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Obsessive Scribblers~

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x3 I love being a Spoon.

Thank you muchly Zora, and Linoone for the wonderfully amusing Crazy Buddies pictures. Zora, I really like ho you drew everyone in interesting, un-stiff, poses, and how you just sort of made it enjoyable :3 Linoone, I find this pictue immensely amusing, with the pencil and Kratos, especially, Kratos.

Um, for Danni, unless you'd like a SpoonDunsparce, um I drew a SpoonEspeon! for a fursona concept. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg168/Spoon-Fork/023-1.jpg

I'm quite sorry for being such a lazy person with this thread, I'll try to work on updating the original post x3
Ahem backlog catching up now

Um, yes, Linoone's Feraligatr is nice, yes. It looks like its thumb is on the wrong side of its hand, but I do like the expression.

Salamander, I think everyone else has covered the shading on your picture. It is nice the way it is, though I do agree that the little white dots detract from it. I don't have have PSP or know exactly what you do when coloring, so I can't tell you exactly how to work around it, but uh you'll think of something and in the meantime it is cool.

ASDFGHJKL SO THOSE GROUP SHOTS RITE? They make me happy, although I guess I fail because I have no idea what the timewarp is. D: I don't have a life, guys, help me out here. Spoon the spoon makes me very happy in particular, and Danni... just... XD

uh so what we all have to do a group shot now? D: it looks so much fun buuuut I fail at people D: Maybe later. In the meantime here have a Garchomp. Also have a boring unshaded sketchdoodle I was going to use for a logo for something but didn't.

(but but and and she's a spoon and the party hats and sweet jesus woman)
I have a lot of trouble accessing many of Strangy's picture due to parental lock, and the group picture is no exception, but I managed to use the Wii to see it, after you mentioned it Zora, and like all of Strangy's pictures it's wonderfully wonderous <3~ I just adore your ability with markers, Strangy; it's so amazing :D Everyone's so wonderful, and tuxedo'd, and stuff.
I'm wearing a freaking tuxedo. And I'm short. xDDDD

I'd be shortish, brown hair, t-shirt of any sort, jeans, and sneakers. Oh, and green eyes. And if you want, I wear glasses.
I knooow, I want to do a group pic too (though these two will be a very hard act to follow :3), but we have so many members it's hard to keep track of everyone and what they look like.

Everyone (who doesn't already have one), go draw a persona, now!

Oh god Linoone is wearing a beret how did I not notice that before XD
Do it.


I would lovelovelove to see a Danni-style group picture~!

Oh and you know what I look like~ Ahahaahaha.

For future reference, if anyone's doing any more group photos. My eyes are brown, glasses brown, hair darkety dark.

Maybe I should draw a group picture too... nah, I'm not that good at humans.
I have purple hair apparently! I have started doodling purplehairme in photoshop. Maybe I'll actually get around to finishing it. And if I can get around to it I might give the group picture thing a shot too.

It's Spaeklerobe coloured hair. Combined with your old avatar (the one with the purple-haired guy going like "GAH").

Yay! More group pictures! *waits in anticipation*

I knooow, I want to do a group pic too (though these two will be a very hard act to follow :3), but we have so many members it's hard to keep track of everyone and what they look like.

Everyone (who doesn't already have one), go draw a persona, now!

Oh god Linoone is wearing a beret how did I not notice that before XD

Well, you know my per/pokesona already~

*adds beret to list of Linoone Accessories*

uh so what we all have to do a group shot now? D: it looks so much fun buuuut I fail at people D: Maybe later. In the meantime here have a Garchomp. Also have a boring unshaded sketchdoodle I was going to use for a logo for something but didn't.

(but but and and she's a spoon and the party hats and sweet jesus woman)

Well, you don't have to.... Actually, ignore that. YES GO DO A GROUP PIC NAO.

And your pics are epic win as always.

Do it.


I would lovelovelove to see a Danni-style group picture~!


Maybe I should draw a group picture too... nah, I'm not that good at humans.

