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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Hey, farms. And monsters in a big giant barren place. Finally this is relating to something I understand completely.
They both followed the rest of the group. Link was much more confident here, for some reason. This place sort of reminded him of Hyrule field, also in that there were apparently monsters of some kind here. That was simple. Easy to deal with. After a bit, he started to play the ocarina as they walked, just for something to do.
((Also posting to let you know I'm alive, but Vai and Valkyrie have nothing to do but.. well, stall.

Insert plot related nudge here? :<))
((I'm alive too. And I need something for Barrolk to do, so I'll make him...))

((Time to make some buddies or enemies whichever one comes first.))

Logoth was surprised by the varing..... spieces. There was a overgrown weasel or rodent of sometype, another human wearing a cloak, a blue animal and a two-tailed fox. Finally the imp.. woman... thing.

"Um, forgive my curiousity but what are? I apologize if you are offended but the only thing I seen with wings like that is airborne imp."
((And... the twelve-foot chicken and big purple rabbit?))

Barrolk looked around. "And WHAT exactly are we supposed to be doing?" he asked, trying not to sound rude. There was nothing around to battle... he needed ACTION.

"...An Ax Knight."
"How did you guess, master? I never knew you were so good at charades!"
"Why don't you try being a possum?" Galacta Knight snarled. "Get out of my sight."

Torchic paused for a moment. "Oh." was all she said. Chikorita fumbled with the Treasure Bag slung over her 'shoulder'. Torchic trotted over to Chikorita. "Um, do you think "scorpids" are poisonous? Maybe we should see if we have any Pecha Scarves. And see if we have any Apples. Much further and we'll need some." Chikorita dug through and picked out two Pecha Scarves. They appeared to be made of lavender colored silk and were both already loosely tied, probably because neither of them could tie it themselves. They somehow slipped them on over their heads.
((I assume that's Vai..? Yeah.))
"Imp?!" Vai snapped, before realizing he wasn't being rude.

You really need to work on that, Valkyrie sent. Vai shrugged.

"Er, sorry. I'm part human, I was just.. born with wings." She shrugged again. "It's normal in our world, kind of, for humans to have.. quirks."

Logoth said rather surprised. He extended his massive hand out towards her,
"My names Logoth."
"Uh, hey, Logoth," Vai shook his hand a bit reluctantly. People definitely weren't as big as him on Victoria Island, for sure. "I'm Vai.. and this is Valkyrie." Valkyrie nodded.

"Dai stiho, hello," she said.
He nodded to Valkyrie,
"One more question: What is that?"
He asked pointing towards the raccon with the blue hat.
((So, so effing sorry, guys. I'm literally devoid of ideas for this RP at this point.

Please know that this RP is not entirely dead, but it may be inactive for a while. I'm kind of caught up in a lot of things right now and don't have much time to give to it. When I get through this patch, I'll revive it and we'll continue.

Again, sorry.))
((A bit late, but I didn't have the best of days yesterday.))

"What is that?", Geralt asked, pointing at something.
Taunos got a closer look. Walking up, he realized exactly what it was.
"Someone has cut down the farm's watch tower.", Taunos pronounced.
The watch tower was indeed cut down like any ordinary tree, two of the legs that once held it up severed and the whole thing lying on it's side. An all too familiar stench found it's way into Taunos and Geralt's noses.
"Dead compatriots?", Geralt asked, locating the corpses.
One of them was a large tauren corpse, the other the dead body of an orc.
"Probably centaurs," Taunos said, "Those cuts on the watch tower are too clean to have come from anything other than an axe. It probably didn't end here."
Sly turned his head toward Logoth. "I'm a racoon! What else would I be?!" He walked around Logoth once, seemed to nod as if in approval, then walked off.

He fingered Logoth's dagger curiously. Hopefully, Logoth wouldnt know he had it. More importantly, he hoped Logoth wouldn't tackle him.
((Yes, it's finally back!))

"If it didn't end here, then these 'centaurs' would be targeting any other area that would be populated, to strike terror into their enemies. Am I correct on this?"

