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Steam Canyon


Caves: The brilliant flash of light your Duskull made lights up the cave very well, and you find yourself staring into a pair of shining red eyes; looks like you surprised a male Aerodactyl! Do you want him, or go on? (Continues: 4)

Steam Vents: The trip into the steam is rather pleasant and quiet, until a loud cracking sound reaches your ears; it turns out to be a female Bagon! Take her or go on? (Continues: 4)

(oh god Kai you have a luck stick in your butt or something you got both the super rares o___o)
oh god I want them both so much. X3

(Dragon's gonna kill me when she finds out I have a Bagon. Or want to trade with me)
(sorry for the wait everyone, I had non-computer things to do!)


As you go on, you stumble upon a chunk of Charcoal. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 3)


As you paddle on, you see and interesting-shaped rock at the bottom. Diving down, you discover it's in fact a male Kabuto! He tries to latch on to your face. Take him or go on? (Continues: 2)


You feel something grab your leg as you continue on; a female Tentacool is investigating you, it seems! Take her, or go on? (Continues: 3)


A shiny object is sitting on a rock that juts from the water ahead of you; a Dragon Scale. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 2)


As you head to the twisting paths, something lands on your head; it turns out being a female Murkrow, who starts to try and eat your hair. Take her or go on? (Continues: 4)


You carefully inch your way around the steaming vents, when something...sticky touches your leg. It's a male Grimer! Take him or go on? (Continues: 4)

Melodic Harmony:

As the pair of you slip into the water, a large bubble stream catches your eye. A female Poliwag has wandered off from her siblings. Take her, or go on? (Continues: 4)


As you enter the vents again, a loud 'hyaaah!' and a cracking sound can be heard. You rush forward to investigate, and you find yourself faced with a spunky female Riolu, who has something shiny clutched in her paw...it seems to be a Sun Stone. Take them, or go on? (Continues: 4)

(looks like moony has the luck stick too >:I)
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(>_o typo fixed)

blazheirio889: You continue on, only to come face to face with a growling female Growlithe. Looks like you're in her territory. Take her or go on? (Continues: 2)

moon-panther: You walk into the steam, confident from your discovery of the rare Pokemon before, and bang your ankle on something hard. It turns to be a male Nosepass, you discover as you hop around on one foot. Take him, or go on? (Continues: 4)
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