and her pimp, and lost an eye when his brother accidentally stabbed him.
Other things his mother did to him include forcing him to wear a dress on his first day of school, whacking him on the back of the head with such force he stayed in a coma for three days (before Bertie, her pimp, brought him to hospital) and shooting his pet mule for no reason the day he came back from hospital with his new glass eye.

Ottis' father molested him all through his childhood, and when he got a stepfather, he just continued where his biological father had left off. His sister also molested him and forced him to cross-dress (a habit he kept). He fell through the porch of his house and got a nail stuck in his head so deeply it scratched his brain, making him a bit... slower than the average person, although not retarded.


So they met in a bar or something, paired up, and proceeded to go on a killing and raping spree until they got caught several years later. Yeah, they fucked up a good number of people. And they also fucked each other :v
Ottis actually left the duo because while he had fallen in love with Henry, Henry had fallen in love with Ottis' 13-year-old niece. Ottis was jealous and possessive as hell (even got miffed when Henry raped people) so he eventually left.

Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole <3 They'd almost be cute if they weren't murderous psychopaths. A phone clip of Lucas and Toole talking to each other, if you were wondering what they sounded like.
If Ottis' voice was the last thing I heard before I died I'd probably just laugh.

And now for something completely different: James Buchanan and his squeeze William R. King. Buchanan: America's gayest president and America's worse president (till Bush arrived). An opponent of his used to call King 'Miss Nancy' and 'Aunt Fancy' and they were frequently referred to as 'Buchanan and his wife.'
But yeah it is pretty obvious if you read some of Buchanan's letters and just look at the facts (only president to never marry, lived together with King up until his death, four years prior to James becoming President, etc).

This is my most Historyfag post yet.
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