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Sometimes I sort of wish I had bigger boobs than the average 12-year-old girl ):

I have longish legs. Fairly chunky and I don't really like them for that, but loooong. Which is nice. I like being taller than my (female) friends. :3

And, uh... my hair? Cause I like how it looks right when I get up in the mornings, which is odd really. It's all squiggly and millions of little curls. Like spaghetti.
People said:
Boobs and shrinking and stuff

Actually, they can shrink if you lose bodyfat, since a large portion of them is bodyfat.

I like my eyes. I don't know if I said that already. They is pretty :3
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Well, I like that my eyes match my hair. When sunlight shiiiiines on my hair, it has this nice, ginger look and it's bright orange. A lot of people say that my hair is awesome, so yeah. I also like my eyebrows; they're thin and I can raise one of them to get this "O RLY?" expression.

I have this little mark between my nose and mouth, but a bit further out. It looks like one of those beauty marks people put on, but I get it for free~

I guess my butt's cool, too.
I'm tall and thin
very thin, .5 BMI from 'anorexic'
and like, I have a nice butt
which took me a surprisingly long time to realize seeing as I don't have a magical 'ass mirror'.
also my hair is relatively nice and smooth, whether I straighten it or not.
Ugh. I don't even remember what i was going to say....oh yeah, I like my lower legs, and my shoulder scars. Um...not really anything else.

i was going to say ' why do guys like boobs , but girls don't' but then i realized ... Girls have back problems with big boobs, and i have no idea why i like them.

Oooooo! Oo! ....my shoes! I leik mai shoes! , but . I guess I also like my hands, only for their talent though, as soon as it's gone, so are they! Shoop da whoop, just kidding hands! *slap* ow...
Lol *new human evolution* as Kai said, plus mothers can pick the color and style at birth! At age 7 children get their first style choice and are stuck with it till age 15 *muwhahaha* -evil laugh at all the girls who chose barbie styles- HUMILIATION! MUWH... Eh. Okay, everyone i know says i hava pefecto nose, i dunno though.
I got sunburn on my face, arms, chest, and back a few weeks ago. Downsides: The obvious. Upsides: My once-faded freckles are now almost totally visible 8) I love freckles. I think they suit me.
Freckles are amazing. I don't get why people are so often all "oh no, I have freckles D:"
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