"What makes you think you would be," Bonecrusher said, "Unless you somehow learned how these 'centaur' creatures war style works."

"Not the centaurs, but war styles in general," Ravage said, "We may have been neutral, but I studied war tactics just in case we were ever drawn into conflict."

Galacta Knight looked up. "I refuse to get involved in some petty war. We aren't here to make peace, we're here to stop the decay." He looked to Taunos. "Do you know of anyone like that deity we spoke with?"

Torchic approached Galacta Knight. "But how can we sit by and let Taunos' world be terrorized? It wasn't what we came to do, but we should if we can."

"You fool," Galacta Knight glared at Torchic, "We don't have the time! Perhaps this situation is more dire than you think. If we stop and help every civilization we come across, it will be too late to save any of them!"
Tails reeled as the stench assaulted his sensitive nose. Sonic, to, started coughing violently. They finally caught their breath enough to speak, only to inhale sharply again at the sight of the bloody corpses. Tails heard Taunos mention something about centaurs.

"Are...are the centaurs normally violent?" Tails wheezed.

Centaurs? Sonic thought, Have we walked into a storybook or something?

((You're one to talk about walking into storybooks, Sonic...))
((This post was previously data vampire'd. ;~;))

"War?", Taunos laughed, "No, it's not war. It's an ancestral problem. I doubt we'll ever solve it, but the centaurs do seem just as inclined to fight each other as they do us. We already have all the help we need after the orcs' arrival. In other words, it's fine, even if it is a pain."
"These corpses... haven't been dead long.", Geralt said, raising a concern, "The centaurs are liable to come back if they see us, which probably isn't too hard, won't they?"
"They're called the scourge of the plains for a reason, Geralt.", Taunos replied, "But I'm hardly worried, what with all of us here, centaurs would probably be no problem at all."
Taunos laughed, but his expression turned serious when he heard an all too familiar pitter-patter on the plains. It sounded not unlike the horses humans rode into battle, Geralt recognized it as horses charging. They both glanced back and Geralt saw that these weren't just horses.
"Ishteeee!!", a distant cry echoed something in Taur-ahe, but the speaker had obviously not brushed up on it.
"Speak of the devil.", Taunos remarked, "Yes, they are normally violent. I can give you the details after this."
The centaurs closed, and Taunos pointed his staff in the direction of the cry and fired a bolt of lightning. One of the centaurs fell to the ground in a smoking mass. Geralt drew his steel blade, ready to fight, though it would definitely be tricky fighting a half-man half-horse beast.
Taunos' mind then flashed to the blue duck creatures he'd encountered in Kanto. He hoped that wasn't the case here.
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Spire's cannon began to expand, as hot energy fought its way to the barrel of the weapon.

"What sort of weapon works against these things," He said to Taunos, "Are they heat resistant? Cold resistant? All of the above?"

"You should probably hold your fire until we find out what works best against them," Ravage said, "Otherwise, you could do more harm for us."
Logoth stared at the orc and tauren. The orc here was nothing like the ones in Norrath. He listened to Taunos with curiousity,
I guess my world isn't the only one plagued by violent beings.

Upon hearing the screech Logoth whirled in it's direction while drawing his massive blade. Centaurs were closing. Logoth was astounded by what Taunos did.
Glad I chose diplomacy.
He thought.
Geralt drew forward and engaged one of the centaurs. It repulsed his first strike, but Geralt was able to dance around the relatively slow centaur's swings.
"Hah, centaurs are perfectly normal, no resistances to speak of.", Taunos replied to Spire, "Give it all you've got."
He heard a centaur cry near him. An axe came down. Taunos narrowly parried it with his staff and fired a quick burst of flames from the business end. The centaur lit up, and was confused by the flames, but was still alive and swinging. Taunos backpedaled, and drew a totem. It was an earth totem, and he casted a stoneskin totem spell, then dropped it, making his allies' skin notable more resilient to blows.
As Geralt finally managed to finish one, more replaced him. He barely managed to escape being surrounded by them, caught by one axe, but hardly noticing.
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