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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Ready," Cirrus replied. And with a spring of her mightly legs, she was gone.

However, the purple-and-white rabbit appeared on the other side of the portal, and rolled a bit before the golden horn on her forehead broke her momentum. She was glad it didn't break itself.

Shaking her head off, the spiked hare took a few small hops towards Barrolk. She felt safer near him.
"There is one problem I see," Ravage said, "How will Bonecrusher and I hide ourselves? I could probably pass as a heavily armored creature, but even Bonecrusher's vehicle form would make him stand out."
"I don't see how that is an issue," Galacta Knight replied, even though he knew that question wasn't meant for him. "The residents are easily dealt with. We're only there to stop this decay. If they wish to interfere, then kill them all. It's for their own good if they wish to stop their own land's restoration."
"He sounds like Megatron," Bonecrusher said to Ravage, "Kill for the sake of a higher purpose."

"Nah, that's Starscream, if you swap the 'kill' for 'betray,'" Ravage replied, "I hear that and always thank Primus that we're a neutral faction."

"I think we want to avoid as many innocents dieing as possible," Ravage said, "And if they see something as massive as Bonecrusher, they'll be likely to go berserk. We don't want that sort of attention."
"Suit yourself. But do you have any better ideas?" Galacta Knight sneered, annoyed. "If it's morality you are worried about, however, I could do the job for you..."
"Higher powers? The Earth Mother of our lore is everywhere.", Taunos began explaining, "She embodies everything in nature, representing the land while individual spirits may represent natural objects or living beings. Tauren, orcs, and trolls all revere the spirits of nature and ancestral spirits in their own way. Now, as I've dealt with other races in my time, I understand that the humans do not worship any being. They live alongside a philosophy, the Light. The night elves worship Elune, we call her Mu'sha, the Moon goddess. Not that we mortals ever get a chance to meet such beings. The dwarves... ah, yes, they study their progenitors, the Titans. Otherwise, they don't seem like the sort to believe, per se."

Taunos then turned to Bonecrusher and Ravage, "Actually, it's quite simple. You two could simply be golems, magical constructs often created by magi for personal protection. If I explain that a mage has lent you two to me, it's quite simple. I am a seer within my village, my word carries weight."
What was she doing here? She was certainly not fit to help the people and stuff. Drawcia was evil! Why was she here?

Kirby was sidetracked when he heard several of his groupmates talking about disguises for their next mission. Kirby floated over to Taunos.

Pointing to himself, Kirby gave the tauren a quizzical look, as if to say,"How am I going to blend in in your world?".
"We're not that xenophobic.", Taunos said to Kirby, "As long as you're not with the Alliance, a mindless undead of the Scourge, or a demon that's not enslaved by a Horde warlock, you'll be fine after I explain things."
Kirby nodded vigorously and ran back to his spot where he had been watching Drawcia.

Why all of his old enemies were turning up was beyond him. Bad luck? Maybe. Fate? Why not?

Well, at least he wasn't here...
"That's a relief. Though you would make for a strange 'golem'." Ravage said.

"Quiet, you. This is the best option, so we take it. I just can't do any shifting."
"Oh, okay, that's good." Torchic said, turning away from Chikorita. She had been listening in on their conversation. "We're probably a lot different from your people, so... when do you think we should leave?"
Obi-Wan shook his head. Apparently, humans weren't very well liked where Taunos was from. "So. Are we going to stand around and chat, or get going?"

"Just wait, geezer." Sly leaned on his cane. "It's not like everything is going to die if we wait for a few more minutes." Sly thought for a moment. "Well, it might, but I think it'll be fine."
Vai shrugged. "If anyone gets in my way, I'll just remove them. There are thieves of some kind in your world..?" She turned the statement into a question, looking at Taunos. Valkyrie shook her head.

"Actually.." she paused, flicking through her manual. "I miiight have something that could change our appearances for a while, which would take only a bit of energy to keep up. Uh.. here. They're mochteroofs, a pretty recent invention. Uh, Taunos, what kind of humanoid.. species are in your world?"
((Wow actually not an asspull :DDD))
"Thieves?", Taunos said, "Well sure, don't many societies put up with them? The only really threatening ones I've heard of would be human bandits I've been told of that reside in the Eastern Kingdoms. A rogue might be up your alley, usually shady characters who sell their skills to the highest bidder, usually hired as assasins."

"Humanoid races?", Taunos repeated to Valkyrie, "A boundless variety. The main ones would be the tauren, orcs, trolls, ogres, three varieties of elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblins, undead, furbolgs, pandaren, and the scourge of the plains, the centaur. That's something else I should mention, the centaur have been the mortal enemies of the tauren since time immemorial. They practically fly across the plains, raiding our settlements and had once pushed us out of our ancestral homeland, until the orcs arrived and helped us push them back."

"Now is there anything else that needs explaining, or should we head off now?", Taunos finished.

A humanoid cat, in bright and flashy colors no less, ran up to Geralt and shouted something like 'Hi!' in his face.
"Energetic about saving everyone and everything?", he un-energetically responded.
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((Okay, ignore the pink, purple and white cat screaming "Hi!" in everyone's face, wouldja?))
((^I do think that's the point, actually. Unless you'd like Galacta Knight to stop ignoring your character on purpose so he can turn her into roasted kitty, which is probably what he'd do.))
Vai growled. "Get out of my face, or I'll punch Sly in the crotch hurt you," she looked over at the others. "Can we go yet?" Valkyrie shut her manual, and sighed.
"The spell would take a while to make," she apologized to Vai. "We'll just have to watch our steps."
"Didn't matter to me anyways."
"Why're you being so pessimistic?"
((Oh, okay. She's yelling into the faces of everyone that looks safe. That means all Pokemon, Sonic characters, and Kirby. How about that?

EDIT: And Vai, because she posted.

EDIT2: 999th post!))
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