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A chickadee in love with the sky
Do you guys use multiple passwords? Is it worth the extra effort to remember them all to have different passwords for different things, especially if the password is a good one, or is it always a good idea to have different passwords for different things?

Personally I have a ton of different passwords with two-four main ones. All the other obscure ones I have to look up, or guess at all the random things that I remember using as a password at some point or another. There's also a few passwords that I only used once and never wrote down, so I really can't remember those. Luckily those were typically for old topsites and such...

I have a different password for basically every website I go to. Most of them aren't even words and are hard to remember. I don't know why I do this. ):

I go through phases of passwords, too. I've probably had about fifty+ regular passwords throughout my internet life, because I'm insane or something.
I used to use the same passwords everywhere but then I become paranoid and used different passwords everywhere, and started forgetting them all. Now I use the same really long password with very slight changes for each different site, so far I haven't forgotten any!

I think my password here is still my old one, I'll change it now.
I have several passwords I use diferent places. It's mostly this one random letter-nuber combo that I for some reason was able to remember, or some regular word or sentence with half the letters in 1337.
I have passwords of various strengths (one kind of half-assed one for things I don't really give a damn about, a couple of stronger but not very long ones for things I give slightly more of a damn about, several strong and pretty long ones for things that are somewhat important, and one extra-long one for my e-mail that I don't use anywhere else). For the lower strengths, I rotate them every once in a while or invent a new, similarly constructed one. I remember my passwords easily; the only thing that sometimes gets in my way is remembering which one I used for what.
I only have one, extremely long password for everything. I only started doing this a year ago, so, if I go to a site that I used to get on but don't anymore, I can't remember the password for that one.
I mostly use the same password with slight variations if I truely care about it like email, or if it needs to be longer than the password is/needs numbers.

And its easy to remember. it's Internet
I have one main password that I use for most places, and there are three variations of it..
I also have two other passwords that I use less often, and they are really long o_o
I used to have about ten different passwords when I first joined the internet for obvious reasons, but as the years progressed I started using only one password for each account, and that's what I do today. I suppose I'm not exactly... I guess you could say "afraid" of losing my password or anything. :/
I have the same basic password, then I change it based on what websites require. Even now it's pretty hard to keep track of, I don't think I'll ever be getting different passwords for everything.
I use one password absolutely everywhere. Unless the site forces me to change the capitalisation or add numbers.
one of my friends uses long and overly complicated chemical compounds as passwords. This makes sense for him, because he's a chemistry nerd, but it's a pain in the ass when he wants me to check his email for him. :|
For a reality TV-based gaming website I'm on virtually 24/7, I use a seemingly random string of 20 characters which are the first letters of a sentence. I use a similar one, but missing a few of the letters, for my e-mail (changed it recently - my e-mail is a reference to a character from a website, and my password was his... catchphrase, of sorts, so it was rather obvious.)

For everything else, which is less important, I tend to use variations of the same password I came up with for Neopets forever ago, sometimes replacing certain letters with numbers (0 in place of o, etc).

For things I'll only ever really use once, like accounts I use for one thing or something, I generally use "inflammable" out of habit, because I listened to a song once while making an account and that is the first word of the song. And that one i don't care if I say since I don't use it for anything important anyway.
I have two passwords, one quite small and less secure, and one longer one that I doubt anybody would guess easily. When required, I shove numbers on the end (Always the same sequence of numbers!) or capitalise certain letters.
I use the same base for everything, but I add a number for each site, so for X site it's 1 and for Y site it's 2. I used to use something based off Doctor Seuss.
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