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I guess I weigh the least here; I'm only 84 pounds :P 'Course, that might just be because of my age...

Oh and red hair. OH YES IRELAND~

The birthmark on my hip is kind of fun to look at. It's like South Carolina or West Virginia upside down.

And I have a mysterious bump on my left ear! How unique!

My arms aren't all thick and muscular like a gorilla's, which balances out my thinness. Except then I pick up a tennis racket and hit the ball waaaaaaay over that really tall fence on the outside of the court with my backhand stroke :3
I am not overly dissatisfied with any part of my body, but I particularly like a) my hands (people keep telling me I should play the piano) and b) my hair.
I luffs my long straight hair. It's really shiney and healthy and goes down to my hips. ^.^

Other than that I'm small, skinny, cute, and have yet the need to shave my legs. Being eleven rocks. XD
Positive? Body features? *Microsoft Word Paperclip* Did you mean "I'm positive I hate my body features"?

Er.. Well... I have nice hands I guess? Apparently those pianist hands. Other than that.. I kinda hate everything. :> Though I have a scar above left my eye and on my left cheek. I'm not sure what to think of them.. uh... kinda cool I guess?
I like my eyes, because they change to match whatever i wear. They never go anywhere past this one yellowie color though, so whenever i wear brown they change gray. I like to watch them change color when i change clothes. My favorite is when they're green. ^_^

I like my hair, although i need a trim to get it back in shape. Split ends drive me nuts. This summer i'm going to let it grow out, i miss it being long, gonna let it go down to the middle of my back. It's brown and somewhere between streight and wavy, but it's been getting more of a curl to it lately.

On the wrist of my left arm there's a scar that looks like a beetle, it's from where they put bars in my arm from when i broke it. The broken arm hurt, but now i can remember my right hand from my left, and i have a scar that looks like a beetle bug!! ^_^ I think it's cute.

I believe that that is all.
I really like my eyes. They're my favorite color. =3

I also like my hair, especially when I leave it down and I can feel the wind blow through it.
I like my hands. I have nice long fingers. And my hair is pretty cool, I think. n_n
My hair, I guess, but only when it's just been washed last night. Otherwise it clumps up and stuff, and gets dirty ridiculously fast. However, when it's clean I love the way it swooshes around :D
Oh, and my bangs. I usually sweep them to one side but if I let them down, people tell me I look like the Grudge.

I have some weird scars on my arms, too. I used to have one that looked like a stickman, but it faded away.
I love my eyes :,D They're forest green on the edges and pretty orangey-red near the pupils :3.

Also, my hair~ It's virgin, you can say. I've never dyed it, used hairspray or anything, yet it's the most beautifullest thing on my body besides my eyes~ It's striped with golden, dark brown and brown and I love it so much :,3 I just love it. Also, some my friends are jealous of me because of it :P
My hair color. It's a lovely reddish brown in the right light, though my hair itself is poofy and uncooperative (It eats hairspray. I swear to God it does). Also, my big brown doe eyes.

I've also been told I have the most amazing complexion ever, and I believe it. I rarely get acne (the last anything I had on my face was over a year ago) and I actually look worse with makeup. My body also doesn't smell or get greasy hardly at all, allowing me to go for days without showering and no one noticing. I pay for this by having painfully dry skin, but eh.

Also I'm kind of thankful that my body stores weight in a way that doesn't make me look as fat as I really am, making me look more super-curvy than lumpy. My butt is absolutely massive, but it's shapely, at least.

People say I have a lovely smile, but I don't believe them. It's buck-toothed and creepy to me. I have an overbite, but I rather like it, as I would have major man-jaw without it. Other than that, my teeth are perfectly straight and just the right size, so I'm happy about that.

Also, I have great boobs. :3
I'd have to say I like my eyes the most. :3 They change either super green, super brown looking, or just both. But they're like... brown in the middle with more green around the edges and then a small ring of like a yellow/red color mostly. It's awesome. :D Almost everyone I know always comments on how pretty my eyes are.

My hair is pretty nice too. It used to be blonde-ish, but I dyed it a darker brown that looks kinda red in the sunlight. And I love the length of it, and of course, my sidebangs. <3 My hair is really thin though, but I like it that way. I think my hair suits me. :3

Ummm... I like my stature too. I'm kinda short, well, shorter than most of my friends and family, but it's pretty sweet. I'm tiny, so I can fit into small spaces. And I think my legs and arms are nice. Actually, I like most of my body, but there are a few things that aren't particularly great. xD
Personally, I don't think I've ever actually met an Irish person with ginger hair. :O Which is probably strange. But all the people I've met with a lot of Irish blood seem to have mousy-coloured hair or that colour that I find hard to describe... sort of ranging from somewhere between ginger, mousy and brown, and a golden corn colour. One of these hair colours being like the female cyclists in D/P/Pt. You might call that ginger, but I don't quite call it ginger, ehe.

Oh right, positive body features... um. Well, I like my eyes, and I guess my back's pretty nice. :3 And I also for some reason like my cheeks. The ones on my face, that is. Uhhuh, that'll probably do.
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