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Political Compass II



...Didn't someone do something last thread where we kept a graph of where everyone who did this on TCoD stood?

Economic Left/Right: -5.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.82

Yay for almost being Fascist. I scored in the same quadrant as Ghandi.

I thought I would get Right-Wing Authoritarian, thats what a few of my friends call me politically.
...Didn't someone do something last thread where we kept a graph of where everyone who did this on TCoD stood?

Yeah, I think I remember seeing that. Huh, maybe that's something I could put together at some point; I'll start Saturday, I suppose, since I probably won't even be at the computer tomorrow and Friday |D;

I think I've shifted a little more to the centre since the last time I did this. I guess it's true that one becomes more cynical and rightwing the older one gets. :P
I think he was going for being mystified as to why anybody would be authoritarian, as he seems to have found the position ridiculous, as have I.

Yet the vast majority of TCoD seems to support authoritarian policies like gun bans.

Theoretically speaking it would be a command economy a la communism but I consider myself a socialist (economically) and look what I got.

So you advocate a completely state-planned economy but you ended up in the middle? How'd that happen.

I was amused that I answered 'Strongly Disagree' to all of the religion questions.
Yet the vast majority of TCoD seems to support authoritarian policies like gun bans.

Which is why nobody is at -10.0.

EDIT: ALSO, there weren't even any questions about gun control (to which I surely would've strongly agreed to)
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I am thoroughly amused by the "Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all" question
Economic Left/Right: -1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.23


I've moved a little to the left economically since I last took this.
Mine looks almost like all of yours!


Huh, I guess we kind of have homogenized political beliefs 'round here with the exception of Pwnem- ...oh wait. Um. Yes.
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