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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Palkia nodded at Taiko, then promptly disappeared, heading back to Kanto as quickly as he could.


"Yeah," Sonic said to Blaze, "But the last time we were here it was a lot nicer than this..."

Before long, Palkia had flickered back next to Arceus. The four legends looked at each other, as if silently forming a plan of action. As soon as they had apparently decided, they aligned, Palkia was facing the south, near the source of the decay, flanked by Griatina and Dialga. With a graceful leap, Arceus began to hover above Palkia.

<<HERE GOES...>> Palkia said, slight worry in his voice.

Soon Palkia began to glow a blinding white as the energy was channeled through and amplified by the others in all directions. The energy spread in a wide band off into the distance and...yes! It slowly crept back towards the south.

<<IT'S...IT'S WORKING!>> Palkia cried in joy, <<IT'S ACTUALLY WORKING!>>

<<TALK ABOUT SOMETHING SO CRAZY IT JUST MIGHT WORK...>> Arceus added, psychic voice strained by the energy flowing through her.


Sonic and Tails were about to say thanks until that last bit. Instead they merely nodded and ran through the portal as soon as they could.

Taunos and Geralt, a bit disoriented from the sudden transport, looked around. Taunos walked up and touched a plant, which was a knarled mess.
"This is bad...", Geralt said.
They then watched as Arceus and Palkia did their thing. The plant in Taunos's hand started morphing back to it's original shape, a delicate leaf growing back.
"I feel our work here is done.", Taunos said.
"Then maybe you'd better hurry and get through this portal.", Geralt told him as he ran and leapt through the portal. Taunos followed behind.
Leaping down from the straggly tree, but still keeping an eye out for any tricks by Drawcia, Kirby dashed towards the portal, waving at the giant Legendaries.

As he was lifted into the air, Kirby managed to yell, "BYE!" at the top of his voice.
Bonecrusher and Ravage were shocked as they saw the ruined landscape of the land that they heard was called Kanto.

"Is this the landscape damage that it is truly capable of?! Bonecrusher whispered in shocked awe, "Can you imagine... can you imagine what would happen if Cybertron was affected by this?"

"I try not to," Ravage answered, "Though it seems that Dragon creature is fixing things up."

Bonecrusher silently agreed, and watched as the four deities began to combine their energies.

"It doesn't look like we'll be able to find out if this worked!" Ravage yelled, "Bonecrusher, we've got to get to that portal!"

Bonecrusher didn't need to be told twice. The Contructicon quickly shifted form and drove to the portal at full speed. Ravage leaped into the portal seconds after the vehicle went through it.
Blaze nodded at Palkia and darted through the portal.

Where... the heck am I?[/s] Calli seemed to be in plains that looked endless. She looked at the nearest portal and saw people come out. Some looked as if they would be from her world but others... not a chance. She then spotted a purplish cat.
"HAIIIII!" she yelled in the cat's face at the top of her lungs.
"Jeez..." Blaze rubbed her head. "What the heck was that for?"

((Let the torture BEGIN! >:3))
"Uh... okay! Portal! Right!" Torchic murmured as she approached the portal. "Come on!" Chikorita and Torchic both leaped through.

Galacta Knight glanced back at the ruined town before entering through the portal. Good riddance to this place! He followed suit with the others.
Giygas ran faster into the portal as when he had entered the area, he really didn't like how it looked there. Drawcia followed him, mainly because Giygas had grabbed her robes and dragged her in, since she had just stood there and looked dumbfounded.
((We fought Dialga, beat him, Arceus came down, they succeeded in curing Dialga from the decay's effects and they're slowly pushing the decay back in the Pokemon world. Only time will tell if they can actually cure the whole planet or not.

((So, I'm assuming you're not going to wait for literally everyone to get through the portal. I mean, for those who don't post, we can just assume they went through anyways...? We'd get back to the plains much quicker that way. This is generally how it'd work in my RP when it came to going to bed.))
((No. Right after I made my last post I had to leave for a bit, then simply forgot until your post reminded me. Sorry for any confusion. :D))

Sonic and Tails felt an odd falling sensation, then landed, face-first, into the familiar grass of the Plains. hey dusted themselves off, and made sure everyone had arrived safely, which they had.

