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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Er well, what I meant was that Galacta Knight would probably ignore her anyways unless she really became a pest, but I suppose I didn't word my last post correctly.))

"Oh, um... hi." Torchic glanced over at Cali as she pranced over and yelled in someone else's face. "She's pretty hyper..."
"I agree." Blaze was suddenly at the chick and... plant dinosaur... thing's side. "I do believe, though, we're stuck with her." she watched as the other cat kept yelling in people's faces. If she tries to annoy me, well, she'll regret it. Cali seemed to have heard what Blaze thought, and stopped yelling in people's faces right after she yelled in a pink circle thing' face.

((Which is why she only yelled in those people's faces. Also, since Cali is psychic, she can rewad minds and read Blaze's mind =D))
((Introducing my new character.))

Hunter Log:

Exploration of Planet Alinos was disrupted by the sudden appearance of a portal. Further investigation of the portal resulted in traveling through the portal, at which point I arrived in this plain.

"I'll need to remember that when- or rather, if -I get back to my ship and input that into my logbook."

Spire looked around. The plains seemed to stretch on forever; simply going endlessly into the horizons.

Strange that this should happen on my return to that planet. It's possible that the Alimbic Cannon is responsible for this, and if that's true then I'll need to find something equivalent to that here.

...If I ever find anything here.

Sighing, the Diamont began to run in the direction he guessed was the north.
Sly couldn't help but smile smugly as the hyperactive cat bounced around the group. Why she suddenly stopped, he had no idea, but, to be honest, he didn't care. "Okay... Sooooo... What do we do now...?"

Obi-Wan, on the other hand, was busy. He checked his utility belt to make sure he had everything he was supposed to. Once he finished that, he fidgeted with his cloak to conceal his lightsaber easily. From what he gathered, if people in 'Azewraith' or whatever it is saw it, they would probably want to know what it was. And if they found that out, they would kill him for the technology. "What's the name of the place we're going?" He asked nobody in particular.
Obi-Wan memorized the two names carefully. The only problem now was safety. Most likely, if humans are as disliked as I think, I'll need to conceal myself extremly well... That means keeping my hands in my sleeves, and my hood drawn nearly completely over my face. What fun!

Sly, however, was busy counting the number of pieces of grass in his palm.
"Whoa. Bonecrusher, I'm detecting massive heat signatures not far from here."

"Massive as in..."

"Massive as in off the charts. It's almost as if someone is lugging around a magma cannon or something like it."

"Well, can you pinpoint where it's coming from?"

"Let's see... we're standing in a massive, endless plain, I can't work my internal compass, and we probably couldn't find it without attracting unwanted attention. So answer's no."
Spire continued to walk through the plains, hoping he could find someone.

How long have I been here... it could be hours, or days, or even merely minutes.

There has to be someone out here. I can't be alone again.

It seemed that fate had answered Spire's request, for soon after, he spotted others in the far distance. One of those others seem to be very tall. Spire decided to use that tall being as his guiding point.
All this information about Azeroth was getting a little confusing, considering Link had never heard of most of them. But he knew from experience that you usually didn't have to know what was going on, and it was okay. Blending in usually meant not doing anything stupid, which would be reasonably easy.
Chell poked his arm with the portal gun.
"I'm bored."
"Good for you."
"I'm bored."
This could go on for a while. Hopefully they'd be leaving very, very soon..
"The heat signature's getting closer. It seems to be spread throughout some sort of organism, but there definitely is a focus point of the heat."

"So it is some kind of magma carrier?"

"Perhaps. But one way or another..." He switched back to English and said: "For those of you who are interested, we have a new being coming towards us, and this being seems to be a walking heat creature."
"A walking...heat creature..." Sonic echoed, "Steel dragons, giant ghosts...half the people on this team, now a walking heat creature. Well, bring him on, then!"

"Sonic, he might not be a bad guy..." Tails said. Though that does sound a little too close to Iblis for comfort...wait a minute, who's Iblis? Whatever...
Barrolk glanced at the one who had mentioned a new heat creature.

"Heat creature? Walking heat? Are you sure it's not levitating? It may as well be a firespirit...." He drew his sword. "In that case...."
"Something like a fire elemental then, huh?", Taunos said.
He noticed a chicken armed with a blade he hadn't thought of before.
"Stay your blade.", Taunos told him, "However chaotic the elemental spirits maybe, not all will harm without reason."
"Well, I'm not going to draw my sword,", Geralt said, "but I am staying wary."
Spire finally reached the group, and gave them a once-over. Among others, he saw bipedal cat-like creatures, a winged armored being, two small green and orange creatures, what appeared to a bull, a two-tailed animal, a pink ball, a green-clad human-like being, and his gaze finally settled on a robotic cat that was standing in front of a far larger robot.

Well, of all the things I expected to see, it wasn't this.
"It doesn't look like a firespirit..." Galacta Knight stared at the creature that had arrived. It seemed to be composed solely of magma and rock. "If you are here to pick a fight, I must warn you, I could blast you in an instant."

When Chikorita saw the newcomer, she flinched. The sight of something that hot made her nervous, being a grass-type.
Barrolk, deciding the firespirit would just run away as they always did (unless for some strange reason this one was specially trained), put his sword back in the sheath. And then he heard Galacta Knight.

"If you think I'm pathetic, you should see my friend Solder." He was going to say this, but bit it back and thought it to himself instead. Was it just him or was this thing too arrogant?

"The best opponent I've ever battled was a mischievous mole named Yuuya."
Cirrus stomped her foot on the ground for a moment, but then stopped as she heard Barrolk. "We might as well not attack." Her curious gaze suddenly switched to him. "Who's Yuuya?"
"Well, it doesn't matter whether it's hostile or not," Ravage said, "Because there it is now."

The being that stood in front of them resembled a walking volcanic stone. It took one look at ravage and aimed the cannon on its arm at the symbiont.

"I'd start answering my questions," the being said, 'Or you're going to end up with magma in your face."

The robotic cat made no hostile moves. nor did it make any attempt to answer the questions. It turned to look at the giant robot behind it and said something in another language. The robot responded in that same language, and then the cat said: "Point that thing away from my master and I, and we might just be compelled to answer."

"This is what I'm using to compel you," Spire responded, "Now you'll answer my questions or I'll open fire."

The giant robot muttered something, and the robot cat murmured an agreement. "You're in no position to bargain. There's one of you, and all of us."
Galacta Knight let out a scornful laugh. "Are you threatening me? The greatest warrior in the galaxy? I think not!" He aimed his lance at the creature. "Like I said before, I could blast you in an instant."

((This isn't going to end well.))
"And then you'd be responsible for the extinction of a species," Spire replied boldly, "Or have you never heard of the Last Diamont?"

"You think he's bluffing?"

"What's it to you?" Bonecrusher asked, "He's got our main weakness in that cannon. He doesn't look like the type of guy I want to cross. It doesn't matter whether or not he's bluffing, because we are not to get him on our bad side."
"Do I look like I care?" Galacta Knight replied with a hint of annoyance. "I don't know what the "Last Diamont" is, nor does it matter to me. You obviously don't know who you're speaking to." He kept his lance aimed at the magma creature.
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