Go draw one anyways. There is a reason that everyone in my group picture has sticks for hands/legs and weird round body-things, you know~
THANK YOU EVERYONE your comments fill me with joy. Despite my tubercolosis-like cough I feel like I am skating on sweet sunshine.
Kratos, this is the Time Warp. Go watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show right now.

I have a lot of trouble accessing many of Strangy's picture due to parental lock,
Hahaha that makes it sound like I actively draw and upload porn :v
Thank you, thank you, my marker skills have been honed over the months I've owned my lovely brushpens.

If anyone wants to draw me, draw Putin.
Maybe in a gay sweet outfit.
So purplehairme ended up turning into more of an OC! The body is wonky as usual and I've done better facial expressions, but overall I like it. The outfit is based loosely off of Croagunk, woot. Yell at me for doing things wrong. It helps me get better. :P

Oh yes, the purple-haired guy going GAH - Sho making a crazyface! I usually have people making crazyfaces as avatars, but this eyecatch of Cytomander seemed way too good to pass up. But I'm also considering going back to one of my Phantom crazyfaces, because Phantom does the best crazyfaces. And this is a pretty pointless ramble, eh?

I SHALL START A GROUP PICTURE! And then probably forget about it and not do in for months until it is forgotten about and the club is dead and buried and the crazybuddies are no more. Wait, that's depressing. :[
I am hysterically laughing right now.
Crazy Linoone and Vladimir, that was PURE EPIC WIN.
I just love how Spoon is a spoon, Dannichu is the goddess of rainbows, Zora and her pirate underwear, and and and and...
Now, I can't choose which one to put as my desktop. D:
ROFL, me with hobo!Hodo's hat? ILU all. XD
But yes, I should be getting to that persona...
This club should be dubbed Epic Win Club.
*will start pic as soon as possible, but will probably take an age to finish it*


You're getting better and better at the Sugimori-style, Kratos. I don't normally like Garchomp, but s/he looks amazing there <3 And the doodle made me laugh out loud just because of the trainer's ): face.
So purplehairme ended up turning into more of an OC! The body is wonky as usual and I've done better facial expressions, but overall I like it. The outfit is based loosely off of Croagunk, woot. Yell at me for doing things wrong. It helps me get better. :P

Love the facial expression. It's all... Spaekle-ey and stuff. And your neck-drawing skills are still win. The right arm (the arm on the left) looks a bit weird though... Like it's bent at a weird angle... Can't describe it properly.... [/fail]

I SHALL START A GROUP PICTURE! And then probably forget about it and not do in for months until it is forgotten about and the club is dead and buried and the crazybuddies are no more. Wait, that's depressing. :[

Yay Spaekle-styled group pic! *can't wait*


I am hysterically laughing right now.
Crazy Linoone and Vladimir, that was PURE EPIC WIN.
I just love how Spoon is a spoon, Dannichu is the goddess of rainbows, Zora and her pirate underwear, and and and and...
Now, I can't choose which one to put as my desktop. D:
ROFL, me with hobo!Hodo's hat? ILU all. XD
But yes, I should be getting to that persona...
This club should be dubbed Epic Win Club.

Fwee~ Thankies~ I feel loved~ Like I said before, I based everyone off of their avatars. Hence the hobo!Phoenix hat.

And Epic Win Club it is~

*will start pic as soon as possible, but will probably take an age to finish it*


:D Yay Danni group pic~ I'm using too many squiggles~ Hahaha~
well, I have an IDEA for my group picture. D: I'll happen someday. Hopefully.

And here's something I drew ten minutes ago just to bump the club. Have a bored Spaeklegunk. You can use Spaeklegunk as Spaekle too.

:D Spaeklegunk looks sorta amused. I love the expression on him. Why are you so good at expressions oh why....

And that Arbok-thing in the back is a nice touch, too~

Yay Spaeklegrouppic is comming up!
Haha, Spaeklegunk looks awesomely not amused. :D
Perhaps I should do a group picture too...
Although I'm 99.99% sure that I'll procrastinate again. |D
But yay, a whole entire gallery of the OS group. :3


I made it sorta transparent, so check it out in different styles. Yay?
That is very, very awesome. I approve massively of the rainbows and the way the glass is shaded and such and it's just gorgeous <3
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