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Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus


Weeping Willow Pines.
If you're like ten, begone now. Just go... Please!

I remember when I believed in the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus. I first disproved the Tooth Fairy by telling my parents NOT to give me money while I slept. Needless to say, there was no money in the morning.
I just gradually grew out of Santa- it never made much sense, anyways, even though I initially brushed the attacks off with "It's magic!". He's probably a stalker, anyways. I mean, he sees you while you're sleeping.
That, to me, is just creepy.

So discuss Santa.
Santa: He never made sense to me. I mean, a big "HO-HO-HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" guy who came out once a year is pretty crazy. I always thought, "How did he get so fat?" The North Pole thing never helped, and I always asked my parents if I could get _____ for Christmas, and they thought about it and sometimes gave it to me. So while my friends in like 1st grade were saying, "OMG! SANTA SANTA SANTA SANTA!" I was going, "Ummmm... Yay?" I believed that he was actually there in preschool and kindergarten, but never beyond that.
I never really believed. I never had the Tooth Fairy of the Easter Bunny and my parents were pretty half-hearted with the whole Father Christmas thing, so I didn't really care either way so long as I got stuff :D

I made a few kids in primary school very sad when I told them I got presents from my parents, but not Father Christmas, though. X3
I don't remember ever actually thinking he was real. I probably did at one point, but I can only recall ever thinking of him as the same way as I thought of my stuffed animals: fun to pretend are real and fun to make up stories about that you can incorporate into your worldview, but when you get down to it, not actually real. It was the same with God.

I don't think I'll ever be teaching my kids about Santa - why tell your children something that you know to be false? I really don't understand the logic behind this.
Well, I wasn't like an avid believer, but I thought he might physically exist. I didn't really think much of it until I saw tags that said "From: Santa" on the computer desk. I pretended not to see it, but I knew I what I saw...

Not really a big deal, though. I never brought it up or anything. I wasn't even sure before I saw the tags, so it wasn't even much of a shock.

EDIT: I would think that this is more about childhood than religion. But whatever.
I wasn't trying to imply that Santa Claus was part of Christianity (or whatever you thought I was saying), I just was observing how my childhood attitude towards Santa Claus and my childhood attitude towards God were basically the same.
Oh, no. I was responding to how the topic was tagged. I probably should have made that more clear. I knew what you meant by that.
You're all mental. I believed in all that stuff for years. :( God guys, how boring was your childhood?
In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.
I think he exists. In our hearts <3

And that's just it. To me, it's the time of year that makes him real to me. Any other time of the year and I'd be like "Nah he don't exist", but it's always when it gets colder, and especially after Halloween (the excitement for that blocks it off otherwise I'd be planning presents months ahead of time), that I start insisting that he's real in spirit, even if not physically. It's always been this way.
I never believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or God(s). I guess it's because I was born in Taiwan, and Asian parents don't believe in that kind of stuff.

I think I believed in ghosts, but I can't remember.

My childhood was spent doing homework and watching anime. It's not boring at all >:D
Hmm, yes, I did tag it rather oddly... I guess it should have been Spoilers for Childhood or something...
I don't know.
In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.
That is the greatest thing ever.

I figured out pretty much as soon as my parents tried to tell me about Santa that "that can't happen!" and a couple years later that "mom, you're just putting the presents there yourself. 'Santa' usually has your writing and when he doesn't, he has dad's! Also he's impossible and our chimney doesn't go anywhere." (It turned out that our chimney did go to the furnace, but my real point still stood: we had no fireplace.)

I was an immediate skeptic about the tooth fairy, too, but I believed in the Easter bunny until I was seven (because hey, bunnies are real and could easily sneak in. I never believed that e laid the eggs emself, but I just knew e placed them.)
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In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.

That's so much more interesting than the tooth fairy (Who I believed in until I was about 6).

I believed in the Easter Bunny until I was about 7 or 8, and I stopped believing and Saint Nick at 8 or 9.
I believed in Santa Claus until I was around 9 or 10, when people at my school were arguing over it and I decided to end it by asking my mother. She told me that he was real, but he had died and parents give their children gifts to continue his spirit. I kinda think that is false, although Saint Nick did live, but I remember reading something, probaly on Wikipedia (hey, who doesn't like searching for random articles on there?) that said he gave out candy instead of presents. Of course America has to change everything, and Santa Claus was no different. I'll go check somewhere to make sure what I have is accurate, because I'm sure there is a flaw or two somewhere...
I can't remember exactly what I thought of Santa, blarrgh ;-;

Although I stopped believing in the tooth fairy when I got a Borders gift card instead of a coin. Although the gift card was far more awesome then a stupid round piece of metal with carvings of some head or other on it <3
In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.

Where I come from, we have a tooth mouse as well.
I never heard the tooth castle thing, though. O.o
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