"So...I guess we're done there...It looks like they'll be able to handle things from here on out." Sonic observed, "Where to now?"

Tails turned to Taunos. "You said something about your world before, right? Seems like a reasonable enough next stop... Do you have any information on the state of its decay, or anything in general we should know about it?"

((Next stop: Azeroth!))
((Okay, thanks.))
Sly slinked through the portal after everyone else, grumbling something about 'Mythiological crap'. He stood, looking around the plains. "So... We chose this charming little place to come back to?"

Obi-Wan followed closely behind the others, stepping somewhat hesitantly through the portal. Back on the plains, he pulled his cloak around him a little. He hated these plains. Last time, he had only been here for a very short time, but it nonetheless unsetteled him. It wasn't like any planet he had been to. At all.
*EDIT* ((Post ninja'd))
Link whooped and did a backflip through the portal. That was one dimension safe! It worked! This was as excited as he'd been in quite a while. He didn't really care where they went after this.
Chell shrugged and went through the portal afterwards. He was weird..
Once they were back in the plains with everyone else, Link payed little attention the the group's discussion. He was too busy trying not to do something that would be regretted.
To Azer..! Uh, wherever.
Valkyrie looked back at the Legendaries, before stepping through the portal and dragging Vai with her. She could worldgate at any time, but it would take energy, and here was a perfectly good portal.. Valkyrie somehow ended up under Vai, in the Endless Plains.
"Get offa me," she mumbled, and jumped up, making Vai jump back hurriedly. So portals weren't as neat as normal..

Vai jumped as Valkyrie growled under her, and looked around.
"So we're back in the Endless Plains," she mumbled, and nodded. Of course you idiot, where else would we be- shut up and listen! Tails just said something to Taunos.. his world? Wonder what that'd be like.. the culture shock of visiting all these worlds would probably kill her.
"Yes, I've mentioned Azeroth, more specifically Kalimdor, before.", Taunos replied to Tails, "The state of decay I know little about. What do you need to know? We'll need to land in Central or Southern Kalimdor, Horde territory. Otherwise, I don't believe I'll be of much help. Also, humans are not trusted. We tauren are allies with their mortal enemies, the orcs. Link should at least pass himself off as a blood elf, lest he run into problems too. But I should be able to smooth things over."
"And if you can't?", Geralt asked.
"Then that would be my failing and mine alone.", Taunos said with a smile.
"Alright. What sort of life do you live over there, anyway?", Geralt asked.
"A simple one alongside nature. We tauren have always lived in respect of the Earth Mother, and try to minimize our impact upon nature, so that she maybe there for others to enjoy.", Taunos asnwered with another smile.
"If you mortals have decided where you are going, then you should hurry up." Galacta Knight, who was now hovering near Taunos and Tails, added. Then, he mumbled something along the lines of "I hope we get to beat up more gods...".

Torchic turned to Chikorita. "So, I guess that's the last we'll see of the Pokemon world for a while... but at least now we get to explore even further away places!" she chirped excitedly. "I heard them say something about a place called "Azeroth", where Taunos lives. That means we'll get to see more people like Taunos, right? Or are they very diverse, like Pokemon?" Chikorita shrugged the best her front legs could.
Cali watched as the other people stumbled through the portal. She then ran up to Sonic.
"HIHIHAIIII! I'm Cali! Whassyourname?!"((Strung together 'cause that's how she says it ;D))
"Yes, I was tortured first, Sonic; don't feel bad. Also, she almost looks like the description of the Guardian of the Lun Emeralds... but she sure doesn't act like a guardian." Blaze crossed her arms.
Barrolk looked down at Cirrus. "Are you ready to go back to the plains?" Hoping she'd follow him, he hopped through the portal, not helping thinking what the creatures had been doing.
"So there may be some internal conflict, and maybe some problems with our more human members..." Tails mused, "Hopefully you'll be able to negotiate our situation to them...I wonder...are there any higher powers in your world like any in the Pokemon world?"

Sonic, meanwhile was sympathizing with Blaze. "You got that right..." he muttered to her. He looked at Calli, scratching the back of his head, "Umm..it's Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog..." This is coming a little too close to Amy for comfort...
Calli then went around screaming "HAIII!" in everyone's face. Blaze facepalmed.
"For the love of all that is good and true..."
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